Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1121: Practise your hands with the power of the **** bridge!

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Chapter 1121: Practicing Hands with the Powerful God Bridge Realm!


The sky behind the one-eyed dragon flashed an indigo phantom of the bridge.

He seemed to have an immortal atmosphere across the other side of the whole person.

In addition, the strong man in black also appeared behind the phantom of the bridge.

But the color is crimson, and the whole body is surrounded by the pungent breath of magma and sulfur.

"Boy, since you sent it to the door, let's take you on the road!"

The strong man in black and the one-eyed dragon shouted in unison.

The audience in front of the light curtain all scoffed:

"Two strong people in the realm of Shenqiao, besieging a person with a weight of five in a bitter sea, don't call it so loud?"

Obviously, everyone had disgusted these two shameless guys to the extreme.

The owner of Qianlong frowned, watching everyone's reaction, and secretly decided:

After the two of them came back this time.

Can't let them continue to maintain the work of Qianlong plane.

Find another task and let them temporarily fade away from everyone's sight.

The Lord of Qianlong is still delusional, these two people can come back alive.

The Flying Eagle Master is very clear:

Since Yang Xu said he wanted to kill them, it was impossible for him to survive.

Even if it was really lucky, I came back alive.

Ha ha, what does his flying eagle helper do?

Yang Xu was bullied, he did nothing?

Above the ancient battlefield.

The two powerful players in the Shenqiao Realm, relying on cultivation to become strong, did not immediately take out their weapons.

But tentatively, Chaoyang Xulian made two consecutive moves.

"It's worthy of being a bridge bridge cultivator, the speed of his shot is so fast, and every move of attack contains spiritual power."

"If it weren't for my strong mental strength, I'm afraid it was really induced by its additional spirituality, and it was confusing."

Yang Xu thought secretly in his mind.

He deliberately did not use a powerful killing trick and immediately killed the two guys.

Instead, use less lethal tricks to fight the two.

There are two purposes for this:

One purpose is to deliberately paralyze the opponent.

Let them mistakenly think that Yang Xu has so many cards, and has already reached a dead end.

Another purpose, and the most important one, Yang Xu wanted to test his strength.

A wooden walker avatar in Lanjiu District can be among the top five dragons.

The power of the body may be more powerful.

At least it must be the power of God Bridge Realm?

Yang Xu wanted to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the power of Shenqiao Realm Powerhouse.

The two goods in front of them happened to be the sparring team.


Two powerful players in the Shenqiao Realm have shot again and again.

Every punch, every blow, cast out a glorious Shenqiao phantom.

The huge power, all poured on the golden black **** bell.


【Ding! 】

[... The proficiency of "Golden Black God Bell" + 1289! 】

[... "Golden Crow Bell" proficiency + 2173! 】

The proficiency of "Golden Black God Bell" has skyrocketed.

You come and go for hundreds of kung fu.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the players, the proficiency of "Golden Black God Bell" is full, and the level is improved! Current level: lv9! 】


Yang Xu's body, the golden bell jar of God, soared 10 more layers in an instant!

The audience in front of the light curtain has long been accustomed to Yang Xu's successive breakthroughs in divine art.

But Yang Xu, the two rivals of Shenqiaojing, obviously haven't seen much before:

"Are there any breakthroughs? Don't give him another chance! This kid is weird!"

"Take all your strength and kill it with all your strength!"

The two Shenqiao realm masters finally stopped being arrogant.

After seeing Yang Xu's troubles with his own eyes, he knew that ordinary tricks could not deal with him.

A glance at each other, the murderous flash:


A flash of light appeared in the black flashlight.

It is about two meters long, and it is surrounded by bright lightning.

The dense runes haunted the soft whip.

Randomly, the void burst into black voids.

In the hands of the Cyclops, a golden crossbow appeared.

Above the crossbow, a complex inscription was branded, flashing five elements of brilliance.

In a moment of thought, the violent energy of Shenqiao Realm continued to compress and turned into a crossbow.

The sharp arrow pointed at Yang Xu:


The one-eyed dragon shot decisively and directly launched the golden crossbow:


The golden crossbow bolt shot out, instantly crossing the boundary between time and space.

Almost one thousandth of a second, he rushed to Yang Xu:


Kaka Kaka!

Eighteen consecutive **** bells were pierced by golden crossbow arrows.

When the bell of the nineteenth god, will also touch the golden crossbow.

Sun Jinwu!

Yang Xu's eyes flashed, scorn!

A golden crow bird surrounded by golden gods flew out of the bell.

Brush without stagnation.

The golden crossbow was burned directly and fell apart into little energy.


In the left eye of the one-eyed dragon, the pupil shrank suddenly:

"how can that be!"

He condensed the power of the God Bridge Realm, and the golden crossbow arrows he shot were enemies of the same rank, which were difficult to guard against.

A boy a few realms lower than him actually melted his crossbow arrows!


The Sun Jinwu was flying fast. After melting the golden crossbow, he continued to cast off and rushed to the one-eyed dragon in the blink of an eye.

"not good!"

"Give me!"


The golden crossbow fired again, and the golden crossbow shot straight at the sun Jinwu.

"Humph, idiot."

A sneer flashed in Yang Xu's eyes:

How can the power of the Sun Jinwu be killed by a crossbow arrow?

It didn't even dodge at all.

Unexpectedly, the moment the golden crossbow arrow touched the sun and the golden black arrow, it was once again extinguished!

"Do not……"

At this time, the Sun Jinwu had already rushed to the one-eyed dragon.

He screamed and just made a sound:


The sun's blazing temperature has blinded the other eye directly.

Seeing the sun Jinwu is about to pierce the one-eyed dragon, no, it is the blind man's head.


The soft whip of the man in black, the electric light flickering, pumped fiercely towards the sun Jinwu


In the middle of the sun Jinwu body.


In the flash of electricity, the sun Jinwu howled, and instantly shattered into a golden flame.

"Damn! Why don't you stupid whip early!"

The one-eyed dragon, who had become a blind man, complained to the man in black.

The man in black glanced coldly at him, and said indifferently:

"Less nonsense, if you still have to rely on your ecstasy to bind the world, do you think I will waste energy to save you?"

"Give me a good tactic, help me kill Yang Xu! This son is too evil, don't kill it here, cut the grass and remove the roots, I am afraid there is endless trouble!"

The man in black is thinking about flashlight, scorn!

The soft whip in his hand turned into lightning, and Xiang Yangxu slashed hard.

Yang Xu could not help but raise his eyebrow:

"Do you think you will play Lightning?"

Five rounds of King Kong, Tianlei breaks the round!

The electric power turns the empty wheel!



Above the sky, lightning thunder and thunder.

Yang Xu played a magic wheel with his left and right hands.

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