Unlimited Play: Ten Times The Reward

Chapter 553 Alanka's Reminder, A Strong Sense Of Urgency

"Big brother, how about that holy woman? Have you subdued her?"

In the guest room prepared for Huaxia, after Li Mu came back, Xinlan asked curiously.

Taking the teacup from Ren Tingting, seeing Xinlan's curious face, Li Mu smiled and said nothing.

Tian Rao walked around the coffee table and sat in Li Mu's arms. Catherine raised her head and kissed Li Mu's neck. She drew circles on Li Mu's heart with her fingers and said with a coquettish smile:

"Our master is here, the little saint, isn't it easy to catch? And not just one."

Putting down the teacup, Li Mu's expression was dull. For him, the two saintesses, Alanka and Zhu Yan, are really easy to catch. Alanka has been subdued by Mijieer, and Zhuyan is also desperate today. He is the master, otherwise she will only have a dead end.

All of this is a certainty, but now Li Mu is thinking about another thing.

"Seven-Three-Three" is something that only the saintess level will know and be qualified to know!

In the infinite space, dark nobles invade dungeons from time to time, and some infinite spaces can detect it, and send major families to suppress and clear those dark nobles like now, while some cannot react at all, and the dungeon is directly destroyed owned by the nobles.

In terms of dealing with the dark nobles, Infinite Space is very generous, whether it is rewards or others, they are extremely generous, and the most important point is that once this copy is cleaned up, it will be open to all major families!

Not only the major families, but all the forces that participated in this cleanup and made great contributions will be eligible to enter this dungeon. Simply put, it is the announced world where the major forces select talents or create resources!

In fact, the most important thing is those talents who have been cultivated, such as Mako Mori from Huaxia.

These people are favored by the will of the world, more or less shoulder the fate of saving the world, and their luck will be very strong.

Luck is a very vague thing. People with great luck will do things smoothly, turn bad luck into good fortune, and improve their strength very quickly. This is the most important resource!

All major families need fresh blood to maintain their vigorous vitality. The so-called raising Gu is actually the same. Only by maintaining competition can a family develop vigorously and there will be no lack of success.

Mako Mori, as the heroine of the Pacific Rim world, has great luck. Now that she is shouldering the fate of saving the world, her luck has skyrocketed. The students in the same period, Ma Mako's strength has already been compared with other students. More than halfway through!

This is the luck of the protagonist!

If it weren't for what Alanka told her, Li Mu would just train those female students with the idea of ​​casual training, but now it's different!

Li Mu's ambition is to build a huge family, eventually dominate the infinite world, and transcend. Although it is said that dominating the infinite world and even transcending is far away, this does not prevent Li Mu from building a team.

The team is the foundation of the family, this point, Li Mu has been planning for a long time, the aliens under his hands, Fu Jiang and their ghost clan, as well as the world of Dou Break, and the Marvel world that has been deployed long, long ago!

But even if he has done so much, it is still not enough. After all, the dead fat man is only at the bottom of the family, and he does not have much access to high-level affairs, but Alanka is different. Just now "Penglanka talked to him a lot.

Among them, most of them are about the Jones family!

The rank of the saint is already able to know a lot of important family information, and what Alanka knows, the power hidden by the Jones family is extremely terrifying!!

The mythical patriarch standing on the bright side is just one of many patriarchs, and Alanka alone knows no less than five of them hidden behind the scenes!

There are more than five SSS-level mythical-level ancestors hidden! Not to mention SS-level legendary and S-level quasi-legendary powerhouses, there will definitely be more. With the current strength of the Jones family, hundreds of people in high-level areas The Qiang family is no more than the middle and upper reaches.

The high-end background is so terrifying. According to Alanka, there are millions of players below the S level, and the Jones family has millions of distributions in the family and exclusive dungeons or dungeon screens occupied.

With such a large force, Li Mu immediately felt a sense of urgency. Compared with the huge ship of the Jones family, the Shangguan family is a small boat, and he can overturn any storm that arises.

The background between the two is not proportional at all. The Jones family is already so powerful, so how terrifying should the top ten families be?

But right now, it doesn't make any sense to think too much about it. In the Pacific Rim world, Li Mu will definitely get a piece of the action.

Raising his hand to pat Catherine's buttocks, Li Mu said seriously:

"Be serious, I have something to say."

Hearing that Li Mu was going to talk about something serious, Catherine didn't dare to make a fuss. She looked at Li Mu's side face seriously. It's one thing to be favored, but another thing to be proud of it. Catherine made it very clear.. .0

Seeing that all the girls were looking at him seriously, Li Mu nodded, quite satisfied with this.

Clearing his throat, Li Mu said very directly:

"When you go back this time, take everything seriously. Aldelia, you and the empress are responsible for training those female students, increase the amount of training, don't save on pills, I need to see the effect in a short time!"

"Catherine, you, Xinlan, and Tingting are responsible for selecting high-quality female students across the country. The number is not limited, as long as they meet the standards! Do you understand?"

What Li Mu said was very solemn. Although the girls didn't know why, they still nodded and said seriously:

"Understood, master (big brother)."

After explaining the task, the seriousness on Li Mu's face slowed down a bit, Xinlan blinked her eyes, touched Li Mu's arms, and asked in a tired voice:

"Big brother, what happened? Didn't you say that those female students don't need too much?"

Looking at Xinlan's pouting Xiaozi, pinching her chin, Li Mu lowered her head and kissed her. After parting, looking at the little girl's confused eyes, she told her the news she got from Alanka. After that, all the girls understood.

"Master, Catherine will definitely not disappoint you! I will definitely select enough female students!"

"Big brother, Xinlan will work hard too!"

"Cousin, Tingting is too!!"

"Master, Aldelia will train those female students with all her heart!" 4.6

Among the girls, only the queen did not speak, but Li Mu was used to it. The queen rarely spoke, but she carried out his orders extremely thoroughly.

After explaining this, Li Mu got up from the sofa. He planned to go back. Nihong originally planned to stay with the major representatives for a day, entertain them well, and have a banquet in the evening, but with the current situation, Li Mu didn't want to stay longer .

Anyway, what happened today is so unpleasant, it would be better for him not to go to the banquet, otherwise, if he blindly persecutes, those holy sons and saintesses will inevitably have backlash.

"Let's go, go back to the base now!"

In the military square, under the guard of the alien girls, Li Mu and his group walked to the side of the helicopter. They seemed to feel something. Li Mu looked up at the high-rise building, shook his head, and got into the helicopter.

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