Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 932: No face is given!

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Chapter 932 No One's Face!

One finger blocked the violent punch of the Jiao tribe.

Yang Xu's strength is enough to surprise everyone.

But after this remark.

Even more shocked everyone.

Including three Jiao tribes, it is also incredible:

"what did you say?"

"It's too late to go?"

Probably accustomed to the supremacy of the Jiao tribe in humans.

The three Jiao tribes immediately smiled:

"Hahaha, Yang Xu, do you know who you are talking to?"

"What price will you pay, are you clear?"


None of the three Jiao tribes finished.

Yang Xu was too lazy to listen to their nonsense.

The mysterious **** figure is full of light, like the **** roll that suppresses the heavens, covers the void, and swept directly to the three.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"How do you feel it has the breath of a wedding dress **** figure?"

Some cultivators couldn't help being surprised:

"I heard that the two pictures of the goddesses of the ancient family were all obtained by Yang Xu... Did he combine them into one?"

When people are surprised.

"Dare to work with my Jiao tribe, so bold!"

The bald-headed jiao crowed loudly, wow.

He opened his mouth and spit out a purple totem.

A sharp gun emerged from the totem, cold and cold.

The other two also vomited mysterious totems.


Don't wait for them to fight back.


A illusion of shining stars is like a brand new world, falling from the sky.

The three Jiaos are directly shrouded.

In an instant.

The three Jiao people were stiff there.

All spirits are paralyzed by the world derived from the mysterious **** figure.

No one thought of it.

Yang Xu ended the battle so quickly.

That's the Jiao tribe!

Both the flesh and the explosive force are extremely powerful.

Yang Xu threw out only one picture.

The three Jiao tribes kneeled.

It's incredible!

Ling Hengzi and Aoyue both stared at the mysterious **** figure with their eyes glowing:

One face-to-face, instantly took the three-headed Jiao tribe.

Yang Xu didn't even need to do anything.

Only the mysterious **** figure is sacrificed, and the world is determined in one fell swoop.

The power of this **** figure is simply too great!

Both eyes flashed with greed.

Linglong's son, the burial of the moon palace master and the son, but the eyes are locked on Yang Xu.

Only they can see.

Although the mysterious **** figure is powerful, the reason why it can be effective.

Not just because of its own power.

Because of the timing and angle of Yang Xu's shot, they are the best choice for impeccable!

"This guy, compared with the thousand-handed son in the temple who is the best at using equipment, don't let it go!"

In Linglong's eyes, there was a flash of admiration.

Seeing that the mysterious **** figure is beautiful, there are thousands of rich colors, and they are enveloped by the three Jiaos.

An incredible force wrapped three Jiao tribes.

They will be sealed into the world of the mysterious **** figure.

It was at this time.


Two figures flew from a distance.

"Stop it! Don't do anything with Jiao!"

"Let them go!"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

When looking at the faces of the two, everyone's expressions changed together:

"The Vice Lord is here!"

"The other one seems to be a leader of the Jiao tribe!"

"They got the news so quickly?"

"I'm afraid Yang Xu will be in trouble now."

Everyone looked at Xiang Yangxu with concern.

Everyone knows that the deputy commander of the borderland has always been notoriously pleased with the Jiao tribe.

Yang Xu dared to attack the Jiao clan, and was seen by the Jiao clan leader again.

Can the deputy waste master spare him?

They are the sons of Linglong and the owner of the funeral palace.

Ling Hengzi and Aoyue sneered:

"I was caught by the deputy waste master to see how you died this time."


Yang Xu's behavior once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

It was as if he had not heard the warnings from both.

Continue to urge the mysterious **** figure, the light flashed:

Brush brush!

The three-headed Jiao clan was wrapped in the mysterious **** figure, and the light flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


The captain of the Jiao clan in black armor landed in front of Yang Xu.

The violent Gangfeng came to the face, and the Jiao commanders glared at Yang Xu:

"Human! Where did you seal my Jiao clan? Release it immediately!"


Deputy Huang Tang also appeared, Tie Qing's face, Chao Yangxu's eyes widened:

"Yangxu, you don't want to live! Let the three Jiao tribes be released soon, and apologize to them!"

The deputy waste master and the Jiao clan leader all screamed at Chaoyangxu.

There was a sudden silence around.

Everyone pinched a sweat for Yang Xu.

Linglong son secretly said:

"Unfortunately, it would be nice if these two guys could come later."


Facing the two menacing.

Yang Xu's face was an unprecedented calm.

He didn't seem to care about the situation at the moment.

The expression is still calm, and his eyes are still relaxed.

Looking at the two gently, Yang Xu said lightly:

"Are you talking to me?"

"You... you want to find death, don't you? I don't think I don't know what you did, your things are enough to kill you ten thousand times in the desert!"

Tang Huang, deputy waste master, stared at Yang Xu faintly, threatening.

The Jiao nationality commander's eyes are also a little cold at the moment, and the tone is cold:

"There is no room for discussion, and don't waste time. Obediently put my Jiao clan and talk about punishment..."

"Oops, this one is angry! Never let him be angry. That thing needs the help of the Jiao clan leader..."

Deputy Huang Tang's eyes rolled round and round:

"Commander, don't be angry. This time, it's true that my human race is not right first, you eliminate the fire..."

Seeing that the leader of the Jiao tribe did not show any signs of improvement, the deputy waste master bit his teeth:

"Commander, I heard that the Jiao tribe is working on a powerful ancient weapon. In order to express my human support, I would like to donate all the tax spirits for one year to the Jiao tribe to help the research career of the Jiao tribe... "

This remark came out.

The whole scene suddenly exploded.

All human beings were angry and shouted:

"Why? Why give the tax of my race to Jiao?"

"Tang Huang you abuse your private rights and betray the interests of the human race!"

"Your dog food!"

Many powerful cultivators screamed.

Those who were not strong enough stared at Tang Huang angrily, scolding in their hearts.

Tang Huang was too lazy to ignore them.

With the palm of his hand, he personally handed over the space bag with a large amount of spirit stones to the Jiao tribe.

Seeing this Jiao leader, after receiving hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, his face looked slightly better.

Tang Huang was relieved and stared at Yang Xu like a knife:

"Did you see it? Because of your negligence, the tax for one year has been lost to the borderland! Obediently put the Jiao clan, everything is easy to discuss!"

Once again, he ignored the threatening expression of the deputy waste master.

Yang Xu didn't seem to feel the horrible coercion at all, his expression calmly and his eyes calm.

Then he smiled at Tang Huang:

"Sorry, don't let go."

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