Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 1742: "Starry Sky Feather Sword" reappears!

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Shibai Mountain, Shibai Ce side.

The praise of Xianghua Sheng attracted their attention.

Especially Shibai Mountain.

His grade is older than the other two brothers, and his knowledge is more extensive:

"How do I think this old elephant family is familiar? Where did it seem to have been seen?" Suddenly.

A flash of light flashed through the mind of Shibai Mountain:

"It's Xianghua Sheng! The elder of the Xiang family, when I was three or four years old, I saw him once in the portrait of the ancestral hall!"

This remark came out.

The lion's face next to him suddenly changed:

"Elders of the Xiang Clan Chuan Gong actually woke up! That news is not a false message!"

He frowned:

"Don't the old deer hair like Xianglu have said, Elder Chuan Gong has caught his strange poison and will never wake up..."

Shi Baishan's face is also ugly:

"Go back and slaughter the old thing like the elephant deer! Thanks to me, the lion tribe is still delicious and has served him for so many years!"

Shibaihang side.

Even in the battle, he still sees the six ways and listens to all directions.

Regarding the origin of Xianghuasheng, he also had a hint of speculation.

For a time.

He aimed at the killing of the two, but could not help being more prosperous:

"Sooner or later you both have to die!"


Shibaixing waved the quiet five-light flag violently:

Clang clang!

The golden flag suddenly made a golden light.

In the horrified eyes of everyone.

Innumerable golden light turned into thousands of golden flying swords.

They roared in length and breadth, Jianguang intertwined into a sky net, Chaoyang Xu covered the past.


Everyone marveled at the power of the quiet five flags.

At the same time, it's a pity to cast a glance at Yang Xu.

It seems that Yang Xu has been reduced to a corpse.

Shi Baixing's eyes flashed a glance of pride:

"Qing Jing Wu Guang Qi, Jin Mu Shui Huo Wu five flags, the gold flag is the most powerful! This time, I won't call you Shi Bai Xing without breaking you into a lump of flesh!"

Seeing Jian Wang is about to cover Yang Xu.

On the side of Xianghuasheng, there was no worries in the old face.

For Yang Xu's cunning and powerful.

He already had a profound understanding.

This kid is more cunning than a fox and stronger than a real dragon.

The cards are one after another, and they are endless.

Since he dares to take the initiative to fight.

The instructions must be sure!

In the curious eyes of Xianghua Sheng.

Seeing Yang Xu palm, jade light flashed.

I don’t see him doing any complicated movements, just throw a ball of jade light to the sword net:


In the eyes of everyone surprised.

In the unexpected eyes of Xianghua Sheng.

A huge jade mountain suddenly appeared in the air.

"My God! How is this possible, he just got this photo seal, how can he easily control?"

Xianghua Sheng Zhang has big eyes.

To know.

Any magic weapon needs to be familiar with the user's hard work and sacrifice.

Only then can it be used as desired.

Ke Yang Xu Mingming just took the baby in the hands of the Tu family siblings.

How can it be used now?

Xianghuasheng naturally does not know.

With systematic help, it can be said that the efficiency of Yang Xu has been greatly improved.

It is really nothing to control a magic weapon of the Tao level.

Not to mention how surprised Xianghua Sheng.

Shan said that according to the sky, Yang Xu was thrown into the air.

In the flash of Yang Xu's eyes, the Zhaotianyin was instantly like a jasper mountain.

Around the mountains, there are dense jade runes.

Jade belts of pure energy are wrapped around Zhaotianyin.

Just for a moment.


The void hit by Zhaoyin Yin collapsed and collapsed directly.

Seeing that the other side was black and empty, all the sword lights and sword nets were sucked in.

The Sifang practitioners were shocked by this sudden scene:

"Oh my god! This big seal is so powerful!"

"I don't know if it's the Qingjing Wuguang Banner, which one is stronger?"

Some knowledgeable people are curious:

"How do I think this treasure seal is familiar? The Tu family head seems to use it, is it such a treasure seal?"

"That's right! Tu Haoyi used it. It was called Zhaotianyin. One seal smashed the void and suppressed the heavens!"

The two brothers, Shibaishan and Shibaize, were also attracted by this photo.

Shi Baice sneered:

"Tu Haohuang's two idiots, Bai gave Ao Xu a magic weapon!"

"But it's useless. This is the quiet Wuguang Banner of Tianyin and the second brother. It's not a grade at all. It's just dead goods!"

At the moment, Shibai Mountain was solemn, and his brows were all pimples:


"This Zhaotianyin has no such power even in Tu Hao's hands!"

"How do I feel that this Ao Xu is more powerful with the use of Zhaozhao Tianyin?"

In the puzzled eyes of the two brothers.

In the angry eyes of Shibaixing:

"Qing Jing Wu Guang Qi, ten thousand thousand swords, cut me!"


The golden flag in the hands of Shibaihang suddenly enlarged again.

In the blink of an eye, the golden glory of the flag, covering the sky and the sun, is huge.

Holding a flagpole, Shibaixing waved his flag vigorously:

Boom, buzz, buzz!

On the golden flag, nine hundred and ninety-one golden days rose.

The splendid day shone all the sky into a golden color.

The eyes of many practitioners were even temporarily blinded.

With Shi Baixing's heart sneered:

Moan, moan, moan!

The sky is full of sword light, rolling.

Ten thousand and eight thousand golden swords stood above the void.

Like the ten thousand and eighty sword peaks, the sword gas burst through the clouds and penetrated the sky and earth.

The sword is like a forest, and Sen Han kills him, directly locking Na Yangxu.


Shibaixing waved the quiet five-light flag.


Kaka Kaka!

Wan Jian moved in unison, rushing to the sky, and coldly aimed at Yang Xu.

The murderous spirit is like a rainbow, and the murderous intention is like a wind.

"The power of Qingjing Wuguang Banner was actually exerted by this guy for more than 50%!"

Xianghua Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

As an elder who passed on the merits, he used his quiet five-light flag to see his parents who had seen Shi Baixing firsthand.

He couldn't help looking at Xiang Yangxu:

Your kid, how will you deal with this?

"Um, ten thousand and eight thousand swords? What a familiar name."

Yang Xu faintly remembered that he also used such tricks.

"It's a pity, use sword to deal with me, you are really not qualified."

Twenty-four heavenly sky **** feather swords!

Yang Xu thought a moment.

The perfect divine technique that has not been used for a long time was activated again by him.

With his current practice and combat experience.

Even the perfect level of divine art can also exert its power not weaker than that of great art.

It was in the horrified eyes of everyone.

Behind Yang Xu, the void collapsed and the space collapsed.

Layers of strange spaces condensed on top of his head and turned into layers of heavens.

The cultivators were all shocked:

"What is this trick? How can there be a similar atmosphere to the field?"

"It's impossible! Does this Ao Xu condense the field and fail?" "No, it's just one thousandth similar to the field, but the twenty-four layers of heavens, it implies a huge murderous opportunity!"

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