Unlimited Play: Ten Times The Reward

Chapter 556 The Protagonist's Fate Is Terrifying! Mako Mori's Progress

Demons are good at manipulating the soul, and as a demon king, Li Mu is the best among them.

Looking at Mako Mori in a daze, Li Mu stood up and said:

"If you have time to think about that question, it's better to think about what you have gained in the great horror of life and death. If you continue to maintain this state, you will soon die again."

"Death... will not stop because you are in a daze."

Li Mu's voice was very cold, but for Mori Mako who was now at a loss, it was undoubtedly a basin of cold water, which instantly made her sober, and she was no longer at a loss.

She is indeed dead, the feeling just now is not wrong, but now is not the time to think about those.


In the death just now, she did get a lot of things. Between life and death, there are great tribulations, great horrors, and great opportunities. The potential that burst out in an instant made her break through the bottleneck of 30 attributes all the way, and her progress was very huge. !

Moreover, in the life and death just now, she found more of her shortcomings, such as facing Li Mu's finger of death just now, if she was a little faster, or moved her feet sideways, she could avoid the inevitable murder.

Li Mu's purpose is to train Mako Mori, so naturally she will not use strength beyond her acceptable range, and even said that Li Mu's strength used is 567 lower than Mako Mori.

It's just that thousands of battles have made Li Mu's combat experience extremely terrifying. A rookie like Mako Mori, with the same strength, was naturally killed by Li Mu in one move.

While Mako Mori was thinking, Li Mu looked at her and nodded secretly.

The potential that erupted between life and death is indeed terrifying, and it instantly increased Mori Mako's attributes by as much as three points. Don't underestimate these three points, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to increase the attribute by a little.

At this stage, the three attributes can catch up with the previous 10 attributes.

"If the digestion is clear, continue training."

Li Mu didn't leave too much time for Mori Mako, and quickly said that Mori Mako has strong luck and destiny, no matter how high-intensity training is, it's "not enough" for her


Even getting stronger and stronger!

Li Mu placed high hopes on Mako Mori, he wanted to see how far Mako Mori could grow before the next attack came, although

This kind of high-intensity training will make Mori Mako very hard, but what is it compared to the infinite space that is always in danger?

Even compared to himself, Li Mu felt that the difference was far.

He does have (dabj) terrifying golden fingers, but this cannot conceal the hard work he has put in. Almost every dungeon is a struggle for strategy, the prophet of the plot, strength and life, and even after he has enough capital, he can fight against Break the world and directly fight with high-level monsters!

Until now, Li Mu didn't know how many times he died before he had the strength he has now!

What people often see are the talents possessed by geniuses, and they are blinded by the halo, but they don't know the hardships behind those so-called geniuses!

On the ground, upon hearing Li Mu's words, Mori Mako got up quickly, fixed her eyes on Li Mu, and paid attention to his every movement!

Didn't she just die?

no! not!!

She really died once, but she didn't know why, she came back to life again, that kind of real death can't be faked, that kind of horror is enough to be engraved in her mind.

Looking at Mako Mori who was watching him vigilantly, Li Mu felt satisfied, raised her arm, and her fingertips shone with the light of death.

"Attention, I'm coming!"

The alarm bells were ringing in her heart. Seeing the finger pointing from the air, Mako Mori was extremely calm in her mind. She knew that panic would only make her die faster, and she had to make the right move!

The feet were connected, and the figure moved, but in Mori Mako's vision, the finger did not get farther because of her avoidance, but got closer.


Mako Mori's figure fell down, and the light in her eyes disappeared. Li Mu walked to her side, looked down at the fallen girl, and there was undisguised admiration in her eyes.

As expected of the heroine who bears the fate of the protagonist and the great luck, the progress brought about by just one death is surprising enough!

The first time, Mako Mori only persisted for a second, but this time, Mako Mori persisted for a full three seconds before being killed. This kind of progress is really terrifying!

"Get up."

Li Mu's voice seemed to be cast by magic. Mako Mori, who had just lost all vitality, quickly gathered the light in her eyes after she said these words, and soon got up with a dazed expression.

"Am I... alive again?"

Mori Mako's expression and psychological activities can be said to be extremely complicated, she really felt that she was dead, last time and this time, she definitely didn't feel wrong, but...

As she said, she, "lived" again!

Is this the strength of the Guardian God of Huaxia? Killing her easily and then resurrecting her, this kind of strength is really terrifying!!

Shaking off the distracting thoughts in her heart, Mako Mori stopped thinking about those things. She knew how lucky she was. Li Mu was able to train her personally. Will listen to the prayers of ants.

For the first time, she needed Li Mu to wake her up, this time, after thinking clearly, she stood up soon.

"General, I'm ready."

"Then I'm here, look after you!"

In the training ground, Mako Mori's figure fell down again and again, each time the fatal wound was between the eyebrows, Mako Mori couldn't avoid the finger of death at all, but the result of death after death was the improvement of strength , and prolong the time of death!


Falling down again, Li Mu looked at the gradually dimming night outside, and couldn't help but shift his eyes to Mori Mako.

In the whole afternoon, Mako Mori died 81 times, an average of one death every five minutes. If it was a normal person, he would have collapsed after dying so many times in one afternoon, but Mako Mori persisted!

Giving doesn't come without rewards!

When she first came here, Mako Mori's three attributes of strength, sensitivity and body were only 30 points, and her mental attribute was weaker. However, after an afternoon of hell-style training, Mori Mako's attributes jumped to 40 points, and even the lagging behind The spiritual attribute has also been driven out of so many deaths!

It even surpassed the other three attributes, reaching a high of 42 points! This tenacity is enough to move Li Mu!

Kneeling down and helping Mori Mako to do it, Li Mu called softly:

"It's time to wake up."

Gathering divine light, looking at Li Mu who was right in front of her eyes, Mako Mori couldn't help but feel a little nervous. It was the first time she was so close to Li Mu, and she could even breathe the air exhaled by Li Mu.

"You did a good job today. Go back and have a good rest. Thoroughly digest what you've gained today. Your strength should improve a bit. Later, I'll send you some elixir to soothe the nerves and calm the mind."

With that said, Li Mu stood up and tapped the void twice with her fingers, the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, Mako Mori only felt a blur in front of her eyes, as if something had changed in the surrounding space, or nothing at all .

PS: It should still be available today. The status is not very good recently, and the update is a bit slow. .

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