Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2687: you wanna die!

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"Want to eat? Come here if you want to..."

Yang Xu smiled and gave the Void Beast a soft look.

The barren ancient pagoda beside him looked speechless for a while:

"Yangxu, did you kidnap my **** beast like this before? It is also one of the strange beasts anyway, so clever, how can you not see through your tricks? You too underestimate this void beast..."

The words of the Ancient God Pagoda are not finished yet. After brushing it, the space in front of Yang Xu is distorted, and the Void Beast flashes to his side.

Simply tempted to come over!


The ancient ancient pagoda is very speechless. The simpler the method, the more effective it will be.

The ancient ancient pagoda clearly felt that the pressure of the space around him suddenly rose dozens of times when the Void Beast approached.

This space became very sticky and difficult as the Void Beast approached. The force of space squeezing, there was a tendency to squeeze out the ancient ancient pagoda.

"This Void Beast is too good, and really fooled. Yang Xu, what bait are you using?"

The ancient ancient pagoda sighed.

Yang Xu didn't say a word, but only smiled and handed the fire scale eggs to the Void Beast.

The Fire Scale Egg is the young egg of the Fire Lin Beast, and the Fire Lin Beast is a kind of existence similar to a borer. It feeds on the cosmic space and engulfs one worm hole after another in the universe.

In the space engulfed by the fire scale eggs, the Void Beast seems to have a cleansing habit, and will never touch again.

Therefore, the two are uncompromising enemies, and the Void Beast directly feeds on the Fire Beast, and especially likes to devour the Fire Beast's eggs!

Seeing the Void Beast, he took one piece after another of Firescale eggs from Yang Xu's hand and devoured it with pleasure.

At the same time when the ancient ancient pagoda was surprised, he also wondered:

"It will not be so easy to conquer the Void Beast? Is the Void Beast just a foodie?"

Yang Xu smiled, just about to speak.


In the distance, the void was suddenly torn apart, and a strange energy turned into a sharp sword light, destroying the void, and slashing towards the place suddenly.


Suddenly Yang Xu's pupils shrank, and his calm and calm face originally showed an unprecedented anger:

"Dare to disturb me to do things, you die!"

Looking at the Void Beast in front of him, he was directly disturbed by the sudden sword light, woo!

Without further ado, it got into the depths of that space channel.

The eggs of the Fire Lin Beast in Yang Xu's hands were eaten and no more were left--

This sudden sword light destroyed Yang Xu's good deeds.


Behind Yang Xu's void, a force of terror exploded at once, and the space of a few hundred miles would be filled with a wave of terror.

The sword light from the sudden beheading was destroyed before he even came to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu's eyes at the moment, Han Mang shines, and his whole body is murderous:

He clearly understood how difficult it was to gain the trust of the Void Beast, especially such a rare Void Beast that did not awaken all the energy.

I missed this opportunity, and I want to conquer it next time, I am afraid it will take a hundred times or even a thousand times the energy!

"Damn this person!"


The red-rimmed Lankinus ghost gun appeared in the hands of Yang Xu. His eyes were cold and clear, staring at the void beyond a thousand miles:

"I don't care if you are sent by the big man above, and I don't care what mission you are carrying, or what a fairy's agent is! The good things that dare to spoil me, I will never spare him!"

"Get over here!"


A violent breath of "Shifting Grand Technique", with Yang Xu protruding out with one hand, scorn!

The void that was thousands of miles away was directly enveloped.

The next moment, boom!

That piece of space was moved directly by Yang Xu to less than a hundred meters in front of him.

The sudden extra space made the rumbling of this side of the sky squeeze, and it would collapse at any time.

"Yang Xu was irritated. It seems that the Void Beast is of great use to him... That guy is going to be unlucky."

The ancient ancient pagoda secretly thought, Shen Nian looked towards the unexpected guest.

I saw a man who was moved in the void, and stood a man in gold armor with bloodshot eyes.

He was just a strong man, wearing a golden divine armor, holding a golden sword, shrouded in holy light, and immortal as auspicious, spinning around him.

Faced with Yang Xu who suddenly performed "The Great Move", the man in gold armor was obviously startled, and the expression on his face was a little flustered, but he calmed down immediately.

Standing in the void, the man with a gold price stood high and looked down at Yang Xu:

"I didn't expect to be a human...I haven't seen a good human being in a long time."

He looked at Yang Xu from the head to the feet, and picked a corner of his mouth, showing a proud smile:

"Human beings, you are lucky to have a great life. This time, you have offended Shang Xian and affected their plans. But Shang Xian has the virtue of a good life and doesn't kill you. Leave quickly."

The gold-clad man waved a hand toward Yang Xu like a fly, and then ignored it.


He flashed in front of the space channel, "This beast runs very fast. If he doesn't catch it back to the upper bound, he will really get angry when he goes online."


Jin Jia's man's eyebrows, the scarlet trace, suddenly cracked a gap, and a third eye appeared, bursting out a ray of light, looking deep into the space channel.

"Huh? There is an ancient blood?"

Yang Xu flashed his eyes, "Although this drop of divine blood is not too pure, it should be enough to be used as a bait for the Void Beast."


He flashed directly in front of the golden armor man.

The Jinjia man gave him a surprise look, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes:

"Human beings, don't delay me in doing things, get away! Delaying the event of Shangxian will not spare you!"

His voice did not fall, but he saw a sneer on the face of the human teenager opposite him.

This made the Jinjia man feel uncomfortable for a while:

As a special envoy sent by the celestial beings, no matter which plane they go to, they are worshipped by the rituals and regarded as the existence of celestial beings.

In front of this area, the young man in the area actually sneered at himself with sarcasm?

"Humans, you are blaspheming the immortal and disrespecting the immortal! Put on the incense case obediently, bow your head and bow to the beast ninety-nine times, and be sincere in your heart, otherwise you are in a catastrophe!"

Jin Jia's man snorted coldly, his voice like Huang Zhong Da Lu.

For other people, maybe he was really bluffed by this hand.

However, Yang Xu's response was a sharp shot:



The red awn of Longinus' Ghost Gun flashed, and it fell to the ground, piercing the chest of the golden armor.

On the crimson gun, the eye of the demon opened a gap slightly, goo, goo!

The divine power in the Golden Armor man was grabbed and absorbed into the Ghost Gun:

"Divine power... is a long-lost divine power..." There was a faint sigh in the gun body.

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