Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 934: hijack

Although Xiaoran and El Elf saw these boxes that were transported to the belly compartment, they did not plan to go to the grass and really went to see what was inside, even if they didn’t open the boxes. Seeing what is inside, Xiao Ran and El Elf also want to get there is not a weapon or a bomb.

In fact, Xiao Ran also vaguely remembered that the box contained a seemingly powerful bomb, which was enough to blow the entire plane into pieces.

Although Xiaoran and El Elf knew that the plane had been put on extremely dangerous things, the two were still only for not seeing for the subsequent actions, quietly leaving without disturbing anyone. The plane.

Just during the time when the two left the airport to leave the house, a good play happened between Xiang Liangzong and the thousand birds. This is a matter of small things, and the whole process is bizarre. The end result is that Xiang Liangzong was once again injured and returned.

By the next morning, because El Elf was going to the school to gather, so the two separated, Xiaoran directly took the bus to the airport, and El Elf had to take a uniform bus with other students in the school. The car can go to the airport to meet.

When Xiao Ran arrived at the airport, he did not start boarding. So he found a place near the boarding gate and waited for more than half an hour. Xiao Ran saw a large number of students standing in a neat team appear in their own eyes. .

Among the students, the most conspicuous one is the beautiful girl with a big blue hair and eyes. At this time, she is carrying a high school temperament and directs all the students next to the team. Two or three times passed by Xiao Ran's side, and this time it was considered that Xiao Ran really was in the first unilateral meeting with the Thousand Birds and made close contact.

Al Elf stood in the queue and wore the same uniforms among countless students. He couldn’t see that this handsome little guy was too different from other students. He saw the team in Xiaoran. After El Elf, El Elf also saw Xiaoran sitting on the side.

The two people’s eyes are just one handover and then they are staggered. In the eyes of others, they are like strangers who are completely ignorant. There is not much handover at all. When they hear the broadcast of the boarding, Xiao Ran also gives me Standing up and coming to the boarding gate without a thing.

Until the plane took off, the whole process seemed quite calm. Only the students were excited and noisy on the plane, but El Elf noticed that it appeared in the cabin and the flight attendant said two words, and finally used Inexplicable eyes glanced at the middle-aged man of the Thousand Birds. The expression on his face remained the same but he was alert in his heart.

Al Elf knew that something unusual happened to the plane, so he always watched every move in the cabin until a sudden roar in the cabin, and then the plane began to vibrate, Al Elf’s brow It was also tight, and the eyes also looked in the direction of the cab. It seemed to pass through countless partitions and people saw what was happening in the cockpit.

"It’s the sound of a micro-bomb explosion. The actions of those people have already begun. The guy just now is probably a member of the amalgam that adults say.” El Elf looked at the ones that were not aware of it. All the students, stood up and began to walk toward the rear of the cabin. After walking to the middle of a partition, they saw Xiaoran leaning against the wall waiting for him.

Al Elf nodded to Xiao Ran and turned and walked into the partition toilet. When he came out again, he had already put two big parcels on his hand. After losing one to Xiao Ran, he asked: There was a small blast in the cab just now. The cockpit door should have been blasted using a micro-explosive bomb. It seems that the plane should have fallen into the hands of the enemy. You need to control the situation now."

Xiao Ran shook his head behind his back and shook his head slightly: "I don't need it for the time being. Then we use the squad communicator to contact us for a while. If the other party chooses to take away the thousand birds, we only need to ensure that the safety of the thousand birds is not blocked. Also, let’s see what they have for kidnapping the Thousand Birds."

"What's more important is that since the other party has already controlled the cab, they are ready to take the plane to the place they have arranged. Maybe there will be something we need, and don't make too much noise before. Otherwise, once the attention of the other party is caught on the plane, I am also worried that the other party will be angry and directly take away the bombs in the plane that deliberately detonate the thousands of birds."

Al Elf glanced at Xiaoran: "Well, I understand."

"Go, don't leave too long for others to doubt." Xiao Ran nodded, turned his backpack and turned away, and El Elf also walked back to his cabin.

The students did not find that the direction of the plane was completely opposite to their target. They did not notice that the fighters flying behind the Japanese international line had been flying behind the passenger plane. Xiang Liangzong Jie also found out under the reminder of his classmates. The fighters that followed the plane were obviously aware of the wrong situation after seeing a strange atmosphere in the cabin.

Xiangliang Zongsuke only noticed that the flight attendants have not appeared again for a long time, and it is also faster to arrive at Okinawa according to the time. However, the plane still continues to fly at high altitude, meaning that there is no decline at all. The media was also suddenly alert.

Reflective touched the waist, Xiang Liang Zongjie reacted to himself on the plane, did not carry any weapons to sit on the passenger plane, the original protection for the thousand birds has ended last night, this time Travel is to let him relax and experience the life of the students, but I did not expect this to happen on the last day.

With the flight time getting longer and longer, the students of the Air Elf cabin, the ordinary passengers in the Xiaoran cabin have also found out that something is wrong. Okinawa is an island. It is reasonable to say that the following should be the ocean. Yes, in fact, the students and the passengers are looking out of the window. The bottom is just an endless mountain and there is no visible sea.

Everyone noticed this. Many people with poor psychological quality were even more painful, but there were also a lot of people who were inexplicably unable to figure out the situation, and even those who opened their eyes until the plane landed.

After the plane stopped, the in-flight broadcast that had not sounded for a long time also rang again. A male voice was passed into the ears of everyone in the entire plane: "Every passenger in the plane, I replaced the captain as the local The person in charge, the machine landed at the air base of Xingkai Autonomous Region for reasons of unavoidable."

"The passengers will be our hostages in this complicated political invitation and full of thrills. Please look out the window. They seem to welcome everyone, but... if you are planning to flee or make any suspicious actions. We will shoot everyone without mercy."

Although Xiang Liangzong heard that these were not too obvious, but the heart has completely sunk, he can already be sure that this hijacking incident is caused by a thousand birds, but in this case, he There is no way to change the current situation.

And El Elf and Xiao Ran, after hearing these, the expression on the face is not a little bit of change, even if the plane has been pointed by countless guns, it can be said that it is extremely dangerous, but Both also have the ability to protect thousands of birds and leave this place safely.

A few minutes later, El Elf’s cabin door was kicked open, and all the soldiers in full-armed weapons were aiming at all the students in the cabin. The leader was Eler. The middle-aged man in a suit he saw.

As soon as the man walked into the cabin, he directly waved at the thousand birds: "The girl over there is talking about you, come over, I want to make a media video for the news agency, I hope you can come out and take a picture, I I think you are quite good."

Thousands of birds suddenly showed a horrified expression on their faces, but they quickly shook their heads and refused. However, the opponent’s goal was to clarify that it was a thousand birds. Even if the thousand birds refused to use each other, they still pointed the gun at the plane. .

In the middle, the teacher of the gods of the gods was directly shot and killed because it was prevented. If it wasn’t for Liang Liangzong’s intention to make a little noise, the teacher of the gods was not fainted but turned into a dead body. At the time when Xiang Liangzong was in trouble, Al Elf also held the pistol in his hand and prepared for the attack at any time.

However, I saw the Thousand Birds safe and sound, but I was taken out of the plane. El Elf also put a little bit of his pistol. After the door of the cabin was closed, El Elf saw the rush of Xiang Liangzong. The station stood up and ran to the rear, but because of the chaos in the cabin, no one noticed the movement of Xiang Liangzong.

And El Elf stood up after the back of Xiang Liangzong's back disappeared into his own sight, and followed the parcel filled with weapons and quickly went out.

On the side of Xiao Ran, he has already left his cabin and started to act. Compared with Xiang Liangzong, Xiao Ran’s action is a bit faster. First, he found a place where no one is going to change his clothes. Down, the weapons were hanged on their own tactical suits, and a single hand and a mask appeared in his hands and stopped directly covering his face. (To be continued.)

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