Taixuanzong, Taixuan Hall.

Here has become a base for the demons.

Zhou Hao, Li Sha, Ziye, and Zhang Xiqiao gathered here, listening to Li Sha talking about the reason for the collapse of the Demon Sect.

"After entering the Shenlong Dynasty that day, Zhao Tu and I followed the leader to the harem of the Emperor Shenlong Dynasty, and surrounded the emperor. After that, the leader and the emperor talked about it. Zhao Tu and I were next to the dynasty master. I can’t hear the content of the Taoist and the emperor’s argument; Xu is that they are different in the Tao, and the Tao is different, and finally they fought!"

Li Sha said vividly: "Although the emperor's cultivation base is unfathomable, it is still a bit short of the leader! Only halfway through the fight, suddenly a bunch of heavenly people descended to help the emperor's side!"

"Heaven and man?" Zhou Hao and others were surprised.

Li Sha said: "They came from the sky and appeared out of thin air. Their cultivation strength has reached an incredible level. They are definitely not something that can be found in the Da Luo realm; they are very likely to come from the Haotian realm!"

"It's the Haotian realm that millions of cultivators want to go to?!" Zhou Hao asked.

Li Sha nodded and said yes.

Ziye hesitated and said, "Is it possible that the Dragon Emperor invited back the ancestors of their royal family who had ascended to the Haotian Realm to help?"

Li Sha sighed and said: "It is not clear at the moment, it may be, or it may not be, because at that time the gods helped the Shenlong Dynasty, but the emperor of the Shenlong Dynasty didn't seem to be familiar with the gods; however, at that time They hit another place with the leader, our ability is limited, we can't keep up..."

"In the Qingjiao, the second envoy of the massacre is second only to the old leader, but it is no match for the heavens. It seems that those heavens are really terrifying!" Zhang Xiqiao sighed.

Li Sha nodded and exhaled: "At that time, the other party was only a celestial being, and it dragged me and Zhao Tu. Even if we had tried our best to use our life's learning, we could not beat that person!"

Speaking of this, he shook his head and sighed, but suddenly he said with some pride: "However, the leader is super talented. One man fights the other celestial beings and the emperor, and he does not let the other party take advantage of it!"

Hearing this, everyone can't help but admire Zhou Zhantian, the old leader!

"The old leader is mighty!" Zhang Xiqiao couldn't help shouting.

Li Sha continued: "It's just that they fought elsewhere and we can't keep up, so we don't know how the battle is going."

Zhou Hao wondered: "So how did you lose?"

Li Sha took a deep breath and said, "The only one who came back was the emperor of the Shenlong Dynasty."

"The old leader didn't come back?" Zhang Xiqiao asked.

Li Sha shook his head sadly, and said: "The leader and those heavenly beings have not returned. The leader has disappeared since then."

He sighed again, and said: "The celestial being that Zhao Tu and I were dealing with escaped after the emperor returned, but we were also exhausted and unable to lead the congregation to rush, and finally we were led by the emperor to counterattack. The young cultists have turned from winners to winners and losers..."

"It's all the celestial beings who appeared out of thin air to intervene, otherwise, how can the Shenlong Dynasty turn defeat into victory!" Zhang Xiqiao tweeted, angrily.

"After we were defeated and returned to the main altar, there was a civil strife between the churches. Zhao Tu and I were also opposed because of our disagreements. Zhao Tu strongly questioned and opposed the rule of "Don't ascend" that the leader said. He wanted to overthrow the leader. To rebuild a powerful youth sect under the "Don't Ascend" canon, you have to sacrifice the Young Master to Mingzhi!"

Li Sha said angrily: "I fully oppose his approach and stand in opposition to him! So the Youth Education was divided into two factions."

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