Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 2935: enter

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Just when Yang Xu spoke.

The five ghosts had already killed several cultivators. They were surrounded by a **** gas, and suddenly, they merged into one, turning into a group of blood cells that wriggle continuously.

Yang Xu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly:

"Let's go, the five ghosts are going to turn into seven demons, and then it will be more difficult."

He took Tian Qing Cang and several friends and walked forward.

The blood cells behind him were divided into seven, and the blood gleamed into seven **** demon heads.

"There are still strong men who are ahead of us, one step late."

Tian Qing Cang's friend sighed.

Yang Xu didn't speak, only looked around the long corridor.

Tian Qing Cang sighed:

"We can have the speed we have now, thanks to Brother Xu Yang, without him, I'm afraid we can't get in at all."

Not only that.

I am afraid that this emperor's funeral inheritance was really taken away by Ye Jiaolong.

Now he has at least a chance to compete.

"Look, what is that!"

Suddenly, the front was bright and seemed to be the end of the promenade.

The crowd came quickly, and could not help but stunned:

The tomb is in the belly of a large mountain, and in front of a huge space, the top of the mountain wall has been hollowed out, forming a vertical channel, with light falling down from the outside.

But this has not surprised everyone.

What really changed their look is that there are thousands of laws that converge into a waterfall that falls with the light.

Apart from this rule waterfall, there is no road ahead.

This reminded Yang Xu of Shuiliandong and said:

"Which of your pupils can see through the scene behind this waterfall of law?"

Everyone tried it one after another, and could not help shaking his head with a wry smile, "These laws are so powerful that I cannot see through them."

"I can't see through..."

Tianqing Cang gritted his teeth, "I'll try it!"

A sword-shaped rune flashed in his eyes, and a trace of blood oozed from both pupils.

His eyes shot like a flying sword, and he instantly penetrated the waterfall of the law. Suddenly, the scene behind the waterfall fell into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't see clearly either."

Tian Qing Cang said regretfully to everyone, but at the same time quickly told Yang Xu:

"Brother Xu Yang, I can see clearly. There is a cave behind the waterfall of Law. I don't know where it leads, but there is a strong power fluctuation!"

"I'm afraid that Ye Jiaolong has already entered, and has fought against the unknown existence..."

Tian Qing Cang is not a good old man, and the news in exchange for his own price will not be shared with others for free.

But Yang Xu is not here.

"It seems that I have to find a way to pass this law waterfall."

Yang Xu took out the town demon stone, and there was a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, and the practitioners around him suddenly changed their colors:

"Xu Yang, what do you want to do?"

They worried that Yang Xu would shoot them.

Yang Xu was too lazy to take care of them, and stepped closer to the Fa waterfall.

Suddenly, a surging force of repulsion squeezed from Chaoyangxu, and there was still a breath of temptation, destruction, and depravity.

The laws of the fairy world are all born from the heaven and earth. The most powerful existence is completely incomparable with the laws of the lower world.

"All the energy contained in this waterfall of law is negative energy, but it takes a lot of energy to collect so many negative laws. With my understanding of the kid, his mind is disdain to do such trivial things."

Yang Xu secretly said.

Even those who can throw out the treasures like the Six Daemons, how can they be stingy with their power and arrange such a time-consuming obstacle?

"go with."

Yang Xu threw the town demon stone at the waterfall, and a mass of translucent energy immediately wrapped the town demon stone and rushed to the waterfall.

Everyone's eyes looked forward to the town of magic stones.

However, just as the Zhenmo Stone was about to come into contact with the waterfall of the law, a golden light flashed, yeah!

Accompanied by a piercing eagle roar, a golden-winged Dapeng bird condensed in the void, and the claws of steel casting grabbed the town's magic stone.

Everyone's look could not help changing:

"Oops, the Town Devil Stone can't be approached!"

"That Law Falls can actually condense the golden-winged Dapeng bird to attack!"

Their eyes were bleak:

It was difficult enough to break the law waterfall originally, but now I can't even get close to it.

How do you play?

Say how did Ye Jiaolong's demon pass through the waterfall of law?

Many people are puzzled.

On Yang Xu's side, he saw the golden-winged Dapeng bird appear, but he seemed to have expected it, and he was not surprised.

A wave of your hand, scorn!

A sharp sword slashed toward the golden-winged Dapeng bird.

Tian Qing Cang's eyes suddenly light up:

"What a powerful sword spirit!"

Only by this trick, can you see Yang Xu's mastery of swordsmanship.

Tian Qing looked at Yang Xu's waist sword with emotion:

"I don't know what horror Xu Yang's sword technique should be if he uses that mouthful weapon sword!"

The sword light was like electricity, and it immediately chopped on the golden-winged Dapeng bird. The golden-winged Dapeng bird made a scream, and the captured demon stone suddenly fell off.

What made everyone else change color again was that after Yang Xu's sword light hit the golden-winged Dapeng bird, it ran into the waterfall of law.


A touch of almost the same sword light rushed out of the waterfall of law and slashed to where Yang Xu was.

"This waterfall of laws can actually absorb conversion attacks?"

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Yang Xu couldn't help but smile:

"Well done, I'm afraid you won't shoot!"

His figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second, he appeared in front of the sword light cut by the waterfall of law.


Yang Xu leaned out and squeezed that wisp of sword light directly into his hands.

No matter how hard Jiang Jian struggles, he can't get rid of it.

"Tianqing Cang, come!"

Yang Xu pinched the sword of the law, and slashed at the waterfall of the law, and a crack appeared suddenly.

Tian Qing Cang, who had been prepared for a long time, flew the flying sword under his feet, turned into a light of escape, and rushed towards the crack:


He and Yang Xu entered the Fa waterfall together together, and the Zhenmo stone turned into a streamer, and followed.

Seeing the cracks of the waterfall fall together, everyone outside was stunned:

I went, and the two went in like this?

Is this too easy?

Many kendo cultivators present at the scene, with a lot of learning, also cut a sword light towards the waterfall of law.

Sure enough, Jianguang came out from the waterfall of law and killed them.

Unfortunately, however.

They didn't have the means like Yang Xu at all. The blood flashed through, and these people were directly cut by the law and cut into two pieces!


The people took a deep breath and looked at the waterfall of law with envy and jealousy:

They didn't see how Ye Jiaolong went in, so they had no idea.

However, Yang Xu seemed to enter so easily and freely, which made everyone feel envious, but also produced a lot of exclamation.

In particular, along the way, the incredible means displayed by this young boy all show his extraordinary origins. "The only one who can fight Ye Jiaolong, I am afraid this is the young man?"

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