Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2461: Gambling, 100 million spirit stones!

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Zhong Huang's eyes were faint, glancing at the nine young men present, with the corners of his mouth raised to reveal a sinister arc:

"Within these three days, you can fight on the Wuzhi Mountain anytime and anywhere, whether it is assassination, poisoning, or threatening, as long as you can ensure that you can be the last one to stay, any means!"

Yang Xu heard, but could not help being speechless for a while:

Is this going to provoke 9 people to fight in?

Sure enough, as stated by Ling Tuan, Linglong Palace's historical rule of being a candidate for the Lord of the Realm is to "nurse Gu", which provokes these "Gu Gus" to fight and fight each other.

The two most fierce and the most ruthless will be the winners.

And these two will become competitors and collaborators in their future lives!

Thinking of this, Yang Xu looked at the Night Emperor next to him. This kid with some secondary two, won't get the quota of the other Realm Master, right?

Seems to have sensed Yang Xu's gaze, brush!

The night emperor in black robe looked at Chaoyang Xu sharply.

It was at this time.

The accident happened suddenly:


Standing next to Ye Di, the pale boy who had obeyed Ye Di and behaved like a dog suddenly made a move.

A gleaming glimmer of the purple mandala twitched to the position of Ye Di's throat.

Yang Xu was shocked when he saw this:

This pale boy really dare to think and dare to work, ready to shoot anytime, anywhere!

The idea is good and the approach is bold.

It's a pity that he still underestimated Ye Di.

The sharp knife is full of venom, and as soon as it touches the skin of Ye Di, it can immediately kill him.


This short knife was only a remnant of Ye Di.

The pale boy missed a knife, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Behind him, there was the cold and quiet voice of the black robe boy:

"Among the three people who follow me, you belong to the lowest three, four, no dignity. If the strong man of the main level of the hall, if there is not a little heart, how can you climb to such a position? You act too much!"

The moment the sound rang, poof!

A sharp edge of the sword penetrated the chest of the pale boy, and the tip of the sword came out through the body.

The pale boy couldn't dodge at all, his eyes widened and his eyes were unbelievable.

Night Emperor was too lazy to wait for him to speak, spitting out:


The violent sword gas exploded in the body of the pale boy, and the internal organs were instantly cut into mud.


The pale boy fell to the ground and died to death.


Several other Candidate Candidates couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:

Is this one dead?

It's too cruel!

Although the pale teenager suddenly shot, several people were shocked.

But they soon accepted this "nourishment" training method.

But I didn't expect it.

The pale boy didn't even walk through the face of Ye Di.

"Is the genius of the night clan all so perverted?"

Several realm candidates sighed.

"Removed a competitor for you. No thanks."

The night emperor in black robe, throwing the spirit sword on the ground, made a crisp sound.

His provocative gaze looked at Xiang Yangxu:

"The only one who can qualify to be my opponent is you, Yang Xu!"

Brush brush!

The eyes of several other people suddenly gathered in Chaoyangxu.

Lamented again in my heart:

"I almost forgot, there is one more ruthless than the Night Emperor! This Yangxu has a mouthful of fairy artifacts, is it almost a place?"

"It seems that everyone can compete for now, and there is only one more left."

For a time, the eyes of the candidates of the Lords flashed, and from time to time a sharp look flashed through the night emperor's body.

Sensitive as a night emperor, naturally immediately noticed.

He prides himself on the power of God, not under Yang Xu.

"Yangxu! I lost you in swordsmanship before. How dare you compete with the power of consciousness with me?"

Ye Di looked at Xiang Yang Xu provocatively.

Zhong Huang looked beside him, frowning:

This year's people are really easy to bring.

Without having to speak up, did the candidates start fighting on their own?

Interesting, really interesting.

Of course, the most interesting thing still belongs to this human young man Yang Xu.

Will you fight?

In Zhong Huang's looking eyes.

Faced with Ye Di's provocation, Yang Xu shook his head decisively:

"If you want to challenge me, you have to challenge? I'm really not interested in spending time with children."

This remark came out.

Ye Di's face was suddenly ugly:

"You look down on me?"

The candidates next to the landlords also looked at Yang Xu with anticipation in their eyes:

let's hit!

It's best for these two guys, it's better to fight both sides!

"Look at you? What do you think I can look forward to? When you touch your mouth, let me compare with you? What good do I do?"

Yang Xu smiled and finally stated his purpose:

"Well, whatever hundreds of millions of top-quality spirit stones you want, I will show you how to do it."

This remark came out.


All the candidates of the landlords present took a breath.

Kong Feng and Kong Yun of the Peacock family looked at Yang Xu in surprise:

"Brother Yang Xu, this is a big lion's mouth..."

Even Zhong Huang couldn't help Chaoyang Xu cast his horrified look:

"Does this kid have such a big appetite? It takes hundreds of millions of spirit stones to open his mouth?"

If he knew that Yang Xu only urged to swallow the Tianshen plate once, and consumed 100 million Needling Spirit Stones.

I'm afraid it won't be so surprised.

In other words, it has become numb.

"Yi Di, have you considered it well? Would you like to compare with me?"

Yang Xu smiled very flatly, bewitching Ye Di:

"Don't be so stingy, you are a genius of the night clan. You don't dare to bet on 100 million spirit stones. How can you do a big deal? Besides, you don't necessarily lose..."

Yang Xu was like a big bad wolf who tempted Little Red Riding Hood, where he "followed and tempted".

Ye Di's inner pride eventually defeated his reason.

Before this trip, the father and brother handed him the spirit stone and took out more than half of them directly:

"Okay! Just bet 100 million Needles! If you lose..."


Yang Xu waved a hand, and a Lingshi Mountain was suddenly piled on the ground:

"This is my 100 million spirit stone. If you beat me in the power of consciousness, it is yours."

Looking at the massive mountain of spirit stones.

All the candidates of the Realm Lord felt only a short breath:

Mother, this is a 100 million spirit stone, and it is the best quality spirit stone of the highest quality.

Yang Xu didn't blink at all, so he came up with so many.

Is he still a spirit stone trench?

For a time.

These young people look at Xiang Yangxu's eyes just like they look at the diamond king.

"This guy, at his young age, has accumulated so much wealth, is it true that the rumors are true, will this kid really be a child of destiny?"

In Zhong Huang's heart, a suspicious expression flashed.

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