Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2600: Give Tianjia a big gift!

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"Yang Xu can really rely on this pair of Divine Wings to come first and catch up with Feng Dianyao?"

Everyone was expecting and doubting.

And just in their minds, this doubt just appeared, before they even had time to draw inferences.


A radiant fire meteor rushed into this "Majestic Light of the Great Fan".

When the light around the fire meteor dispersed, everyone saw the two figures:


Almost all of their pupils shrank suddenly.

A terrifying, incredible, and unbelievable gaze, the two figures gathered in the past:


They all took a breath and exclaimed:

"This... how is this possible? How did Yang Xu do it?"

"God, this is the blink of an eye, Yang Xu just caught up with Feng Dianyao just after he left?"

"It's unbelievable! Quickly confirm, is the guy in Yang Xu's hand really Feng Fengyao?"

The eyes of doubt and hesitation all gathered on Feng Dianyao's face.


Regardless of the appearance, or the fluctuation of breath, they are exactly the same as Feng Dianyao.

"Yes! Absolutely Feng Dianyao! Yang Xu did exactly what he did. Feng Dianyao is best at speed and escape. They ran for so long in advance, but they were still caught up by Yang Xu! It's incredible!"

There were exclamations and doubts, one after another.

So much so.

Because these guys were so surprised, they briefly forgot that the fact that they were captured by Yang Xu.

Some even couldn't help asking Yang Xu, "Hey, how did you catch up with Feng Dianyao? This is simply fascinating..."

Yang Xu did not respond.

Just glanced coldly at this person.

It made everyone's heart sink, and they laughed bitterly, and suddenly remembered the situation now-

They are still Yang Xu's captives.


I knew that, why should I provoke such a powerful enemy?

Not only does it have a good fighting strength, but also the skill of tracking the enemy is amazing.

Even the guy like Feng Dianyao who is the best at escape has been caught by Yang Xu's cat like a mouse, and he was arrested at will.

How else to play?

"I only hope that Yang Xu can show mercy, don't kill us, otherwise, I am afraid that we will all escape to death..."

These captives are bitter in their hearts.

"Let's say, where is Tianjunlou ambushing me? Whose idea, who will organize the plan, and who will be responsible?"

Yang Xu smiled and looked at Feng Dianyao.

At the moment, Feng Dianyao, with his face full of frustration and depression, could hardly mention any spirit:

No one knows, just before, what kind of inhuman torture he experienced!

To know.

Feng Dianyao is the best at escape escape, but he is the most proud and the most proud to rely on.

I didn't know how many big scenes he used to. He relied on this amazing speed and escape method to gain a first-line life, thus reversing the killing of the game and pouring the credit for Tianjun Tower.

But it was just before.

Feng Dianyao easily broke the shackles of Yangxu's formation, and escaped after escape.

He thought that he once again created a miracle, and he thought about wandering around a few more times, and after confirming that there was no chase, he immediately reported to the boss.

Where do you know.

It was at that time.

He sensed the cosmic space beside him, and a strange wave appeared.

Feng Dianyao had no doubt about it, turned his head around at random, and suddenly saw a scene that changed his face greatly:

I saw a pair of sacred wings that stretched out beside him, and their huge and surging energy fluctuations seemed to have been cut by the universe space.

And the masters of the sacred wings, the human kid who made Feng Dianyao frightened, smiled like that, galloping with Feng Dianyao.

Feng Dianyao was shocked at the moment. Without a word, he directly pushed himself to the peak state at the fastest speed.

Where do you know.

Regardless of how he improves speed and changes in space fluctuations, the human kid next to him is always in shape, with the tarsal maggots generally following him.

Feng Dianyao tried all his methods and all his experience.


Still can't get rid of Yang Xu!

This young man is like his nightmare, an enemy, without any strange means, so relaxed, with a smile on his face, broke Feng Dianyao's greatest pride.

At his most proficient speed, Feng Dianyao lost to Yang Xu without suspense.


Fang Dianyao, who was sullenly thrown away, threw forward:

"Give you a chance to explain who is against me in Tianjun Tower, I can consider letting you go, your speed is supernatural, you can still keep it. Otherwise..."


In the hands of Yang Xu, a jagged rune appeared, rumbling and spinning, exuding a smell of cutting and splitting everything:

"My cutting technique should be able to cut your speed talent out of your body, Feng Dianyao, do you believe it?"

Yang Xu smiled like a demon, "Let's try it?"

this moment.

The other cultivators all around felt a chill.

It is really the young man Yang Xu, which is terrible. Not only is it powerful, but the means of attacking the heart is also one-on-one.

In one word, Feng Daoyao cared about the most:


Feng Dianyao sat paralyzed in the void of the universe, his face full of despair and depression. "Well, I will tell you their ambush plan, remember you promised me."

Yang Xu knew the brave and powerful men of Tianjun Tower and aimed at Yang Xu's plans.

When learning about this.

Tianxin was so angry that his face was pale:

"Idiot! These insatiable idiots are really a group of stubborn eyes! No wonder Tianjunlou has not developed in recent years, it is because of this group of idiots!"

Tianxin Zhuo gritted his teeth.

To know.

In fact, Tianjun Tower has a continuous connection with Tianjia, but for some special reasons, Tianjia now cannot control Tianjun Tower.

But now I learned that several big brothers in Tianjun Tower, even at the risk of causing a star war between Tianjun Tower and Linglong Hall, went to ambush Yangxu and compete for a fairy.

Tian Xinzhuo really hated.

"Father, was my Tian family handing over the Tianjun Tower and quitting the control of this behemoth, was it right or wrong?"

Tian Xinzhuo issued such doubts.

Yang Xu, who was next to him, raised his eyebrows, "Brother Zhuo, do you know that Ye Di is a good friend and a good brother?"

"Uh, what do you mean by that?"

Tian Xinzhuo was puzzled by Yang Xu's sudden emergence.

Yang Xu grinned:

"My brother Yedi and Tianxinjie's sister will be a good thing. My brother, I can't say anything." "I am ready to give Tianxinjie a gift."

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