Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 948: Second break

The preparation time of thirty seconds is not long, but it is enough for three people, such as Xiang Liangzong. For the sniper, Cruz is the first to operate as fast turn and run towards the forest outside the base training ground. In the past, the whole process did not even think about turning to the M9 attack against Xiao Ran.

As a trained Xiangliang Zongsuke, he also firmly remembered that he was the one he was taught. What the instructor said was what Xiaoran’s voice fell, and he also ran out of this empty with the care of Cruz. A training ground for things.

Only Melissa Mao, just shouted an attack and suddenly found that the two teammates next to him had disappeared without a trace, his face suddenly red, angry shouted: "Yang Liangsuke, Cruz you guys Two guys who have no eggs will remember me!"

"There are still twenty seconds."

There was no expression for Xiaoran, who had no such tacit understanding of the three people. He faintly reminded Melissa Mao that he did not hurry to hold the joystick and wrote down the direction of Xiang Liangzong and Cruz. .

"I know!" Melissa Mao screamed uncomfortably: "Three to one, the last twenty seconds you hide yourself."

Xiao Ran completely ignored the words of Melissa Mao. Although he held the joystick but did not control the body to do anything, so that m9 stayed in the middle of the training ground, and Melissa Mao also There was no movement at all, so I stood face to face with Xiao Ran's ass.

At the end of the last twenty seconds, Melissa Mao’s **** suddenly had an action, directly slamming the cannon in his hand, pulling out the huge sawing sword, and the chain saw in the sword. The rapid rotation of the edge of the front made a squeaking sound, and the two-handed sword rushed toward the Xiao’s as: "You should take a good look at our power and pay the price you deserve for your arrogance!"

In the blink of an eye, Melissa Mao’s **** rushed to the front of Ms. Xiao’s m9, but with a sword and a sword, but also paying attention to the attack on the m9 shoulder of Xiao Ran, avoiding Because of his own attack, Xiao Ran suffered too much damage.

Just as Melissa Mao’s assault is about to fall, Xiao Ran’s m9 has no movements. Those who watched the drama in the lounge felt that Xiao Ran should be scared and laughed at the same time. Senior officers such as Shake, Jerome and other Mithril also saw the expression that Ronald did not care and the eyes of El Elf who did not move.

In an instant, all the people who stared at the big screen, the two who had already hid in the forest, and raised the guns in the direction of Xiaoran, suddenly saw it in such an instant. A flash of light, the m9 from Xiaoran's control suddenly burst out, but the red light disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when the red light burst, Xiao Ran’s as finally got the action, the weapon held by the right hand suddenly flew up, and suddenly burst into a cold light, like a crescent, flashing in the middle of two bodies, one holding a long The steel arm of the sword flew high, and the giant sword that rotated the sword front turned a few laps in the air. The heavy landings picked up countless stone and finally inserted on the ground to stop the rotation.

At this time, the one that Xiao Ran controlled had already used the cannon on his left hand to hold the chest of Melissa Mauna, as the position of the cockpit, and the right hand held the dagger directly into the stable connection. Lived a weapon that fell from above the sky.

"What happened just now?"

"Is my eyes spent? How is this possible? In a blink of an eye, how did the chief of the bureaucrats fail?"

"The red light just saw it, isn't my eyes flashed, I didn't see what happened."

"Opened and hung up, it must have been that guy who lost a flashing grenade flashed our eyes."

"No, we didn't equip the body with this kind of thing?"

Hearing the incredible sounds of the members of Mithril around, Luo also took a look at his tablet and began to calculate it, but shook his head slightly in a few seconds: "burst operation, knee joints, waist joints, There are also about 10% strain on the right hand joints, and the left arm should be completely normal."

Although Al Elf didn't look up at the big screen in the lounge, he also heard Luo's voice. He said coldly: "The performance of the body and the quality of the materials are too bad to allow the adults to fully exert their true strength. But in the real battle against these three people, probably can end the battle in two minutes, if it is replaced ... time is less than ten seconds."

Luo took a picture of his computer and turned to Al Ayr, saying, "You are looking down on my technique and his technique. Ten seconds, hey, I tell you, you can get it all in three seconds."

Al Elf said faintly: "I calculated the factors that will work for λ-d."

On the training ground, Melissa Mao’s expression was completely sluggish, and the cold sweat from her vest and head made her suddenly feel a little chilly, as she kept the slashing action, but the body was already in her. Under the premise of the reaction, the right hand holding the weapon was lost, and the screen was completely filled with a black lacquer filled with dangerous muzzle.

One of the forests raised a sniper rifle and aimed at the body of Xiaoran’s m9. Cruz saw from his screen that the Melissa hair machine, which had already been subdued, was also sweating like the other side. The whole person is stiff and muttered: "How is this possible? How can there be such a gap and be defeated in a blink of an eye?"

In the other direction, Xiang Liangzong and the two of them are similar at this time, staring at the screen of Xiao Ran’s every move, although knowing that this is an exercise, a live-fire exercise, can be Xiangliang Jie also felt the great gap and pressure on both sides from Melissa Mao.

"Retire, be ready to streaking."

Xiaoran’s feelingless voice passed into Melissa’s ear, and suddenly the slugged Melissa Mao Qing woke up. Because of Xiaoran’s words, her face became more rosy, and she bite her lip and refused to admit it. The temper suddenly emerged, shouting again: "I don't want to streaking, the streaking person is you, Cruz!"

Melissa Mao once again operated **** with only one hand, trying to use the remaining hand to hold Xiaoran’s **** to death, while at the same time there was a loud noise in the forest and amazed countless Flying birds.

Xiao Ran snorted and controlled the muzzle of the Melissa hair machine to move up slightly. He pulled the trigger without hesitation on the opponent's head. A bullet was instantly controlled from Melissa Mao. The body head passes through instantly.

At the same time of the body shape, one foot directly squatted on the chest of Melissa Mao's body, and while the **** of Melissa Mao flew out, the armor of the chest was completely sunken. Going in, and the right arm instantly lifted up and fired a series of bullets toward the gunshots that appeared in the forest.

If someone can see the eyes under the mask of Xiao Ran, then you can clearly see that the eyes of Xiao Ran have already illuminated the golden light at the end of the countdown, and through the state of changer, even without the aid of gn particles, Xiao Ran It also completely integrates the surrounding situation into its own control.

Whether it is a bullet that flies out of the forest, or any movement of Melissa Maas, it’s all clearly understood by Xiao Ran. The huge gap between the level of the pilot is actually when the training has not yet begun. It determines the outcome of both sides.

Just as Melissa Mao’s body flew up and then landed heavily, the head also burst into a spark with a small explosion. At the same time, Xiao Ran controlled the bullets fired by the right hand. Incomparably hit the bullet that Cruz attacked.

The fire flashed, and the two bullets of one big and one small exploded due to the huge impact force, and more bullets fired by Xiao Ran also flew directly into the distant forest.

Fortunately, the bullets used by Al are all ordinary ammunition and fly blasting bombs. Whether they hit a big tree in the forest or hit the **** of Melissa Mao, they only blast or pass through, and they won’t When it was hit and a real explosion occurred, Melissa Mao’s as was directly passed through the head by a bullet. Although it caused a small explosion due to the destruction of some parts of the head, it did not hurt at all. Melissa Mao in the cockpit.

"Just not on the countertop live ammunition." Xiaoran after using the attack to offset Cruz's sniper, once again raised his weapon at the level of Melissa Mao who lost his head and has been arms: "I already said you Being eliminated, although it may be cruel to you, but for not accepting the punishment of reality, it is still more cruel to you."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Three consecutive shots, Xiao Ran again fired three shots, only three bullets let Melissa Mao's body completely lost all the ability to move in three severe vibrations and slight explosions, emitting bullets respectively Hit the shoulder joints, the thigh root joints on both sides.

At this time, a burst of gunshots broke out in the forest. A bullet flew through the spiral and flew toward Xiaoran’s as. For this attack, Xiao Ran only controlled the movement of the body. In one step, it completely evaded the attack that Cruz once launched after changing the position.

After avoiding this attack, Xiao Ran also controlled as he rushed toward the forest. Two eyes with golden light were also in the direction of the Cruze machine: "There are two more." (~^~)

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