Unlimited Upgrade System From Ant to Abyss Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: Coming from tearing space!

Haotian realm, the ancient road of proving immortals.

All the monks who soared to the Haotian Realm appeared here.

Because a change happened here a long time ago, this change caused all the monks in the Haotian realm to desperately squeeze in the direction of Emperor Zunhai.

In the Tianzun Pass on Chengxian Ancient Road, there are people who fight to the death every day, without life; however, there are really many monks who have broken through.

It may be that Tianzun in Tianzun Pass was really helpless by these monks, so he didn't want to deal with it, so he let it go.

The number of monks who came to the Haotian Realm from every world time and space every day has never decreased, and the number has been increasing.

They were all unknown to the war that took place here a long time ago. Even if they knew it, they only heard about it through other people’s vague legends, but the stories they heard were so vague that no one believed that it happened in the Haotian Realm. After a very important change.

Of course, after all, things have been in the past for a long time, and it is fortunate that they can be passed down vaguely.

At this moment, Zhengxian Ancient Road is about to usher in another change.

This upcoming change will wash the entire Haotian Realm.



Suddenly countless dull and thunderous roars sounded on the Zhengxian Ancient Road.

The roar and roar, like a sky thunder about to explode colorfully on Zhengxian Ancient Road.

The cultivators on Zhengxiangu Road were shocked and inexplicably surprised when they saw this sudden appearance.

They have never experienced this scene.

Imagine that in an empty space, suddenly these thunderous booms sounded out of thin air. Isn't this much scary?

However, they all knew that there was a cultivator who was about to fly to the Haotian Realm, but the movement was really intense, and it sounded as if some powerful person was about to come.

Indeed, there must be big people coming, and a bunch of big people!



A frenzy suddenly sounded, only witnessing the opening of the doors of space on the ancient road.

Those are the "doors" created by the torn space, appearing out of thin air, which is really shocking.

More shocking is behind.

I saw that rows of people and horses appeared in the space gates that had been split apart; Jin Huanghuang, trembling, and thousands of troops appeared!

The monks on Zhengxian Ancient Road saw the rays of Rui Guangxia in the cracks in those spaces, it was really strange.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and panicked.

This scene is really shocking.

A group of monks also hurriedly avoided these spatial cracks, for fear of being hurt and implicated.

Looking around this Zhengxian Ancient Road, at least one hundred spatial cracks have opened, and each crack presents a golden light scene. In the golden light, it is like a thousand horses!

In the next moment, groups of people came out from every crack in the space, all of them mighty and powerful!

They are just the young cultists who have just ascended from the Daluo realm!

Daqingzi, Ergouzi, Ziye, Zhangxiqiao, Emperor Shenlong Dynasty, etc., there are many people, a large area!

After a while, Chengxian Ancient Road was already covered with young people.

The cultivators who had been on Zhengxian Ancient Road saw this scene and guessed that something was going to happen to the Haotian Realm, so while avoiding these people, they also hid aside and waited to watch the excitement.

This excitement, this melon, but a big melon!

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