Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 865: Legion reduction

The rest of the day after the return is equivalent to a process of relaxation. The tension from the Prometheus temperance eases itself, and it is also the process in which the team rejoins again after performing the tasks separately. However, for Xiaoran, the more important thing is the latter point, because the familiarity of the mission world makes him not as confused as other participants in the mission, but also worried that the next mission will come at any time, or Any action that touches a branch that is difficult to complete, this familiarity and mastery is enough to allow Xiao Ran to adjust himself to any task, so the sense of urgency is almost non-existent to him.

Even the four guys, Al Elf, Basque, Jangus and Graham, are not quite the same as ordinary people, but proper relaxation is still necessary. After the task is finished, the head is completely empty. Relaxation is a long time of rest.

After Kruze smiled and laughed, he took Graham, and Gugus and Barsak hurried away. For Kruzer, the time for the return of the mission was just over, the leisure places in the leisure area were definitely better than It is much more interesting to stay at home, and the combination of three mask men and a mad warrior is also a drunk.

Xiao Ran dare to pack the ticket. Basque is definitely the one who is the most bullied and the least minded among the four. The reason why Kruze will be called Bassac, except that Basque could have drunk, Klose definitely has What to wait for the Bassack to deal with, borrow the identity of the Basque participant, especially the meaning of the participant number.

Al Elf used to not like the activities of many people. After saying hello to Xiao Ran and others, he returned to his room alone. It is not necessary to go to rest or to sort out the harvest and feelings of this mission. It is.

Moses, Billy, the two men from the ship group and Xiao Ran, although they can only be used as bridge personnel in real frontal battles, but in some special actions, they fully show that they used to be The versatility of the agents can also be of great help in the mission.

After Xiaoran announced his break, Moses left the house with a smile and a slap in the face. As a helmsman of the Galaxy Song, Bobby was also pointing at the orchid and pointing at Xiaoran, and then left with a smile. To choose a place to rest, they are naturally more willing to choose their own real home. After leaving here, they will return directly to the ship group. Now, when the ship group becomes the territory of the legion, there is no relationship at any time. Naturally, there will be no Prometheus. The difference between Xius and the camp territory.

Luo also and Xiao Ran made a greeting and hurriedly left. He went to Lao Luo to continue his studies and deal with the maintenance, repair and replenishment of the whole team after the mission. In particular, Xiao Ran’s new machine had to go. Lao Luo took the scriptures. Now, with Luo Lian’s technology of two groups of camps and oo79, the breakthrough in the gn solar furnace is not big or there is no breakthrough at all. Four hundred ups are also completely abnormal. According to the theory, the same frequency of the double furnace must reach at least one thousandth to be normal. It is because the limitation of the body is also because of technical limitations. It is also something that must be solved.

What's more, at the current level of Xiao Ran, even if it is not dragged by Xiao Ran, the mechanical hum that is produced in the whole state is also a matter to be dealt with, and if the body is more powerful, it can also make Xiao Ran The power that is thrown out is greater, and the mental skeleton that is more fragile than the conventional structure can be applied to Xiaoran's explosive operation without structural loss, the perfect structure of the new machine, etc. Things to consider, so where do you have time to rest after you return?

Liu Muye smiled and looked at Xiao Ran and Shirley Lu, but also took Naluo and ran back to his room, ready to leave the rest of the time to Xue Lilu who was muttering dissatisfaction in the mission, so that she could After having separated for so long, Xiaoran had enough time to communicate.

And Malang also looked at the two with a chuckle, but before leaving, she did not forget to remind Xiaoran: "Esh and they don't forget to inform the new participants."

After finishing this sentence, Malang also left this huge Gnaku to get into the living area, and should also return to his room. Xiao Ran, who was reminded, also used the legion authority to send all the members of the legion. A message telling all the members of the legion to rest well today, the next day at the Legion Residents.

Now that the color ed-d world has recruited a group of members again, the structure of the entire legion has gradually become normal. The new players in the oo79 world, the team of the team led by Captain Jeffrey, this mission The participation of more than a dozen participants, although the average strength is not enough, but the underlying and advanced forces, the Burning Legion is comparable to some middle class corps, and the exhibition potential is not comparable to those of the Legion.

Moreover, the Legion can continue to upgrade. Even if there is no need to upgrade, there are still many places to join. The next step is to fill the remaining quotas to make the Legion truly full, and after the full staff, Xiao Ran is not ready to continue immediately. Upgrade the Legion, but prepare to hold a real Legion mission, just like the trade union activities of the world, to strengthen the links between the members of the Legion, to make the Legion more cohesive and to allow the Legion members to give more vestments to the Legion. Sense, not now, is just the task of assigning or freely combining to perform their respective tasks.

"How did the other legions do it?" Xiaoran flashed this thought in his mind, and then again sent a message to Eich and Nalo alone, let Nello contact Xiaoran in the oo world before. Participants in the Heavenly camp are of course those who feel potential and have a heart in contact with Nalo, especially the group.

On Eich's side, after many missions, there will naturally be familiar participants. With Ech's special ability charm, it is indeed possible for her to see the participants worth more with the help of her ability. Trust, which is not trustworthy, let her go to the trustworthy participants to join the legion is also appropriate.

With so much participation in the legion and the team, Bassack’s single player is not counted until he joins the team. Xiaoran Mingming is a participant who has no circle at all. He wants him to go. To find a participant to join the legion, there must be a premise, that is, the participants of the understanding...

After everything was arranged, Xiao Ran also smiled at Sherry, who was always on his side, and opened his hands to reveal a very obvious meaning, and Shirley revealed the action after Xiao Ran. It was also a little sigh of the head, and I was so happy that I got into the arms of Xiao Ran and hugged my lover.

One day, no one bothered Xiaoran and Shirley's two-person world. Xiao Ran didn't have to say much. Shirley's identity in this team is also very special. It is not a combatant but it is a very necessary aid. Personnel and personality are also quite special. Basically, they are in the presence of care and accommodation. Everyone knows the relationship between the two. After the separation for so long, there will be no one to be a wicked person.

Until the next day, Xiaoran opened his eyes and felt the delicate body attached to his body. Looking at the arm and shoulders, Xiao Ran also smiled slightly, gently pulling the hand of Shirley’s hand and screaming up. Until Xiaoran cleaned and put on clothes and walked out the door, Shirley Lu, who had her eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked at the closed door with a happy smile. After changing her posture, she closed her eyes again. Go to sleep.

After Xiaoran went downstairs, Malang, El Elf, Kruze and other people had already waited outside the main building until Xiaoran appeared. The talents left the living area and passed directly to the legion station through Gennacu.

Among the legion's resident, ten people from the squad led by Jeffrey have already been there. Moses, Billy, Bobby, the three people who returned to the boat group also stood with them. The Eich Quartet team stood with the participants who were in the ed-d world and joined the Legion, and the newcomers from the oo79 world stood together.

On the square of the station where the huge legion is stationed, the three people who seem to have no water in the river have formed three groups, but in reality they are all people of a legion. This state of standing separately does not feel like after seeing it. Ding accident, in addition to the squad and the newcomers in the oo79 world are still familiar, but from the beginning of the mission there is a relationship between the superior and the subordinate, the newcomers and the squad have a certain distance It should be true that standing apart does not mean that the relationship between the two parties is completely strange.

However, the newly joined participants are really latecomers, and the foreign households do not know anyone in the square at all. Naturally, they will not take the initiative to go close to whom, and who they are close to, especially in this pair. The legion is basically completely unknown.

And Xiao Ran can understand the current situation, so I hope that the Burning Legion can be changed, truly become a whole, and there is no such thing as a non-reliant thing in the Legion members, but at least it must be like a Classmates like class, wait until the legion grows again and at least have to become a model of a school-friendly class, helping each other but close to each other, rather than a stranger.

Kruze was also a faint smile when he saw this picture. Al Elf had no face changes at all, but he scanned all the people with his eyes and started to use his own dedicated handheld computer. After fiddling with it, both Gugus and Graham looked at each other and saw the problems of the current Legion. Once this problem is not handled properly, it may not be possible to see anything, but if it really meets the need for the Legion. In this case, the problem will be highlighted and it will become a big drawback.

However, although several people have seen this, they have not reminded Xiao Ran because they know that since they can see it, Xiao Ran can also see it, and there are some means to deal with the issue of the legion composed of these participants. It is also not used, and it is inconvenient to use them as their own. Only Xiao Ran is the head of the legion, and the powerful talents of the mouth can handle this matter in the shortest possible time.

After waiting for Xiaoran to lead all the people to the Legion Conference Hall and let everyone sit down, El Elf said in Xiaoran’s ear: “There are four people missing, the same team, all Off."

Xiao Ran did not pay attention to the list of the Legion. At this time, El Elf told Xiao Ran that he had lost four people. He also let Xiao Ran sigh and sigh. It is very normal to participate in Prometheus’s mission. Can be replaced by members of their own legion, and is with their own oo79 to perform the task, and listen to their own orders to fight people, Xiao Ran's mood will inevitably be a little volatile.

But in a world like Prometheus, sacrifice is just a common occurrence, even the top legions will have higher levels of participant sacrifice, not to mention those newcomers who have experienced one or two worlds, then Many newcomers only sacrificed four people, which is already considered to be a lot of help from the Burning Legion, so that the newcomers who joined the Burning Legion have stronger strengths.

The legislature's conference hall is not a round table, but like a lecture hall in a university, Xiao Ran is on the podium, and other members are sitting on a chair opposite him.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ran also looked up at the many participants of the Burning Legion and said slowly: "Participants in the new legion may not be very clear, but you should have felt that you have performed the task together, this time. We have four people in the collection, four members of a small team."

"Why do they sacrifice, what I experienced in the mission is not clear, but it is very normal to sacrifice and kill in this world. Every mission is to take life to risk. Success is the failure of honor. The body, but I don't want to be among those of us who lost after the next mission."

"The Burning Legion is a whole. Even if we are not familiar with each other at present, maybe there will be more people joining us in this whole. After all, we are also a family of soldiers fighting together, no matter Whoever sacrifices me thinks that someone will be sad for him, and it is also the loss of the Burning Legion."

Xiao Ran sighed softly and suddenly said loudly: "Although such things can't be avoided, but in order to make such things less live, from now on I decided that the Burning Legion will be giant on the second day of each mission cycle. Routine gathering!" (To be continued.) 8

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