Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 799: Courier Heine

When the secretary sent the invitation to Xiaoran’s hand, Xiao Ran’s invitation letter was a bit embarrassing. Dilandal’s intention to express his sincerity, he personally wrote a letter and sent it in person, and also chose This is a time when it is more important to Obu.

Now that there are spies who have left Abu to prepare for the new machine test, Xiao Ran does not believe that Dylandal will not know about this situation. Now Abu is full of energy to prepare for the new machine. It is unquestionable that there are absolutely intelligence personnel belonging to the zaft side in Aubu, and it is still in the war period. It is not enough for him to come and visit himself, but it is not appropriate to invite Xiao Ran to do so. People can't understand what Dylandal has in mind.

I opened the letter sent by the secretary and looked at the contents. At first glance, Xiao Ran also frowned slightly. The beginning of the letter was some words of Dylan Dahl, and then the main content, said zaft in a certain The local found a joint research base that seems to have been abandoned, and found some things about logos and joint taboo research on the human body. I hope that the Abu people will work together and find a mysterious organization somewhere in East Asia. The whereabouts seem to be related to the mysterious organization currently being investigated by Aube, but it is not certain whether it has anything to do with logos or associations.

The zaft army also fought against the body of this mysterious organization. These bodies were exactly the same as those that appeared in the 7th time of Unius, and captured several pilots of this organization, but it was a major hope that Xiao Ran could receive it personally.

The letter also said that the reason why people personally came over was because the problem of this matter was very serious, and Xiao Ran could send people in person without having to go in person.

Xiao Ran let Aub investigate the library librarians and did not hide it. In addition to the Unius 7 incident, the librarians did appear and attacked the zaft army to interfere with the crushing work of Unius 7. Therefore, this organization also makes the zaft party to investigate and take it for granted. Needless to say, zaft, that is, the joint side is also investigating this organization that obviously belongs to the g-series improved body, but so far, I don’t know what specific results have been achieved. .

In addition to this letter, the letter also carries a memory card. Xiao Ran did not insert the memory card into his computer for the first time, but just looked at the letter and captured several pilots. It is a matter of great importance that he needs to accept this personally. Xiao Ran has already speculated about something, which is also the key reason for his brows to wrinkle.

Not surprisingly, there should be a photocopy of his Xiaoran in the zaft captive pilot. Otherwise, Dylandal would never choose to send such a letter at this time when Aubu was so nervous. Plainly suspicion, as to why Dylandal would give this letter to tell him about this, which made Xiao Ran somewhat unclear.

Is it to show that you are honest? Still indicating that there is no threat and that Aub is one side? Or is it friendly, so that Obu can be wary of zaft? In short, Xiao Ran could not understand why Dylan Dahl wanted to do this, but it is certain that Dylandal could never really be the kind of information sharing because of the friendship between the two countries.

Frowning and thinking, Xiaoran, who couldn’t understand, pressed a button on the corner of the table and quickly opened the door of the office. A young female secretary of about twenty-six was coming in: Adult, what's the matter?"

Xiao Ran put the memory card in his hand on the table and pushed it gently toward the front: "Let's check this thing, copy the contents, and call the person who sent the letter."

"Okay." The secretary nodded. He leaned over and picked up the memory card on the table. He also showed a black deep ditch and looming beauty in front of Xiao Ran before turning and leaving. Xiaoran did not notice the fascinating spring, and kept his head quietly thinking.

Not long after, the knocking of the door sounded again, and as the female secretary appeared again, she was followed by a young man wearing a zaft army red dress with a long orange hair. The man followed. Behind the secretary, until he walked into the office, Xiao Ran signaled that the female secretary had left, and the man was only facing Xiaoran’s body and straightened to a military ceremony.

"The zaft army faith Heine Weiss Fujis has seen adults."

At the first sight of this young man, Xiao Ran recognized the man, who was driving the orange tiger in the original plot but was hit by the Freedom Gundam, and then by the Stella of Stella to reach the Heine. And if this Heine is not killed, maybe in the follow-up plot, Heine can see the scene of the orange fate fighting up to battle, but this is not the case, the original story is not because of Heine’s death. There is an orange fate, but now that Stella has joined Obu Bhato with the control of phantom pain, whether or not she can see the orange fate that exists in the setting becomes unknown.

Xiao Ran looked up and down at Heine. It is indeed like a flower in the original plot. It is a beautiful man with a sunny temperament, but Xiao Ran is a normal man. The focus of observation is naturally not on the appearance of Heine. After looking at the other side, he nodded slightly: "Heine is, and in addition to letting you bring this letter, there is nothing else for you to tell."

Heine nodded and said: "The Speaker asked me to tell the adults that it is necessary to take time to deal with the emergency, and that the adults must be careful not to let things stored in the materials leak out, so as not to cause bad influence on adults. The Speaker asked me to follow the arrangements of the adults during the time at Aube."

"I know, thank you for sending them in a thousand miles." Xiao Ran smiled and said: "I will let people contact zaft to determine the time of the past. You will relax in Aubu in the next two days, now Aub But the only place that has not been affected by the war, I will let you take a good look at Aubu, and when I arrange it properly, you will start with us."

Heine nodded with a serious look, knowing that Heine is usually a serious mode of getting along, joking, and not very fond of the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, so it is quite appropriate to keep him so serious. It’s hard.

After Xiao Ran arranged for these two days to enter Heine, Xiao Ran looked at Heine’s back with the secretary’s official. He also blinked his hand and touched his chin. This is in Dylandal’s plan. Xiao Ran expressed some curiosity about driving a second fateful pilot who would take a different path after his fate was changed.

As the highest color ed-d, the only ones in the four strongest bodies have a fate of several, and it is indeed quite curious.

However, now all countries are in the arms race phase. After continuing to increase investment in technology and capital, perhaps the number and performance of the next fate will be more certain than the original plot. As for what it will become, it is not a good thing for Aub.

Originally, zaft was preparing to set up a multi-functional ms special force based on fate. Even the name has been decided to be called the final army. However, in the original plot, the army did not appear in the end, and there was a construction because of fate. In addition to being too difficult, perhaps the lack of pilots is also one of the reasons. But now that all countries are conducting an arms race, Aub has set up a trump card to catch up, and it has been carried forward to build this unit. A large team consisting entirely of ace pilots and special-type aircraft, which turned out to be the goal of letting the joint and zaft catch up.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the terminal forces that did not appear originally are likely to appear, but if Xiao Ran can prepare for the end of the ms special forces established in Dylandal. If you dig a few pilots, you must not only become a threat to Orb, but the opposite will also become the help of Aub, and it will also make Delandal feel hurt.

However, Xiao Ran just wants to think about it. Xiao Ran is not sure to dig up Heine, and it’s true and thunder. They are both because they have their concerns and weaknesses in Aubu. Otherwise, where can they be? The simple one is to counteract the two, especially the mine under the care of Dylandal.

Although Xiao Ran agreed to Dilandal’s invitation, he did not intend to go in person. As a leader of a country, especially a leader of a neutral country, Xiao Ran was not suitable to appear in the sphere of zaft, and in turn Dylandal appeared. Aobu is relatively normal. After all, Aubu is a neutral country. Even if it is in a hostile state with the United States, it is really necessary for a joint person to come over and Xiaoran will open the door.

So even in the past, Dylandal, only the following people have passed, and no one of this leader is more suitable than the commander of the silver hand, Baki Lulu, since it involves logos and librarians. Then, the establishment of the silver hand was originally for the sake of logos and librarians. It was only natural that even zaft knew that Aub was investigating the librarians.

Therefore, even if the silver hand is so powerful, it is more cumbersome than the general ace army. In the past, it is the most common cause of joint suspicion and jealousy, but it will not let the union really determine the Abu. And zaft alliance, while Xiao Ran can not be stunned, let the silver hand in the past may cause misunderstanding, and some of the previous arrangements and announcements will also be carried out at the same time. (To be continued.)

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