Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2699: Gluttonous blood

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In the valley, the gang wind raged and the magic energy rolled like a cloud.

Yang Xupan sat on a black stone, his face was plain, and there was no one around him.


A figure appeared suddenly, and the whole body shone with a breath of time and space fluctuations, it was the son of madness.

"Are you so afraid of being followed by others?"

Yang Xu looked at the son of madness.

The crazy son couldn't help laughing:

"Master, don't worry, all the small tails have been dumped by me. Why are you here?"

Yang Xu didn't answer, just said:

"Tell me all the information you have collected recently... Oh yes, let's talk about the Ming tribe first."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed slightly when he thought of the only exceptional fat man among the group of handsome men and women of the Ming tribe.


Soon Yang Xu heard what he was interested in:

"You mean that the gluttonous clan with ancient demon blood was swallowed by the Ming clan? The bloodline of the gluttonous clan has already been eaten by the Ming clan?"

A gloom flashed across his face.

The mad son couldn't help feeling anxious for a while, wondering why his master would care so much about this gluttonous family?

"Master, the gluttons have been annexed by the Ming tribes for nearly three hundred years. According to the information I have recently collected, the only gluttons who still have gluttonous pure blood are a little fat man. By the way, tomorrow's Changshengdong ten tribes, He will also participate."

Yang Xu nodded, somewhat sure:

It's no wonder that when encountering the fat man of the Ming tribe, he felt some inexplicable feeling, it should be the gluttonous blood veins in his body, similar to the old fat one.

However, Lao Fei's gluttonous bloodline has been cultivated by Lao Fei to the point of gluttonous **** blood, which is not the same as that little fat man.

"Fortunately, I came to Changsheng Cave ahead of time. Otherwise, the blood of Laofei's descendants will be missing. I really have no face to face him."

Fortunately, since the identity of the other party has been confirmed, everything is still too late.

It happened that when he was chatting with Lao Fei, Lao Fei told him a lot about his cultivation methods.

He even organized a recipe for strengthening gluttonous blood, and Yang Xu's memory is not bad.

"The blood of the gluttons can grow to the point where they can feed on the heavens and the earth. It can't be cut off like this. Tomorrow, contact the little fat man. I hope the qualifications are not too bad."

In Yang Xu's eyes, a ray of fine awn flashed.

"As for the lotus, can you hear about the existence of the whirling **** tree?"

Yang Xu asked.

The mad son's eyes suddenly flickered:

"This happens to be my key report to the master! Master, I heard that the power of the whirling **** tree is extremely extraordinary, and even can produce a pure land of whirling..."

The second day.

Changsheng Cave, floating city.

The Big Ten of the Ten Clan is the ten strongest forces in Changsheng Cave, and the way of resource allocation is determined by the ranking of the battle.

The place to fight is in the Colosseum in the center of the floating city.

The floating city is a city suspended above the sky dome. It is said that it was once a gem of Taoism. Somehow, it slowly evolved into a floating city.

In the very center of the city, there is a huge square colosseum, 500 meters square, with blood stains on the ground.

Around the Colosseum, there is a protective line that can resist the aftermath of energy erupting from the duelist.

Outside the protective pattern, there are seats for the audience, enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people watching together.

When the day was just dawning, the Colosseum was already full. Whether it was to admire the Ten Clan Wars or to bet on gambling, they all focused on this three-day duel.

The first day is the preliminary round. After eliminating half of the contestants, the second day will be the elimination round, and then half of the contestants will be excluded to get the preliminary ranking.

The final is the final, to catch the fight, to obtain the final ranking by points, and thus decide the resource allocation plan.

Devil races are extremely rugged. The rules of the game and the referees are usually all seen on the big picture, but there is no possibility of black box operations.

After all, there are so many viewers watching, all of which are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Anyone who can't convince the crowd will definitely cause anger. The audience in the audience rushed to kill the black whistle referee. It hasn't happened.

With the foundation laid by these crazy sons these days, it was easy to buy the seats in the front of the auditorium.

But in order to avoid exposing Yang Xu's identity, he did not sit with Yang Xu.

But when the crazy son appeared in the audience, it still inevitably caused a commotion.

Yang Xu was not far from him. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help smiling:

"It seems that this crazy boy has also attracted a lot of little fans."

It can be used!

Yang Xu raised his eyes and looked at the side of the ring, and at a glance saw the fat man who represented the Ming clan in the first battle.

Looking at the round face, Yang Xu looked more and more like old fat.

At the same time, he also noticed that he looked at himself in the corner and looked up. It was the handsome leader of the Ming tribe.

"This kid noticed me? Is it because of my excessive focus on that little fat man?"

Yang Xu's heart moved.

"Yangxu, that kid was the first to send a fat man to fight, isn't he testing you?"

The sound of the barren ancient pagoda sounded in Yang Xu's mind.

Yang Xu's expression is very plain, no change at all:

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to tempt. Anyway, sooner or later you will have contact with the Ming Clan.

Yang Xu will never change things because he has made up his mind.

However, what the Ming clan boy was trying was unable to stop Yang Xu's plan.

If they block themselves.

It doesn't matter, just destroy it.

If the entire Ming clan opposes, then the entire Ming clan will be destroyed!

Even if it is pulled out of Changsheng Cave, such an intertwined force, Yang Xu has nothing to do with it, let alone a ghetto?

"Huh, that little fat man came on the court. Is this the gluttonous bloodline? It's a little inferior."

The ancient ancient pagoda sighed.

As you can see in the Colosseum, the chubby little fat man holds a huge mace, and there is no other magic weapon because his clothes are so cool.

His opponent is a bat tribe cultivator, with two black flying swords suspended in front of him, cold and cold.

At the beginning of the battle between the two sides, the fat man's body suddenly enlarged, with a height of ten meters, and the huge mace in his hand also changed with it.

It looks very majestic.

Yang Xu looked but shook his head for a while:

This little fat man is too weak, there are no treasures, no magical powers, and even a little advantage of the gluttonous bloodline has not been brought into play.

Isn't the gluttonous tribe so good? Even a decent bloodline method can't find him to practice?


The Colosseum, a giant fat man, waved his mace awkwardly, hitting the sword repair of the Bat Race, but unexpectedly hit an empty space. Aroused laughter from everyone present.

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