"Host: Zhou Hao

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Earth Spirit Realm Triple

Talent: Huang Tier 1/100 (+), Spinning 1/10 (+), Mysterious Tier 1 Harvest 1/100 (+), Ten Venom 1/10 (+), Yellow Tier 2 Regeneration 1/100 (+), Mysterious Tier 1 Hard Armor 1/100 (+), Tenth Tier 1/10 (+), Yellow Tier Tier 1 Agility 1/100 (+), Yellow Tier Tier 1 Fire Eye 1/100 (+), five-level water 1/10 (+), ten-level water control 1/10/ (+), mine control 1/10 (+)

Skills: "Taihao Refining Technique Part 1" Huang Tier 2nd Grade 1/100 (+), "Taihao Sword Scripture" Huang Tier 2 Grade 1/100 (+), "Tai Hao Qinggang Sword Technique" Introduction 1/10 (+) Introduction to "Tai Xuan Chengfeng Sword Technique" 1/10 (+)

Props: None

Evolution point: 504

Experience value: 54/1000


After consuming 600 evolution points to strengthen the "Reap" talent, Zhou Hao still has 504 evolution points left.

He no longer intends to consume the remaining evolution points, but keeps them as spares.

He looked at the system panel, his five hundred evolution points seemed a bit embarrassing, because the skills and talents that needed to be strengthened to the profound stage were not enough.

It's better to save it and use it when you make up one thousand, or save it for later use.

Just when Zhou Hao finished the system and planned to sleep in the tree, a person came silently under the tree.

If he hadn't smelled a strange and familiar fragrance, he wouldn't even know that someone had come down from the tree.

He turned his head and looked under the tree, and the person he saw was indeed the elder Ziye, the head of Zizhuyuan.

Of course, they are also Zhou Hao's master now, so who made his current status the only male disciple of Taixuanzong Zizhu Academy?

He turned over and fell from the tree, just in front of Ziye.

"I have seen Master!" He respectfully said to the other party.

Fortunately, he learned from Yun Yan and Fang Wei today this set of apprentices' courtesy to the Master, otherwise it would be embarrassing...

When he bowed his head, his eyes flicked over the purple leaves exposed outside the veil, and he saw that the other person's eyes revealed an indescribable emotion to her.

He couldn't help but his heart trembled, thinking that this "lonely" beauty would not be so anxious, now he should help comfort the long night...

It's very close to the camp. If you do... that thing, isn't it to attract all the disciples?

Thinking of this, he even blushed...

He was still bowing his head and waiting for the other party's response, but he was bent for a long time and did not hear the other party's response.

What's happening here?

When Zhou Hao felt a little impatient, Zi Ye finally responded.

However, she only heard her say to Zhou Hao in a slightly trembling tone: "Young...Master, there are only you and me here, you don't need to salute Ziye..."


Young Master? !

Zhou Hao was shocked for an instant, he straightened up suddenly, staring at him, thinking he had heard it wrong!

He looked at Ziye and said seriously: "Master...Master, what did you just say about me...?"

Because he was not sure about the situation, he couldn't talk fully, so he still showed a respectful attitude.

But who knows, when Zi Ye saw Zhou Hao staring at herself, she suddenly looked like a scared little purple rabbit, hurriedly raised her hands and bowed her head, and gave him a respectful gift!

While giving the ceremony, she said timidly and earnestly: "Young Master, if Ziye is at fault, please ask Young Master to punish him!"

"I..." Zhou Hao was completely dumbfounded this time, speechless, as if in his throat...

what happened?

Why did she suddenly call me Young Master?

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