Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 853: Mongolian

Justice up to the ontology and the gn dragon cavalry are completely separated, the ontology is attacking toward the combined fleet, while the gn dragon cavalry is focused on destroying the ms that carry the nuclear bomb launcher, even if these joints are completely dispersed in the battleship and ms, The distance is not too close, but because of the spread of gn particles, the effective use distance between the justice up to the ontology and the gn dragon cavalry continues to expand with the spread of the gn particles, and the gn dragon cavalry is not effective at all. The use of distance occurs.

The scope of application of the gn dragon cavalry is extremely large. In addition, with the gn particles scattered today, the effective range that can be used becomes larger, so that the ms that are scattered and carry the nuclear bomb transmitter cannot escape at all, just The dragon cavalry kept the lightning-like speed throughout the whole process, and the pilots of these ms could hardly make too much reflection.

When Justice Gundam appeared in front of the bridge of the first warship with the phantom, the two gn dragon cavalry also cooperated with each other, passing through countless interceptions in the front of their own, leaving four scattered beams, respectively Passing through various places on several joint ms, unscrupulously destroying the enemies around them, creating the sparks of each other, and also bringing to the ms pilots who carry the nuclear bomb launchers. There is tremendous pressure.

At this time, these ms carrying nuclear bomb transmitters are obviously in the protected sequence among the entire joint team. These people are very clear about what justice means, and know that they can't be justice opponents. However, under the tremendous pressure of the gn dragon cavalry, several pilots carrying nuclear bombs showed signs of collapse and madness on the face, which is different from the unknown death and danger of the team in the frontal battle. A horror that gradually feels that death is on the verge and close to them.

In addition to the nuclear bombs carried on them, once the nuclear bomb is hit, it may not be as likely to survive as ms is hit, but a dead **** will not be left, completely from this The world has disappeared in the absence of a way to leave a trace of death, and this way of death makes them feel extremely fearful.

Xiao Ran also noticed the emotional changes of those who were chased by himself from the information returned by gn particles. The decadent, crazy, full of devastating emotions suddenly made Xiao Ran wary, and he operated justice in his hands. The huge beam saber with a long beam of light was swept away, and the bridge of the front battleship was opened in a tearing manner, and then the lever was quickly pulled and turned away.

In the next second, Xiao Ran’s mind clearly felt that the four nuclear bombs that a certain body had set up were actually attacking in this direction. He could feel the emotions of the person. Completely insane, the four nuclear bombs flew from the scattered ms group to the justice of the masses in the eyes of everyone in this battlefield, and flew to the place where the justice fleet was located.

Although these warships have been dispersed, if the four nuclear bombs are detonated, even if they are not directly involved in the explosion, they will definitely be affected by the explosion of these nuclear bombs. The person who fired the nuclear bombs has already been oppressed. The mind is completely immersed in the level of madness, and at all, regardless of the cost, it is necessary to drag Xiaoran to die together.

The nuclear bomb fired by this body is like a ignited firecracker's lead, thrown into the stone of calm water, and suddenly caused a chain reaction. Many pilots carrying nuclear bombs are reflectively following the first one. The ms that fired the nuclear bomb pressed the button of the launch, and the ms that were scattered to carry the nuclear bomb launcher also sent out the ultimate weapon that was carried out indiscriminately. All the nuclear bombs were flying in different directions. The bright flames took off and the long ray trails scattered and fluttered.

Other ms pilots who did not carry nuclear bombs, while seeing this scene, began to drive their own ms with a fearful expression and fled the place at the fastest speed. So many can be said that no nuclear bomb is In the same direction, and no nuclear bomb has an accurate target at this time, these nuclear bombs may burst at any time, perhaps just beside them.

Even Xiao Ran was shocked by the numerous nuclear bombs scattered from the four. If these nuclear bombs are flying in one direction, Xiao Ran will not be scared to the extent that these nuclear bombs are fundamental. It’s just like flying around, like a headless fly, and it’s a mess of horror. Once it’s broken, it will definitely cause a chain reaction of terror, and if the union in the vicinity does not hurry and escape, how much can be left in the end. thing.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Ran directly attacked the gn dragon cavalry that had already been dispersed to the nuclear bomb that was launched, and the body itself turned into a myriad of light particles in the blink of an eye.

When all the gn dragon cavalry sprayed out the light beam, a huge white light ball with a huge unmatched power appeared in the starry sky at the next moment when the light beam passed through the nuclear bomb, one, two Three, more and more light **** appear in the universe with the explosion of nuclear bombs, completely shining this starry sky like white, and in this kind of white, there is a spark, and there is a huge spark. It also flashed away in the daylight, and made a death embellishment for these white light that they could.

And until the justice is again re-combined by the green particles, Xiao Ran looks at a white cockpit screen, the golden light in the eyes does not know when it has disappeared, there should be calm and light at this time completely impossible Found in Xiaoran's face, there is only one kind of expression that can be seen from his face.

At this time, Xiao Ran was completely overwhelmed by the situation on the spot. Indeed, he wanted to break the nuclear bombs and then tie the joints into the scope of the nuclear explosion so that the other party would ask for it. But the problem now is him. Xiao Ran only released the gn dragon cavalry to chase some ms that did not carry the nuclear bomb, and then broke the other ship, but did not expect that these ms carrying nuclear bombs would be as silly as he appeared after he appeared. Four scattered nuclear bombs released the nuclear bombs in different directions.

And he just did a little bit of work, that is, the operation of the gn dragon cavalry put a few cannons and even the nuclear bomb fleet was lost, the twelve fleets plus a lot of ms, in addition to the kitten two or three All of them were completely destroyed in the series of nuclear explosions just now, and his side lost all the gn dragon cavalry, but he did not even consume much strength. It can be said that this battle was very good at the beginning. Energetic, but the end is inexplicable, completely did not let his top pilot to play the due strength in the other side of the chaos to the end of the enemy and me.

"Amount..." Xiao Ran stayed in a blinded position for a while, only as if he suddenly turned back to God and gave a soft voice. After shaking his head, he turned his face and looked at the inexplicable driving. At this time, the zaft team that should have been cooperating has not yet surpassed justice, but after seeing the picture appearing in front, it was also shocking and inexplicable.

Xiaoran’s justice is as high as crossing the squad. It’s just a faint saying that he’s back in the air. In this zaft’s squad, the nuclear bomb explosion and the destruction of the combined nuclear bomb fleet are just as high as just a few. In a minute of time, I suddenly admire Xiaoran in my heart, and I have an unparalleled respect. I followed the justice of Gundam and returned.

Returning to the frontal battlefield, Justice Gundam did not return to the Minerva again, but directly into the battle. Although there is no gn dragon cavalry, justice can not be affected too much, Xiao Ran is not that Those who can't fight without the gn dragon cavalry, the previous battles have also been limited by the gn dragon cavalry, not to mention the fact that the justice is as high as the sword-shaped t-force can be used, and these mixed soldiers are dealt with, Even if you don't use the gn dragon cavalry, you will bring them a horror.

When Justice Gundam joins the battle, using the weapon in his hand and the sword-shaped sword that sprints, it is like a very high-ranking warrior who easily slaughters a low-level monster, where it brings a huge place. The destruction, all the way to the right hand of the long sword and the left hand beam saber in the battlefield to draw countless light and shadow, each time to pull out or release a beam, will accurately hit the target without any omissions.

The appearance of Xiao Ran and the subsequent performance made the zaft army, which already had an advantage, once again exploding a more powerful force. The posture of crushing everything gave the zaft army's pilots a strong Confidence, such powerful people are not their enemies or allies, enough to make them feel lucky.

The three new machines of Zhen, Lei and Heine also played a huge role in the frontal battlefield. In particular, the legend of Lei driving was as high as a miscellaneous machine in the battlefield. The Super Dragon Cavalry was originally a weapon for large-scale battles. The mixed soldiers against the joints were even more hand-to-hand. One super dragon cavalry revolves around the legendary high, and the net that releases the light beam will tear open the queue of the joint ms. The unrelenting use of light beams to penetrate the various parts of these ms has become a veritable battlefield killing.

And the fate of Heine and Heine is as high as that of the versatile special type. Although there is no such weapon as the Super Dragon Cavalry, it can be flexibly changed whether it is a distant war or a melee. This is from the true and Heine. The two completely different driving styles can be seen, really better at using the beam rifle to harass and choose close-range combat, more is to use a huge slashing knife to cut the enemy in front of the two, for the combined battleship The threat is also greater, and the beam cannons from time to time can also cause great damage to the enemy.

Heine is different from the real one. He is better at shooting with the beam weapon in his hand and the beam gun behind him. He flexibly interspersed among the enemies, but rarely uses the slashing knife to beat the enemy in half, but hits The killing efficiency is not worse than the real one. The more attention is paid to the cleaning of the joint ms.

After the new ace of Luna Maria has inherited the pulse of Gundam, there is not much room to play, because the pulse from the beginning to the end is guarded by the Minerva, but it is because of the pulse of the guard The Minerva did not suffer too many attacks in the frontal melee, and also stopped a lot of assaults for the Minerva.

Xiao Ran did not do any fighting in the previous battle. He felt that he was kicking his fist but punching it with a punch. Some of them felt like he had a sigh of relief. After coming to the battle here, Business with Xiaoran is fascinated. I am faced with the number and sat-free joints. I have not opened the same squad and the red one again. It can be said that it is also extremely serious in the battle.

His fighting style is similar to that of the real one. It is also good at direct positive battle discovered. Just operating the justice up to cut off a joint Wendam, the cockpit in the handle, and the stepping on the foot makes justice up to Instantly pulling up the two positions to avoid the two beam attacks from the rear, and then the sword around it is rushing toward one of the two units that attacked Zhengda. Like a dart, it was directly inserted into the ms, and Justice is just a light turn. The fantasy on the chest is that the particle gun suddenly emits a red beam, and the long beam is accurately from the second. The ms chest that he attacked passed through, burning all the dust and debris on the path, and brought up countless flashes of fire that were completely dissipated when they broke three ms.

After doing this, Xiao Ran drove justice to turn up again, and the body was slightly forwarded back to the side of several swords to protect the direct movement toward the fleet that had begun to retreat.

Today’s situational alliance has completely fallen to the bottom. Even if the MS forces resist the counterattack, they cannot reverse the current downturn. In addition, the nuclear bomb fleet is inexplicably destroyed. The joint fleet also has plans to retreat and put it into practice. Actually, Xiaoran’s purpose was to delay the fleet and completely annihilate the fleet after diluting its own existence. How could Xiaoran watch the warships fleeing.

Moreover, because the psychological quality of the ms pilot of the nuclear bomb fleet was so bad that the original purpose of desalination was not achieved satisfactorily, it would not be the case to annihilate a fleet in just a few minutes. It highlights the strength of the troops here. Since the desalination can't be done, it is directly crushed by positive violence. If this is the case, then the combined fleet will become the beginning of Xiao Ran's crushing.


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