Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 904: return

Opening his eyes, Xiao Ran returned to Prometheus again, and the mission of the Legion, which had gone through a year, finally came to an end. The final result was that the human defense lost more than 50% of the defense forces, and the end of the successful contact with ELS ended. Human beings are not too good, but they are not too bad. They have sacrificed so many people but they have also avoided the demise of mankind.

And Xiao Ran and all members of his Burning Legion only stayed for forty-eight hours after the end of the battle, leaving a bunch of messes to leave the world, as for the disappearance of the Border Number and the Burning Legion. As a result, Xiao Ran also had no time to pay attention to it, but before he left, Xiao Ran also selected the heirs of the military and the government, and let Luo leave the entire information of the Burning Legion to the world.

The reward for this mission is not rich, the combat merit is less than 800,000, and the legion's materials are less than 160,000. These rewards are nothing to Xiaoran, and even the personal random props of the mission reward Xiaoran are also seen. After a glance, they were all thrown into the Legion's warehouse. Under his influence, Kruze, Luo, Bassak and others in the team also put all the rewards into them. After all, those rewards have the highest level of rewards. C level, and there is nothing special, so it is not useful to them.

In this mission, the real gain is probably the reward of two random legions, the real double-cylinder technology, the improved technology of GN solar furnace and particle compression storage, and finally the members of the legions. The growth gained in this mission.

For this year's mission, at least two-thirds of the newcomers can be promoted to the C-level, and the rest will be promoted after the completion of the next mission. The strength of the members of the Legion, and in the Xiaoran team, Luo and Naluo, who also joined the team a long time ago, successfully qualified for the B-class pilot, as long as the team and the regiment were strengthened. There will be two more Class B pilots in the middle.

In terms of harvesting, it can be said that Xiaoran is satisfied, but the investment in this mission is also not small. It is necessary to know that each missile used in the border number and the Burning Legion is actually exchanged for combat points. In the last battle alone, the missiles released by the two warships were worth hundreds of thousands of combat points, and basically all the ammunition they carried were consumed.

In addition to the execution of this legion mission, the body of the legion members was also destroyed without the body. As a task within the legion, the damage of the members’ bodies was also responsible for the legion, for those members who did not have the body. Providing a new body and repairing and maintaining those who are damaged by the body also need to invest. In general, under the calculation of El Elf, the total combat power of a mission is more than a million points. More, this is only the cost price, clearly showing the fact that war is to fight money.

But the input is no more than the satisfaction of the harvest. In Xiaoran's view, even if the investment is doubled, it is not comparable to the gain.

The random rewards of the two legions are actually quite good, one of which is the technical drawings used on the battleships, the GN solar furnace energy technology for the warships, the upgraded version of the solar furnace energy technology for the 00 world warships, and the independent large GN solar furnace. And the corresponding equipment technology, completely contains the technical information of the warship energy, and can also reverse the GN particles for the near body loaded with the solar furnace, and of course has the ability to release GN particles.

This reward is useful when it is useful. If it is useless, it is not so useful. It depends on how to use this thing. Who should use it?

The second reward is a bit special. The changer's blood serum is three, each one can have the blood of the changer but only one person. It is the true changer, not the changer of Xiaoran (pseudo) After seeing this reward, Xiao Ran also had speculations. In this mission, other members of the legion also got similar blood sera from changers. After all, everyone can get a reward and get rewards. They are all random. Although most people are similar to C-level component props, it is not impossible for a lucky member to get the blood of the changer, but the reward of the legion is just a standard changer. Blood, the reward that the individual gets is probably the most changer (pseudo) blood.

When I got this reward, Xiao Ran also asked people in his team who had the idea to become a changer, but no one was willing to use this item.

Kruze is currently a new man. Basque has a madman's bloodline and has also been unbeaten in the East. The sap is the devil's blood, and Nalo has his own ethnic blood. Graham has no change. Interest, Jangus has no feelings about changing his noble blood. Shirley's blood is somewhat more natural than the changer, and it is impossible to replace it. Not to mention the bridge personnel such as Malang.

The blood serum that can make three people become changers will be very important to other teams. It can be turned into a disgusted thing in Xiao Ran, but El Elf is also an ordinary person. Relying on his own brain to act as a staff member, but at some point he will replace the role of reserve power. Although El Elf does not say that he does not need this thing, Xiaoran is still from three blood. I left a copy for him.

If the simple changer does not have a solar cooker, if it is not necessary to go to the battle, it does not make sense to give this blood to El Elf. But Xiaoran remembers the first legion reward and still has a hard blood. I was given to El Elf.

In the usual battle, El Elf does not have to really participate in the frontal battle, and often chooses to stay on the battleship. Now that there is a large GN solar furnace technology and corresponding equipment used by the warship, if El Elf can become a changer, with the help of El Elf’s powerful computing power, It’s not as simple as one plus one.

After seeing this, Al Elf is not resisting the blood of the reformers, but is very natural to accept. He has already thought that if he becomes a changer, he will bring GN solar furnace technology to the warship. What, he will become a real radar for the auxiliary warship, all the enemies covered by the GN particles will be invisible.

It can help spread the strength of GN particles to enhance Xiaoran, and it will also become the main force of battleship defense and attack. It can greatly enhance the combat capability of the Galaxy Geji, and if the Galaxy Geji is equipped with more GNs after some transformations. In the case of the dragon cavalry, the computer that relies on the Galaxy Geji is assisted by Haro, and the fighting ability of the Galaxy Geji is only one and a half points higher.

Even in a short period of time, Al Elf has already found out innumerable tactics that can rely on the solar furnace, GN particles, GN dragon cavalry, the blood of the changer, and even allow the warship to do it. Justice is as high as the quantization to avoid the effects of enemy attacks.

Among the entire bridge, there is only him with this time and ability. Bobby is in charge of steering. Moses and Billy are responsible for weapons and information. Malang is responsible for the operational command of the entire warship. The second suitable candidate.

The blood of the three-point changer, El Elf, took the first one, and the remaining two Xiaorans were also thrown into the Legion’s warehouse with the invisible items, but it was a existence that could not be redeemed for points. It is also indicated that the two blood serum will be distributed in a rewarding situation.

After those members of the legion saw these two blood vessels, the people who were jealous of the eyes accounted for the majority. After all, Xiao Ran is a changer. It is not a secret to the entire legion. The transformative is powerful, and the changers cooperate with the cows of the solar furnace. Forcing them is also very clear, quantized, the free operation of the GN Dragon Cavalry is enough to make their combat strength high, and the Burning Legion has the entire technology of the solar furnace, once the convertor serum is exchanged, there is no need to worry about the solar furnace. The body will not get this kind of thing.

It can be exchanged but it is rewarded. It is also a sera that shows that it is necessary to have the merits of the legion to get the change.

There are many ways to get credit. For example, there are techniques that the Legion does not have, such as important props that are not owned by the Legion, important materials, etc., maybe they can be changed from Xiaoran, which also makes everyone take a sigh of relief. Fight for the blood of the changer.

After returning to Prometheus, Xiao Ran gave the members of the entire legion a holiday. They were free to choose whether to enter the legion territory to continue the next mission time, and everyone in the legion would not be because of those combat points. And to give up this opportunity, all chose to enter the legion territory to purchase the detention time.

Among these stays, they can use the time arbitrarily in three worlds, Macross F, up to SEED, up to 0079, and can also train in it, and even trigger new branch tasks in it. And complete, especially the Macross F, the world view will greatly trigger the branch task will be easier, maybe the next time before the start of the task can all grow into a C-level pilot.

And Xiao Ran still has to let Luo go to help those who don't have the body to prepare a new body, and also ask Lao Luo to maintain and replenish the whole body. If you don't buy the stay time in the territory, how is the time? Not enough.

However, before going to the camp territory, Xiao Ran also took Nalo, Luo, and El Elf to the strengthening room. After paying a lot of combat points, Na Luo, Luo successfully advanced to the B-class pilot and improved the corresponding Skill level, but also enhanced the co-pilot specialization for the two, Naloben is a sniper-type specialization and rarely joined the frontal battle, so the deputy specialization chose a fire-type specialization to increase their own The ability to cover fire.

Luo is mainly based on fighting specialization, and he has chosen a support-type specialization. With the red dragon maintenance parts he specially made for his own body, he can also play a big role in the battle.

Al Elf also successfully strengthened the blood of the changer, and greatly enhanced the spiritual attributes, possessed the blood of the changer, but still a lot worse than Xiaoran, at least quantized The ability has not been mastered at the beginning, but Xiaoran has already walked in front, and the solar furnace is not lacking. I believe that it will take a long time to truly master the ability of the changer.

After the body of the legion members to be maintained, the border number and the Burning Legion number were sent to Lao Luo for maintenance, Xiao Ran also entered the camp territory, although the three territories have good technical skills, such as Luo, Bassac, The body of the three of them is not completely within the technical system of the territory. It is not as convenient to bring it back to the territory.

Moreover, the two ships of the Border Number and the Burning Legion are also extremely busy once they have to carry out complete maintenance work. It is also convenient to consume some of the combat points and hand it over to Lao Luo, and it can be ensured that there will be no problems at all, let alone Luo There are more important things to do.

The time soon passed after the crowd entered the camp territory for several days. In the research institute of the Anaheim company, which is a world of 0079, Luo, wearing a technical uniform, looked at the information compiled by Xiaoba and shook his head slightly. Then, looking at the righteousness that turned grey in the closed state, it turned his own eyes.

“There are four shoulder cracks on both sides, the metal fatigue is at the limit, the skeleton armor and key deformation are more than fifteen, the energy output pipe leaks out the whole body for seven points, the broken line is three places, the thruster is basically scrapped and must be replaced. The output power of the thermonuclear energy engine is only 65 percent, and the skeleton has also suffered great damage. There are other messy problems. I don’t know what kind of operation will turn the body into this. Look like."

Luo turned his eyes and looked speechless, while Xiao Ba gave Luo's question an answer: "More than one hour of continuous burst operation, no time for rest and heat dissipation of mechanical parts is the key to the problem, the skeleton of the body Being behind can't keep up with Xiaoran's growth rate, and changing the body is the only option."

"It's a slight one." Luo patted his head and said: "The body has to be replaced this time. Otherwise, it is better to rebuild one. It is now a problem to find out that it can maintain the body as much as possible under his outbreak. A stable approach."

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