Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2482: All scared

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"Oh my god! It's too fierce! Obviously it is a thin sword, but in the hands of Jianfeng, it is as fierce as a thunder, and a sword is cut out. It feels like there is a mountain, and it is suppressed on the face!"

Everyone felt the horrifying power of this sword even outside the battle circle.

not far away.

The five young men sitting in the clouds could not help blinking:

"Chasing the wind and fast sword, it really is different!"

"This sword style is a genius! He actually took this trick and realized that he has become a realm!"

"Yang Xu has no hope. Even if I face this in person, it will take some effort to crack it."

Just when they said this.

Opposite the sword wind, Yang Xu faced the billowing sword air and struck like a gust of wind and rain.

He still has a calm face on his delicate face, and even has the leisure to listen to the comments of those around him.


Everyone's wonder made Deyang Xu speechless for a while:

As for blowing it so divinely?

This so-called "Storm Thunder" is nothing more than that, at least I casually glanced at a dozen flaws!

To know.

Yang Xu's current accomplishments in swordsmanship have already reached a terrifying state.

Each of his swordsmanship and every sword tactic was verified in the fight between life and death.

Real knowledge comes from practice.

Yang Xu's practical use of swordsmanship far exceeded any of the people present.


With just one glance, he could spot countless loopholes in the so-called "fast sword" of Jianfeng.

Not even the yin and yang **** eyes need to be activated.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhday, this is really a little bit disappointing.

Yang Xu confessed.


In the surprised eyes of everyone.

Under Jianfeng’s unwilling gaze:


Yang Xu drew his sword.

In a flash of kung fu, he even cut ten swords—

"Ten Jue", Yang Xu's earliest practice of swordsmanship.

It has not been used for a long time.

With no boredom, this time he used it against Jianfeng.

Undoubtedly, in Yang Xu's opinion, it is a very common swordsmanship, but it is still unusually powerful today.

The ten flaws in Sword Wind "Storm Thunder" were almost hit by Yang Xu almost in an instant.


Jian Feng, the whole person, was directly flew out.

The spirit sword in his hand is almost out of hand.

"This... how is this possible!"

His face was covered with incredible looks.

Looking at Xiang Yangxu's eyes is like looking at a devil.

Everyone around was stunned at this moment:

Sword's so powerful "Storm Thunder" was actually cracked by Yang Xu's one move?

And also sent the sword wind to Zhen Fei!

Is it so exaggerated!

For a time.

The eyes of Xiang Yangxu were all filled with incredible looks.

Even not far away, the five young men sitting on the clouds couldn't help changing color:

"Did you see it? What sword technique did Yang Xu use just now?"

They looked at each other suspiciously.

The result shook his head silently:

They didn't see at all how Yang Xu made the sword.

Just seeing Jianguang flashing, Jianfeng was flicked out.

Yang Xu seemed to...cut off dozens of swords instantly, and seemed to cut out only one sword...

"Talent! This kid is a personal talent! It is worth conquering!"

"Hahaha, this is the talent I need, don't you guys grab it with me!"

These five men showed excited expressions on their faces.

I feel like I need one more effective man.

Yang Xu's side.

An ordinary "Ten Jue Shou" shocked Jianfeng. He looked at Jianfeng's gaze, but there was no slight sarcasm or ridicule.

Only because, he can feel Jianfeng is a serious person, although proud, but not unreasonable.

"Your "Storm Thunder" is fast, but there are too many flaws, and the power can't be exerted at all. We only cut 10 swords, and each sword is above your flaws."

Yang Xu said this.

Jian Feng's complexion changed, and then he was a little bit depressed.

Everyone around, could not help but look at each other:

"What? Yang Xu just cut out 10 swords in a flash?"

"My God! Isn't his sword technique faster than the sword style?"

more importantly!

Yang Xu said that each of his swords was cut on the flaws of Jianfeng's sword moves!

Does this mean that his skill in swordsmanship really exceeds the sword style too much?

Question after question came to everyone's mind.

The presence fell into silence.

Only the Emperor Ye, who didn't say a word next to him, was covered in black robe, but his eyes were full of surprise and admiration when he looked at Xiang Yangxu:

This is Yang Xu he knew!

The talent of Kendo is amazing, and it is unparalleled!

"Sword wind, don't be stunned, and make up for the flaws I pointed out. The power of "Storm Thunder" can be increased by several times. With your talent, you can do it."

Yang Xu looked at the gloomy sword wind and encouraged him to say something.

Anyway, they are all people in Jiantang. He doesn't want to watch Jianfeng's decline.


His words made Jianfeng's pupils shrink, and his original and frustrated expression faded.

Instead, it was the frenzy on his face.

He looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze and burst into a brilliant light.

Not knowing what he thought of, he stood up loudly:

"I get it! Yang Xu, willing to gamble and lose. From then on, my sword style is your slave, enter you Ling Yunshan, work for you!"

"What do you need to build, what do you need to contribute, can all tell me, I will do my best!"


The sword wind bowed towards Yang Xu to the end, a complete look of Yang Xu's horse head.

This change made everyone present stunned:

I go!

What type of situation is this?

Did Jianfeng succumb?

For such a change, Yang Xu was also slightly surprised, but quickly accepted it.

He smiled and watched Jianfeng take the initiative to stand behind him, looking like a little brother.

Yang Xu certainly knew that this kid had other thoughts.

But as long as the other party is willing to work.

He didn't mind pointing.

Turning his head, Yang Xu glanced at the others present:

"Who else wants to bet against me? Come on, in fact, I just won the sword style just by luck. My real swordsmanship is very bad."

"Really, I don't lie to you."

Yang Xu tried to pretend to be sincere and honest.


No one here was willing to believe him:

Are you stupid when all of us are?

No one can become a kendo genius and join the Linglong Palace Sword Hall.

Seeing Jian Gen and Jian Feng as two geniuses, even without a single move, they lost to Yang Xu directly.

No one knows:

The swordsmanship of this young man in front of him is not at the same level as them!

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