Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2210: Enter the treasure trove

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Under the blessing of the most respected pupil.

Yang Xu, who is proficient in array art, easily cracked the organ in the sea floor stone:


An entrance appeared, shrouded in a light door.

The gleaming light of Yinhui isolates the ocean current.

"This is the treasure trove of chase dynasty?"

There was a trace of excitement in the eyes of the young master.

In Lan Lan's eyes, there was a little more eagerness:

Immediately you can take back the Zhenzu Zhibaohao Tianshen Clock from the Hai tribe!

The revival of the Hai nationality is coming!

With an excited mood, they immediately followed Yang Xu.

Entered the treasure trove.

In the middle of the process, there are many similarities, and many organizations have been encountered.


Under the experienced Yang Xu operation.

These institutions have not been able to play much role.

Yang Xu instructed Chongshan one by one, and escaped the organization.

But there was no direct destruction.

The treasure house built by the majestic dynasty will inevitably have various subtleties.

Why destroy it?

It will come in handy later.

Said 10,000 steps back.

It is good to use these institutions to slow down the pace of those monks behind.

"There must be a strong man, find this entrance. There will be a lot of fighting by then."

Yang Xu is very clear about this.

He never underestimates the heroes of the world.


Under the leadership of Yang Xu, they opened a treasure trove.

The entrance is full of top-grade spirit stones filled with a treasure trove.

There are also many of them, rare rare spirit stones.

Chongshan saw them for a moment.

The heart is squeezed into the throat.

The inner excitement cannot be described in words.

Master Lan and Yan Tuo Luo them.

The same is true.

Chongshan quietly eyed to observe Yang Xu's expression.

But I was surprised to find that facing so many precious spirit stones.

On Yang Xuqingxiu's face, there was a dull and calm look.

"Did he see so many spirit stones, he was nothing at all?"

This is the spirit stone of a whole treasure house!

Chongshan wondered.

Very sighed again.

Where does he know that these spirit stones are far less than what he saw in the treasure house of the brave family.

He Yang Xu has not seen the world.

Not to mention.

With his current strength, he can absorb heaven and earth aura, and can instantly compress a lot of top-grade spirit stones.

Not a rarity.

"Aren't you looking for Haotian God Clock? Perceive it, where is it? I really want to see it."

Yang Xu looked at Master Lan.

If the Haotian God Bell is really the treasure of the Hai family.

It must be extraordinary.

That is placed in the same treasure house as it must be at the same level!

Under Master Lan's perception.

Everyone went all the way forward.

Surprisingly, after overcoming several deadly organs.


A treasure trove was opened.

Grandson Lan and Master Tao changed their faces together and were excited:

"We feel it! The breath of Haizu's power!"

"This power fluctuates... It must be the treasure of my sea tribe!"

They almost screamed out in unison.

At the forefront of the treasure house is a jade case.

In the jade case, there was a golden bell that exudes strange energy fluctuations.

Son Lan and Taoist, with their eyes shining brightly, would rush into the treasure house.

"Slow down!"

Yang Xu whispered and stopped them.

In the confused eyes of Master Lan and Master Tao.

He took out a superb spirit stone and threw it forward:


In the empty treasure trove, a shining space net suddenly appeared.

Like a sharp knife with thousands of handles, scorn!

From the front of the jade case, quickly cut over to the entrance:


The fist-sized superb spirit stone was directly shredded and exploded into a sky-powder.

"If you don't stop, I'm afraid it will be cut into minced meat."

Yang Xu is authentic.

The young man was not convinced:

"Huh, it's just a cutting net, we can stop it with our physical strength..."

"Stop it! That's the space wire compressed to the extreme. The hardness of each space wire is comparable to the space crystal wall system. Can you stop it?"

Master Lan did not refute, but urged a magic weapon:


Yuguangcancan's flying sword, lingering around the breath of the best magic weapon, flew at the jade case.


The space cutting net appeared with a loud bang.

That flying sword of the highest class Taoist level, directly broke into powder.

The sons of Lan and Tao were suddenly pale.

Yang Xu sneered and glanced at Master Yu:

"Convinced now?"

The young man was unable to speak.

"A fine spirit stone, pay me."

Yang Xu reached out his hand.

The son Lan and the son Yu can't help being speechless for a while:

"Your majesty..."

"Little nonsense, aren't your lives worth a spirit stone?"

Master Lan took out a superb spirit stone.

Yang Xu refused to answer, pointing to the young master:

"I want him to get it."

You Nianzi couldn't help but look red, and he hatedly pulled out a superb spirit stone, which he stuffed with Yang Xu:

"I have never seen you so vengeful!"

"Who made your mouth owe."

Yang Xu put away the spirit stone and looked at Master Lan with a smile:

"Want to get the Haotian God Clock?"

Son Lan was speechless:

"Why don't I come here for it?"

"Then can you get it?"

Lan Lan looked helpless.

Seeing Yang Xu's owed smile, his eyes flashed:

"You have a way?"

"One Thousand Need Spirit Stone."

Yang Xu smiled, eating Dinglan son.

Master Lan and Master Tao, without hesitation, took out the spirit stone:


The Yantra next to him, with question marks all over his head:

"What kind of person is this Yang Xu? Before? A treasure trove of the best spirit stone, his eyelids didn't even move. Now for a thousand pieces of spirit stone, he must take his life to take risks?"

Chongshan gave him a glance:

"How do you know he is taking a risk?"

Maybe it’s as simple as eating and drinking water.

after all.

Yang Xu created miracles more than once or twice.

In the eyes that Chongshan looks forward to.

In the curious eyes of Master Lan, Master Tao, and Yanduo Luo.

Seeing Yang Xu striding into the treasure house.


On him, there was a strange space fluctuation.

Master Lan and Chongshan suddenly took a breath:

"Aura of Great Skill!"

"And it's the rarest space skill!"

They looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, and could not help changing at once.

Especially Chongshan.

How long did it take for Yang Xu to get a precious space skill?

It was in the eyes of Master Lan who were envious and fiery.

Yang Xu relaxed and came to the jade case.

That space cuts the net without being triggered.

It seems that I can't feel Yang Xu's existence at all.


He came to the jade case and picked up the slap-sized Haotian God Clock.

Jin Cancan's light suddenly covered his palm.

A strange look appeared on Yang Xu's face.

That change in expression made Master Lan and Taoist uneasy for a while:

"This guy, wouldn't he want to take Haotian God Clock as his own?" "What's the matter with me! How could the breath of Haotian God Clock become weaker?"

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