Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 951: When the action is going

The Western Pacific team’s Mithril base is built on an island in the sea. Except for a cleaned training ground, the entire base is almost entirely under the ground, thickly camouflaged and covered. Covered.

The number of people living in this base is not small, and the number of rooms is so numerous. For this reason, the ventilation ducts of the entire base are actually very complicated to manufacture, just giving El Elf a good Dive into the path.

Although Mithril also placed a lot of equipment in the ventilation ducts to invade the enemy or the animals on the island accidentally got in, but these simple devices similar to infrared detection can not be difficult for him, as early as the sneak into the action Earlier, Al Elf had already kept the plan of the entire Mithril base in mind.

There is something in the ventilator, where to go to which corner to enter, you don't need to think too much to make a judgment, just a little trouble when passing those infrared devices. Both El Elf and Xiang Liangzong Jie were so quietly in front of the scene that they were very cautious in the pipeline of only half a person.

Until he reached a vent, El Elf stopped and turned his head and gestured to Xiang Liangzong. He slightly slid down and began to observe the outside environment through the air duct until two minutes later. It was only beckoning to Xiang Liangzong.

Xiang Liangsuke took a deep breath and nodded and climbed from the position where El Elf let go. After simply opening the vent fence, he jumped directly and lightly, and Eler After the departure of Xiang Liang Zongsuke, the husband again restored the vent fence and began to move on.

After Xiang Liangzong Jie jumped out of the vents, he took a roll and took off his body. He also tried to push the sound to the lowest level. After looking at the left and right eyes of this corridor, he took out the pistol and directly took Ayr. Elf gave him a thin, flapped thing at the electronic switch of a good gate.

In less than three seconds, the door that was tightly closed suddenly opened, and Xiang Liangzong Jie also sneaked into the room. The door of the room suddenly opened, and the people inside were a little bit stunned. Zong Jie raised the pistol in his hand and continuously fired the paint bomb to directly announce the elimination.

This room is the general control room in the base. It is reasonable to say that there are usually as many as five people on duty. Except for those who have the password, other members can't enter it. In this room. There is a row of neat electronic devices that control all the measures, circuits, water sources, gates, etc. in the base.

However, because of the relationship between breakfast time, only two people were left behind, so when Xiang Liangzong was introduced into the room, the two guys thought that it was the wife who brought breakfast or changed the shift. It was completely eliminated at once.

The two members of the Mithril, who had been eliminated, looked at each other with a look at Xiang Liangzong. After a face-to-face meeting, they stood up and walked to the side without a word, and Xiang Liangzong Jie said aloud to the two people and then walked back outside. I ripped off the thin, flap-like patch and walked in.

Then, by listening to the instructions from El Elf from the headset, the base alarm system is completely shut down step by step. And El Elf closed the alarm system in the case of Xiang Liangzong, and after getting rid of the follower of Xiang Liangzong, the speed of action was twice as fast as before.

Every move of Al Elf is very purposeful, so that Xiang Liangzong’s control of the base control room is closed to speed up the speed of the action. After this step, El Elf is completely released. Hands and feet, the first choice is the Gennaku in the base.

Listening to the report of Xiang Liangzong in the headphones, El Elf came out from a ground vent in the corner of Gennacu, and then quickly hid in the shadows, using his strong physical fitness and skills, not looking for traces. Each of the **** passed behind, and a small bag representing the small 4 explosives was placed behind the chair of As, and then disappeared into the Gnaku.

Because it is a relationship of sneak into action, Al Elf is also very cautious in restraining his behavior, so that all actions are hidden in the shadow. But when the base control room fell into the first time he was in control, it can be said that everything in this base also fell into his hands.

The existence of 4 is to solve the external resistance in the base, that is, to solve those as and operate as the pilot, the rest is to solve the living forces in the base, this is to reduce the resistance when the friendly attack the base And sacrifice.

Al Elf once said that it takes only one hour to occupy the base. This is not a joke. For the ordinary human beings in the world, with the help of the complex environment inside the base without the help of as and large firepower, Al Elf can completely eliminate all the people in this base.

However, the first goal that El Elf chose after finishing these **** was not the canteen with the most staff and the weakest defense, and directly focused on the senior commander in the capture base. Earlier, before the start of the action, El Elf figured out the location of the rooms of Tessa, Kalinin and Richard.

As long as you can win these three people, then this sneak action can be said to be half successful. When the next step is to completely control the son of Danu, then this action can be said to be completed satisfactorily, reaching the entire destruction of the Western Pacific. The purpose of the base, and want to enter the son of Danu, you need to use the physical isolation control of the login system, which is the nameplate of Tessa, so controlling Tessa is the top priority.

However, in order not to cause more alert and attention, according to the plan of the exercise and the help of Xiang Liangzong in the general control room through monitoring, there is no need for El Elf to personally find the location of the three people, the first The goal is to put Tessa's room, which usually starts a little later.

In fact, although Tessa already knew the beginning of the exercise, she still stayed in her room in accordance with the regulations of the exercise. Even in the room of Tessa, she was not alone. Jerome and Al are also Also waiting for the arrival of El Elf in this room. (To be continued.)

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