"Yes, there are regulations in our sect that Zizhuyuan and Bishuiyuan do not admit male disciples!" Another disciple said in an incredible way.

The supervisor pondered for a while, and said: "I don't know the inner story of this matter. I only know that it was the elder Ziye, the head of the Zizhu Academy, who personally invited the garbage into the Zizhu Academy."

"What? Elder Ziye invited him to the Zizhu Academy!" Everyone was shocked.

Zhou Hao, who was eavesdropping on the side, was equally shocked, but calmed down quickly, and compared it in his heart: "Who is the elder Ziye?"

Just as he thought of this question, someone over there happened to talk about Elder Ziye.

A disciple said: "I heard that the purple leaf elder is the most beautiful in our Tai Xuan, and has fascinated the heads of other courtyards! It is not inferior to those young nizis!"

"Yes, it is true that I heard that Taixuan's first beauty is Elder Ziye, but it is a pity that she always wears a veil, which makes it impossible to see the fairy!" Another disciple sighed.

After hearing what he said, the other disciples sighed together when they thought of it.

As for Zhou Hao, he was already thinking about the shocking face of the purple leaf elder.

"Hey, listening to them, it seems that the Ziye elder is a little bit expectant, and when he goes to Taixuanzong, he must find a chance to see that beauty!" He thought madly, all in a daze.

At this time, the gangsters were already impatiently waiting, and one of them exclaimed, "Fucking, don't wait anymore, it seems that the bullies dare not come!"

At this moment, Zhou Hao suddenly yelled, "Isn't this here!"

Everyone only heard the sound, and no one was seen yet. When they looked in the direction of the sound source, what Huo Ran saw was a black ant bigger than an elephant jumping out of the forest, knocking down the surrounding trees. One piece!

They also noticed that this giant ant has two huge sickle hands!

Moreover, those two scythes looked unparalleled, and they were shining with dignity, and they had the texture like steel knives!

A disciple screamed in real time: "The black ant, which is bigger than an elephant, also has two scythes. Isn't this the fierce beast that killed the eight disciples of Chengfengyuan yesterday?!"


"Listen, I heard that the black ant seems to be judged, at least it is a fierce beast of the ground level...!"

"What to do? Brother Wang, what to do?!"


The few rascals in Chifeng courtyard shivered and all looked at the senior supervisor.

After all, the one present now is the senior supervisor with the highest cultivation base.

However, he was only the initial cultivation base of the Profound Spirit Realm. If this black ant was really a fierce beast of the ground level, then he could only wait to die.

The monitoring senior did not seem to persuade him, he drew out his sword sharply, and the same group of juniors shouted, "Then let's hunt a fierce beast from the ground today, the name is Zhen Tai Xuan!"

When the rascals in Chifeng Academy saw that Senior Supervisor was so passionate, they actually believed his nonsense. They all drew out their long swords and shouted excitedly: "Brother Wang, well said! Let's hunt this together. Beast, set a moment in the history of Taixuan Winter Hunting!"

The senior supervisor nodded, and shouted to them: "You go to haunt him first, create opportunities for me, and let me fight his weakness with all my strength!"

"Okay!" A group of rascals exclaimed in excitement, and all of them, like tigers, swung their swords towards the **** ant!

However, when they rushed out to entangle the giant ant Zhou Hao, the supervisory brother turned around and quickly ran away...

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