If this kid doesn't get rid of it, it will be a problem for raising tigers!

Suddenly, a few assassins from the prison hall came to kill the leader who wanted to save them.

However, they came up to die.

When the leader of the prison palace assassin saw his subordinates coming to kill, he actually didn't express expectations, but his expression was heavy.

He knew that no matter how many assassins came to save him, it would be of no avail, they would all come to die.

Zhou Hao is too strong.

The emperor's breath has already poured out, no one can stop it.

I saw that the few killers who had come to save people were so restrained by the emperor's aura from Zhou Hao. They were stuck in the emperor's aura. They couldn't move forward, and even more could not retreat.

"This is... the breath of the emperor... not good!"

"This kid really is...Emperor Spirit Realm!"

"Why...maybe...I have been practicing for so long...but he is in the Holy Spirit Realm, how could he...be the Emperor...Spirit Realm! "


Those trapped assassins, as soon as they felt that their opponent was a powerhouse in the Emperor Spirit Realm, they were suddenly frightened.

After all, they are all new killers who have joined the prison hall, and they are all recruits. They have no mortal heart and no mortal loyalty to the prison hall.

They were so active to save the leader just now because they wanted to show it well, thinking that if they saved this leader, then in the prison hall, they must be delicious and spicy, and their identity must not be simple.

But what they didn't expect was that the opponent was so strong, turned out to be a powerhouse of the Emperor Spirit Realm!

This is a bit of the meaning of stealing the chicken and losing the rice.

However, these assassins were not the first group to be stupid. Following them, other assassins swarmed into Zhou Hao's emperor's breath.

Then, they were successfully restrained by the emperor's breath.

Good guy, this is a group of people neatly trapped in the breath of the emperor, like a group of ignorant animals trapped in the mire.

They couldn't move forward, and couldn't retreat, and their mentality exploded, and their livers and guts were split.

"What's happening here?!"

"Emperor... the breath of the emperor!"

"He is the Emperor Spirit Realm!"


The prison palace killer who had just fallen into this emperor's breath, only then realized that he was trapped in the emperor's breath, so his mentality collapsed on the spot, and he wanted to live.

However, they are not the first people to be caught in this quagmire, nor will they be the last.

I saw that there was another group of people behind, sinking into the quagmire of the emperor's breath.

It was fun, and another batch came, and there were more than a dozen prison palace killers crowded in Zhou Hao's breath of emperor.


Zhou Hao laughed: "You guys are really fun, aren't you afraid of death?"

Then, he looked at the killer leader of the Prison Hall under the knife, and said: "You are really a good piece of bait! I suddenly don't want to kill you, I want to use you to catch more, your dog legs! Haha! "

His smile seemed very arrogant and awkward.

The leader of the prison palace assassin was crushed by Zhou Hao's sword, and his teeth were clenched. The emotion on his face was extremely angry, but there was no way, he was suppressed by such a cruel sword, and it was simply difficult to move. , It is difficult to speak.

He just watched as the prisoners rushed in one by one, rushing into the opponent's trap.

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