After Zhou Hao and Ziye left the lane, three men in blue shirts jumped down from the building beside the lane, and landed next to the bodies of the two little thieves.

One of them used a strange powder on the corpse of a little thief whose neck was wiped, and wiped the gap in the little thief's neck with a strange powder, and then a strange sight happened!

The scary gap in the little thief's neck actually cares about the speed of healing visible to the naked eye!

It's like an open mouth, which is closing little by little.

Then, what happened was even more bizarre.

I saw that the little thief who was already dead began to breathe. After a while, he opened his eyes and was resurrected!

When he saw the three green shirts in front of him, he screamed in surprise: "Qingjiao!"

When the green shirt saw the little thief come back to life, he immediately asked, "Who were those two people just now? What question did they ask you?"

The little thief seemed to be very afraid of these three people, so he was very obedient, and truthfully replied: "Outsiders, a man and a woman, the woman wears a purple veil, can't see his face, the man is young, and he has never heard of the accent. ; They asked me where the Qingjiao sub-rudder is, and now they have rushed to Wanmeiju!"

Qingshanke got the news and withdrew immediately.

The little thief shouted in the back: "Three big brothers, save me! Don't leave me!"

As he was speaking, a powdered sword wound gap on his neck was cracked again.

It cracked a little bit, and then blood flowed out, revealing the flesh and blood inside...

The little thief clutched the gap tightly, and tears fell. He really didn't want to die again.


Wanmeiju is located on a small mountain in the partial area of ​​Kaizhou.

This place is also called Meiling, but because Wanmeiju is so famous, people just call it Wanmeiju.

Meiling is twenty miles in radius, within twenty miles, there are plum trees after another!

At this moment, it is the time when the plum blossoms are in full bloom and the awe-inspiring snow is in full bloom. After arriving at Wanmeiju, you will see the red and white plum forest 20 miles away, and Aoxue stands tall!

The tens of thousands of plum trees are like a sea of ​​plums, and the people who teach straight are very shocked and clap their hands!

"Absolutely!" Zhou Hao clapped his hands, "It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

He looked into the red and innocent plum blossoms, and looked at this beautiful scene that had never been seen before. It was really shocking!

At this moment, there is still a little bit of fine snow flying, gently falling on the Meilin, it is even more beautiful that Wanmeiju is not as beautiful as the human scenery, but it makes people feel that even in the heavenly fairyland, you can't find such a desolation. Gorgeous scenery!

In the plum grove, there are still trickling streams that meander through, and beside the stream, there are also numerous pavilions built near the water.

This is another dreamlike scene!

It was the afternoon at this time. Although Wanmeiju was full of voices, it was not the most lively time; when the lights were shining in the evening, it was Wanmeiju's real appearance!

"Zi Ye, go, go in and take a look!" Zhou Hao said excitedly.

Ziye was careful, afraid of danger, and immediately said: "Young Master, the Qingjiao branch rudder in Kaizhou may not be on our side. Should we observe and observe before making a decision?"

"The best and most direct observation is to get in there!" Zhou Hao said, "It's an enemy or a friend, and see how they greet them; there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and it will not be difficult for us to escape by then!"

He was confident in what he said, but it didn't seem to be lying.

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