Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2556: My dad is Hong Gang

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"Yangxu, you are very nice. You will organize a large Lingyun Mountain in such an orderly manner. If your master Jian Nantian is here, you will be relieved."

The demon girl was standing and saw a scene full of enthusiasm in Ling Yunshan.

Can not help feeling said.

Yang Xu didn't think that the demon girl was actually acquainted with her master.

"After undergoing this change, no one would dare to despise you anymore in Jiantang or even Linglong Hall."

The demon said.

Lord Shenyun also nodded frequently. He was most admired by Yang Xu's strength.

Yang Xu was unsure about this:

"Linglong Palace is an old force. I don't know how many masters can't escape the world. I don't think that if you refine two powerful men in the cave, you will be invincible."

The demon girl smiled helplessly:

"Speaking on the mouth, when you started with Long Kun and Yao Qian, you didn't hesitate at all. Even if the old guy from Xuandu appeared, your momentum was still not weak."

The demon girl looked at Xiang Yangxu's gaze, splendidly.

prior to.

What she valued most about Yang Xu was his strong talents and the weather-resistant luck that seemed like an illegitimate child.


After experiencing some confrontation with Xuandu.

Instead, the demon girl was more fond of Yang Xu's extraordinary courage and perseverance.

Whatever your origin, whatever your strength.

As long as you provoke me and make me uncomfortable, even the gods will kill you!

This is a kind of courage and a style.

At least in such a long time of life, the demon girl has not seen a boy like Yang Xu.

What I have to say is similar to Yang Xu, only that one--

The existence that caused the gods and demons to be afraid!

In the beautiful eyes of the demon girl, there was a flash of deep awns, not knowing what to think.

Yang Xu didn't interrupt him, and looked at the layout on Lingyun Mountain with a smile.

I have to say that he surrendered to Jiantang so many talented children, and it was gratifying to take care of Ling Yunshan's progress.

Nowadays, under the arrangement of Yang Xu, the entire Lingyun Mountain is full of spirits, and there are occasional passing chances.

If there are unwitting idiots to commit.

Yang Xu didn't have to shoot at all, just relying on the defensive spirit array on Lingyun Mountain, enough for the other party to drink a pot.

What makes Yang Xu more gratified is that.

Those who follow Yang Xu on Lingyun Mountain, headed by Jian Jie and Jian Feng, are indeed amazing talents of kendo.

After Yang Xu's targeted instructions these days.

Their strength has changed dramatically.

Kendo repaired it, almost skyrocketed like a rocket.

"According to the two brothers Ling Feng and Gong Shaoqing, the gambling agreement between Jiantang and Heidaotang is approaching. The improvement of the strength of these geniuses in Jiantang can also improve the odds of my gambling agreement."

Yang Xu nodded, "This is also a little force for me, for the sword hall."

Just thinking about it.

Yang Xu raised his brow suddenly.

The Lord of the Cloud next to him also frowned slightly:

There are two unhealthy breaths that are rushing towards here.

"Huh? There are people with short eyes, dare to come to Lingyun Mountain for trouble?"

The demon girl looked at Yang Xu surprisedly:

"Don't you even kill the two strong men of the Hundred Cave Realm, and you can't deter these Xiaoxiao?"

Yang Xu shrugged and gave a careless smile:

"The world is so big, some fools must be allowed to exist."

He looked at the Lord of the Cloud:

"Leave it to you."

Yang Xu didn't even bother to take care of these arrogant cats and dogs.

Fighting with Long Kun and Yao Gan, Yang Xu had a lot to gain.

Not only did they gain massive repairs and longevity, but they also gained many benefits even with the world **** Liu.


Yang Xu also accidentally got a ray of fairy law from the blood of the extreme sun fairy.

"It's time to find an opportunity to sort out the harvest. Then take advantage of the presence of the demon girl, and thoroughly refine the big world of the stars and the big world exploded by Long Kun, to strengthen my big yellow world!"

The reason why Yang Xu joined Linglong Hall.

It has nothing to do with strengthening the world of Xuanhuang.

Many powerful people in Linglong Palace have more or less one or two mature worlds.

After plundering it, Yang Xu can directly extract the power, rules, etc. to strengthen the world of Xuanhuang and promote its further evolution!

"How about Yang Xu? You can get in front of me within five minutes, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind to you! My dad is Hong Gang!"

A handsome young man in white clothes holding a dragon fracture fan in his hand, stepped on his feet and a golden cloud appeared.

That golden auspicious cloud, holding his body, came to an unusually high position on top of Lingyun Mountain.


In all directions, mountain winds and gang winds blow to him suddenly.

I didn’t see this handsome young man doing any complicated movements, just fan the dragon fracture, and waved it with my hand:

Yin Yang!

A golden dragon phantom suddenly flew out of his folding fan, and rose in the air against the wind, turning into a golden dragon mask, covering him in it.


In all directions, the wind disappeared, and the handsome young man and the old **** were standing on the ground, looking down at the three people below, Yang Xu, Tu Ye, and Lord of the Cloud.

The eyes of the Lord of the Clouds were cold:

"Shall I get him down?"

Dare to look down on the master in this way, just to death!

The demon girl was rarely lifeless, but looked at Xiang Yangxu with interest, waiting to see what he would do.

And those other children of Ling Yunshan looked at the young man standing on the cloud in the sky, all with a sympathetic look in their eyes.

In such a scene, the handsome young man certainly looked in his eyes and sneered leisurely:

"Oh, why, do you think I am not self-sufficient? Yang Xu killed the two wastes of Long Kun and Yao Gan, and the world is invincible? I have to be unlucky?"


The handsome young man snorted and shook his head amusedly:

"You guys, too young, don't even know how big this world is, how many masters are there." "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense, Yang Xu, don't blame your son for not giving you the opportunity, Jiantang and Heidaotang About to start, I will give the two main faces of Jian Wuyi and Jun Wutian, as long as you get the life expectancy of refining Yaogan and Long Kun, all

Transfer it to me, without a word, I turn around and leave. how is it? "

His remarks caused a series of chain reactions below.

Like Jian Jian and Jian Feng, they admire this handsome young man's courage to die.

The **** of the **** cloud is so angry that this guy despise his master Yang Xu so much.

The demon girl was so beautiful, and she had a beautiful auntie smile on her beautiful and charming face.

On the contrary, Yang Xu, Qing Xiu's face, looked indifferent, turned his head to the side and asked, "Who taught this broken boy? Which one is Hong Gang, do you know?"

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