Zhou Hao's laughter was subtle, but in this silent atmosphere, it was as if it were amplified, so that the three women present could hear it.

Fang Wei was standing next to Zhou Hao. She hurriedly bumped Zhou Hao with her elbow, and whispered: "Brother Zhou Hao, in front of Master, please pay attention!"

Zhou Hao reacted and saw Zi Ye staring at him intently.

Only then did he quickly converge and restore his seriousness.

He glanced at Ziye secretly, and saw that the opponent's only exposed eyebrows were as pure and beautiful as the ripples of autumn water, making people want to become a godless master!

This pair of eyebrows is enough to convince her of the title of "Tai Xuan First Beauty"!

In order to ease the embarrassment, Yun Yan, who was by the side, intervened on her own initiative and said, "My master, my disciples are fine!"

Ziye nodded, did not say anything, just said lightly: "If it's okay, go back."

After that, she turned around and walked.

When Ziye walked away, Zhou Hao realized that a breathtaking and strange fragrance had disappeared, which made him feel a trance, and felt that something had slipped away from his hands...

This made him feel a sense of regret.

When he walked out of the valley mouth and passed a blank snowfield, he noticed the debris and animal blood scattered all over the snowfield. The scene was **** and miserable, as if a big beast had eaten several of them just now. The residue left behind the beast!

Seeing this, he couldn't help but exclaimed in awe.

Fang Lii came to him and said, "Isn't it amazing? That was left by the Master who dealt with more than a dozen beasts there just now!"

"More than ten heads?!" Zhou Hao was startled and asked blankly: "She...how many tricks did Master use?"

Fang Lie stretched out his fisted right hand, raised an index finger, and said, "One move!"

"A trick?!" Zhou Hao was surprised again.

Fang Wei nodded stupidly, and added: "Besides, Master's move is extremely fast. I still wonder if Master did it just now?"

"This...!" Zhou Hao was so surprised that he couldn't speak, his eyes were filled with surprise.

What he thought at the moment was that there was finally a monk even more powerful than him in this world!

Because he hunted and killed a lot of human monks before, the process was considered easy, and then he couldn't help but drift a little, thinking that there is no one who can beat him in the human world!

Now that he has seen Ziye's power, he understands the truth of "someone outside of the world".

"It seems that there are still many things in this world waiting for me to discover and learn, so I should keep a low profile in the future..." he muttered and followed the team silently.


When Zhou Hao, Yun Yan, and Fang Wei followed the elder Ziye out of the forest of the evil beasts, the disciples who were hunting in the forest of the yellow-tier spirit beasts stopped their work one after another and went to surround the roadside Dao, to see the miserable situation of Zhou Hao's "teacher sister".

But they didn't expect that Zhou Hao's "sister sister" in their eyes turned out to be just a little torn in his clothes. Besides, there was no harm to him!

After spending a whole night in the forest of the fierce beast, it was intact? !

Moreover, everyone has heard that Zhou Hao hunted down those territorial beasts!

This news came extremely shocking, and it almost subverted everyone's views and impressions of Zhou Hao!

The trash teacher who was called "the first joke of Taixuanzong" turned out to be the first person in the history of Taixuanzong to hunt down terrible beasts? !

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