Anyway, because there was no time, Zhou Hao and Xiaodi walked around in the arena, winning and losing, winning more and losing less.

Xiaodi was with Zhou Hao, explaining the situation in the arena all the way.

It turns out that this arena area also has a level, basically divided into three parts: low, medium, and high.

The low-level part was the part Xiaodi took Zhou Hao around.

This part of the battlefield is basically provided for monks of the pseudo-immortal cultivation base to fight and kill. The pseudo-immortals are the monks of the first to third level in the fairy realm; of course, occasionally there will be monks with the pseudo-immortal cultivation level and above, such as the four-tiered fairy The monks are fighting in the arena here.

Intermediate battlefields are provided for quasi-immortal cultivators, as well as true celestial cultivators. However, the monks who fight here generally have the most quasi-immortal cultivators and true celestial cultivators. There are relatively few monks.

The quasi-immortal cultivation base is the fourth to sixth level of the fairyland, and the true immortal cultivation base is the seventh to ninth level of the fairyland.

After the mid-level arena part, there is the last part of the arena area, the high-level arena.

In the high-level arena, the cultivator with the lowest level of true immortal cultivation dared to go in and fight.

Because in the high-level battle arena, there will be cultivators of the Holy Spirit realm that are a higher realm than the fairy realm.

The monk in the Holy Spirit Realm is a terrifying existence.

Moreover, being separated by a realm is like being separated by a gap.

In the arenas of three different levels, the amount of Dao Fruit obtained by the monks participating in the fighting is also different.

In the low-level arenas, there are basically two or two dao fruit transactions, while in the middle and high-level arenas, there are a few dao fruit, even ten ten dao fruit. Deal!

The cultivators with a low cultivation level can only look up to the high-level arena, because they don't have much Taoism in themselves.

As soon as Zhou Hao thought that people trading in the arena is Dao Fruit, there are nearly a hundred arena, and I don't know how many Dao Fruits are circulating here every day.

hundreds of? How many? Tens of thousands?

Maybe more than that.

In addition, outside the arena, the countless merchant transactions on the happy land, the Tao fruit consumed, is there not even tens of thousands?

Thousands of Dao Fruits means that tens of thousands of monks have been beheaded...

The Haotian Realm is like this, only by killing the monks can you get Dao Fruit

So many monks have been beheaded...

Those teams that specialize in hunting newcomers seem to be Daoguo's main productivity.

Zhou Hao remembered a saying: When people are idle, they want to make trouble, when they have no money, they want to make quick money.

The so-called quick money is to use the fastest and most direct method to get the most money.

Think of this Haotian Realm, those monks who have no Dao Fruit, when they want to get Dao Fruit, don't they kill people?

"It's really a perverted, cannibal world..."

Zhou Hao sighed secretly.

This Haotian Realm is not a sacred place for millions of cultivators at all, but an abyssal purgatory for millions of cultivators!


When Zhou Hao thought of this word, he thought of his dream: to become the master of the abyss!

When he was a little ant, this was the dream he cried out in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Forest.

If the Haotian Realm is an abyss, then he now has touched his dream, and then he has to complete this dream, go to the end and become the master of this abyss!

"No matter how terrible this world is, can I be terrible?"

He muttered, and a excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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