Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 885: Opportunity comes

After Xiao Ran wanted to overthrow the federal government and establish a new federal government to completely disband a-laws and try all those who were guilty of these massacres, Celine Baftiar also agreed to the headquarters of the resistance organization. The matter of Xiaoran cooperation.

Perhaps the rebellious organization has some other ideas, but they want to overthrow the federal government and the really perfect cooperation that Xiaoran wants to do. It is also a must. And Xiao Ran’s material assistance and personnel support also really benefited them. Although they resisted organizational damage under the sweep of a-laws, they could not blame Xiaoran’s head. After all, from four years. Before Xiaoran had nothing to do with a-laws.

The current resistance organization is in a weak position, and Xiao Ran is truly a strong party. It is also more in line with the righteousness. The cooperation between the two sides does not need to be considered at all. But such a powerful ally is actually a rebellious organization. In short, with the power that Xiao Ran has, it will be easier for them to overthrow the federal government, and they can get more support from Xiao Ran.

The two sides talked about some of the details of the cooperation, but Xiao Ran did not talk to them about what would happen after overthrowing the federation, but gave a guarantee that they would be allowed to enter the new government council after overthrowing the federation. Other specific things were It is a question that will be discussed later.

Time has passed quickly under the various arrangements of Xiao Ran. When the a-laws in the Middle East and the joint local army soldiers suddenly left, the federal government and a-laws also gave the Middle East the final agreement to join the Federation. It is also Xiaoran who has been in the world for nearly two months.

In the past two months, the rebel group has done a lot of things around the world because of the material and manpower support of Xiao Ran. Various actions have rescued many rebel fighters who have been detained by the federal government. When it was oppressed by force in Africa, it stood up many times to obstruct the actions of the federal government. Although most of the time the resistance organizations can do is only delay the time.

However, although it can't be done too much, it can't bring too much loss to a-laws, but in fact, the loss in the action of the resistance organization is not as big as it seems, because it is also because of El Elf. The reason.

On the heavenly side, there were no more than four battles with a-laws. Each battle ended with the successful departure of the heavenly man. With the information of the federal corruption and the cruel massacre of a-laws being exposed a little bit, The world’s complaints about federal dissatisfaction have become even greater, and there have been some small turbulences that have been suppressed since then.

All kinds of chaos and resistance have made the heads of the federal government somewhat angry. The commander of Homer Katong as a-laws has also withstood tremendous pressure from all sides. In this case, someone finally made a real force. The decision of the world to be completely unified.

Soon, a notice spread almost throughout the world. The federal gave the chaotic Middle East a final warning, warning the other party to put down all the force to resist federal control within forty-eight hours, otherwise it would take the most severe military strike. The consequences of the situation are all the responsibility of the Middle East.

As soon as the news came out, Xiao Ran, one of the commanders of the federal local army, naturally knew what the federal and a-laws really intended, and even if Xiao Ran did not sit in the position of the Japanese commander, he also knew the federal and A-laws is about to use the orbital ring to attack satellites in the Middle East to suppress the world's resistance.

After the news spread, it was also that they really had the right, the force, the status of the people to know the real content at the first time. In the first base of Japan, Brigadier General Jett was also in a hurry after knowing the news. I ran into Xiaoran’s office.

As the deputy of Xiao Ran, the second person in the Japanese military, and the teamman who has cooperated with Xiao Ran for a short time, can naturally understand some of the things that Xiao Ran is doing at the moment, and he can also be humiliated and disgraceful. From the attitude of Xiao Ran's usual attitude, Xiao Ran was dissatisfied with the federal and a-laws, not to mention that Xiao Ran did not take what he wanted to do.

After entering Xiaoran’s office, Brigadier General Jett saw that Xiao Ran was holding a phone with a calm face and talking on the phone, and Xiao Ran saw the Brigadier General Jett enter his office and gently nodded his hand. Signal yourself to finish the call first.

After a few minutes, Xiao Ran put down the phone and looked at Brigadier General Jett. He said: "It seems that you know this too. The federal and a-laws are going to use the orbiting ring satellite to attack the Middle East. The military headquarters will let us immediately. Do everything in preparation for a comprehensive martial law to prevent turmoil in Japan."

Brigadier General Jett and Xiao Ran stood aside. Naturally, they were similar in some thoughts to Xiao Ran. Although it is not entirely clear that Xiao Ran has already arranged all the preparations for overthrowing the federal government, he can also guess that Xiao Ran may already have this idea. At this time, it is also with an unbelievable anger, with a little bit of temptation to say:

"They are what they want to do. The things that a-laws do are not enough. Now I have to use that thing to deal with the Middle East. That is the life of dozens of millions of people. How can they do this kind of thing? Is this forcing the world to go back to chaos again!"

After listening to Brigadier General Jett, Xiao Ran was slightly silent, and then said: "The current federation is not the one that was just founded, and the a-laws are not the one I had under the team. Now the federal wants to do it. Things are likely to cause countless people to sacrifice, and there are probably problems in the world."

"Adults, you will not see them doing this wrong thing." Brigadier General Jett looked at Xiao Ran and said, "I am also aware that you are planning something and you have never been yelling at me." No matter what adult you want to do, you will always stand with you."

"You have your heart." Xiaoran nodded and stood up and went to Jeter and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "I never wanted to hide you, and the moment you decided to stay in Japan, it was already Standing with me, I didn't tell you before because I didn't arrange it properly, it was not a suitable opportunity."

As he said, Xiao Ran sat on the sofa with Jeter: "I am really ready to work on the current federal government and is ready. This time the federal decision is the best opportunity for action, and definitely not to watch it. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people have thus dissipated in our eyes, and there are clearer ways to unify the world, but the federal and a-laws have chosen the most wrong path, and this must be corrected."

When he heard that Xiao Ran decided to start the federal action, the expression of Brigadier General Jett calmed down and asked: "What should we do?"

"For the time being, I started to conduct a comprehensive martial law against Japan. Their demands also gave me a good opportunity for action, and only what you can do in Japan is what you can do." Xiao Ran said here. After a while, I continued: "I need you to get all the people who are not us after you get my notice, especially the internal control of the army must be absolutely controlled."

Brigadier General Jett nodded heavily: "I understand what to do. I have been in Japan for four years. I don't say that I have mastered it at all, but at least most of them are my people. When I come back, I will take the opportunity to sweep. With the remaining resistance, who is distracted, I know very well that I can definitely grasp the situation in Japan in the shortest possible time."

"But what should be done in other places, if adults act on the federal government, it will inevitably encounter the obstruction and resistance of other local forces."

Xiaoran shook his head: "You don't have to worry about this. There are other people who are responsible for this work. Although I am the leader in this matter, there are still many people with the same thoughts behind me. They are now Already arranged, I have already placed a manpower in the current federal government, and once I start the action, I will completely suppress the federal government with the power of lightning. When the time is a foregone conclusion, no resistance will be achieved. Become a hindrance to us."

In fact, in the entire plan for the Federation, Xiao Ran is mostly responsible for coordinating and arranging. In fact, the action is entirely dependent on the great power of Livuz, the intelligence and interpersonal relationship of Wang Liumei, and the money opening in Laguna. It’s also these people who are really at risk to contact other people, but under the huge force of Livungz, there is no trouble in this.

At this time, Kruze was also placed in the federal government as a representative of Livungz. Although there is no real right in his hand, his identity is enough to allow him to come into contact with more things, to draw some people, and to arrange some People are really simple things.

Zheng and Jett said this, the squad communicator in the arms rang, and Xiao Ran took a nod to the Jay and then took out the squad communicator. In it, Kruzer was lazy. The voice of the ocean: "You should also know about things. I have arranged it here. I have drawn some people including the defense commander of the federal government headquarters. I can fully control the federal government headquarters in the first time as soon as I start the action."

"But I can't participate in the next battle. The things here need me to stare. I don't have any other ideas that I might say in these people. Maybe there will be some jumping clowns jumping out to do the right. Take profits."

Xiaoran heard the words of Kruze and smiled a little: "It seems that your results are good during this time. Since it is like this, the things behind the front are handed over to you."

Kruze replied: "Well, I will deal with things here, Al Elf, I also let people pick him up in the past. It’s not difficult for us to be calm after the two of them, Livonne There have also been inserted his men into the a-laws. Once the battle begins, the water will cooperate with us. You should also pay attention to the fact that the more powerful, the more powerful, the less the other ideas will be. But if the battle is unfavorable, then it is not easy to say."

"I suggest that it is best to call the Burning Legion. If you don't know the amount of our actual combat power, burning the Legion is enough to suppress a lot of problems."

"Well, I will set off to the universe later and get in touch with the Burning Legion." Xiaoran nodded, and after a few words with Kruzer, he hanged up the communicator and said to Brigadier General Jett: "This side The matter will be handed over to you, arrange for me to go to the universe immediately, and I will never leave the thing that I left, and then I will issue an order for you to take charge of this martial law."

"Yes." Brigadier General Jett stood up and bowed to a military ceremony in Xiaoran. In a flash, Brigadier General Jett suddenly felt that his heart was a little excited. Once the coup was successful, Xiao Ran’s right as the leader would become the biggest person on the planet. And as a crone to Xiaoran, I am afraid that I will get more benefits and greater rights. How can Jett feel excited?

It’s just that the benefits and risks coexist. Jade also understands, but all he can do is to do his own work on the site, and when he is saluting Xiaoran, there are countless personal names in his head. In the meantime, there are also some people who are used to singing against him.

What Jett suddenly thought of was the same, said to Xiao Ran: "For adults, since you are ready to go to the universe, do you need to make some other arrangements?"

"This is not necessary. The power in my hand is enough to deal with the full power of a-laws in the universe." Xiao Ran waved his hand and also revealed to Jeter the power he had. He said: "If you want to It is not difficult to deal with a-laws and the federal reality. What I lack is just a big meaning, a suitable opportunity. This time the federal and a-alws will send the opportunity to my hands, and I can act without any care. ”

Although he did not know what the power of Xiao Ran was, but Jeter still had great confidence in Xiao Ran, and soon arranged the affairs of Xiao Ran to leave quietly, and took over all the rights of the Japanese local army to arrange the federal martial law. task.

Xiaoran, after picking up Shirley, who had merged with him some time ago, quietly went to the universe and went to the base on the back of the moon. Not long after Xiaoran arrived, the squad, the Eich Quartet, and the w team also returned to the border to start preparing for the next battle.

After the announcement of Xiaoran, the Burning Legion began to move toward the earth, but in order to conceal the space jump, the Burning Legion first made a short jump to shorten the distance from the Earth. Slowly heading for the earth. (~^~)

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