Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 947: Gratitude to the Son of the Moon

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Chapter 947: Gratitude to the Saint Son

It is another promenade.

It is different from the scene expected by the master of the institution.

Linglong son they are calm.

Look around carefully, move forward cautiously, and don't worry.

It is even calmer than Lan Dongchen and Xiaoqing.

"They are so slow, how can the speed of crossing the border be fast?"

The master of the institution placed his eyes on Yang Xu.


Yang Xu shot.

The master of the institution was immediately shocked:

Yang Xu's observation power is simply amazing.

He can easily detect any clues or strange clues.

Then quickly find a solution.

The success rate is almost 100%.

"Master, after watching it for so long, do you feel itchy hands?"

Yang Xu smiled:

"If the two of us can cooperate, the efficiency will reach an astonishing level."

The eyes of the master of the institution suddenly light up:

"Okay, let me help!"

Not to mention anything else, Yang Xu alone relieved his strange poison in one fell swoop.

The master of the institution should also help.

What's more, Yang Xu's proposal is really tempting for the master.

Next time.

It's simply the best time for me to teach my life.

No matter how complicated the organ is, Yang Xu can see through its deconstruction and flaws with a few eyes.

If you can't figure it out, it will be portrayed to the master of the institution immediately.

The master of the institution can do it easily with experience.

The traps discovered by the master of the institution, when they were with Lan Dongchen before, often required the master to exhaust their lips to teach them to verify and avoid.

But now, often only need to remind Yang Xu.

This kid can easily avoid it, and even destroy the trap.

This cool feeling is like teaching a brilliant student.

It's not just one-on-one.

It is almost a case of inconsistency, and the achievements are gratifying.

Linglong, they were also pleasantly surprised to find:

The speed of cracking organ traps has increased five or six times than before.

They are quickly approaching the exit.

Compared to Yang Xu.

Lan Dongchen was going to be forced.

He and Xiaoqing knew nothing about organ art.

Now there is no help from the organ master.

Even with strong strength, you can't play to your ideas.

Not only is it embarrassing.

The forward speed is so slow that the snail crawls.

"Damn! I already knew this, and I must grab the master of the institution anyway!"

Lan Dongchen gritted his teeth.

I feel that Yang Xu calculated.

The girl next to Xiao Qing glanced at him contemptuously:

"Did you know Yang Xu's power on the first day? Have I reminded you before he came, but he beheaded the master!"

Lan Dongchen's face sank, looking at Xiaoqing coldly:

"That's your master, not mine! The purpose of figuring you out here is to help me get that thing, not to promote the power of your master..."


Xiaoqing snorted coldly and stopped talking.

There was silence in the corridor.

Lan Dongchen was uneasy, and the speed of cracking suddenly became slower.

The deep thoughts of Yang Xu in his heart grew more hatred and fear.

"I didn't expect to pass the barrier so quickly, you are too good!"

The son of Linglong and the owner of the funeral palace, Chaoyangxu and the master of the institution cast their eyes in wonder.

The master of the institution looked at Yang Xu with a smile:

"It's mainly you, and the performance is amazing. You are a natural learner of organs. Are you interested in learning organs with me?"

Yang Xu refused with a smile:

"I'm not here for the time being. If you are destined, ask the master of the agency for advice."

The master of the institution has its own pride and is not reluctant.

Everyone looked at the center of the secret room.

As you can see directly above, there is only one ball of light.

In the light sphere, a drop of Yinhong blood was suspended.

This drop of blood haunts extremely strong energy fluctuations.

"This is a drop of blood?"

"If you integrate it, you should be able to get great power."

Institutional master said.

Seeing from the eyes of the Supreme God, Yang Xu found that there was a god-shaped, thunder-like rune in the bloodline, which was constantly flashing.

Brush brush.

The eyes of everyone gathered on Yang Xu.

"Look what I do?"

Yang Xudao.

"Yang Xu, how do you distribute this drop of divine blood?"

Ling Ling asked.

The master of the institution smiled and said:

"Old man, I am satisfied with the diamond circle. I don't want this blood."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed.

His eyes crossed from the main body of the funeral palace, and finally fell on the son of the funeral moon.

The funeral of the Son of the Moon was somewhat unexpected:

"Why look at me like this?"

"This drop of **** blood is for you."

Yang Xudao.


The sacred Moon Son opened his eyes in amazement:

Actually there is such a good thing, falling on his own head?

The son of Linglong and the master of the funeral palace also opened their eyes in amazement.

The master of the institution looked at Yang Xu somewhat unexpectedly:

Actually give away the treasure you got, give it away?

"The Lord of the Burial Moon Palace, the Son, we are all from the Hongtu mainland. For the sake of this blood, the past grievances have been cancelled, how?"

Yang Xu looked at the owner and son of the funeral palace.

They looked at each other apprenticely.

a long time.

Chaoyang Xu nodded:

"Okay, all the grudges in the past have been cancelled!"

next to.

Whether it is the master of the institution, or the exquisite son.

The eyes of Yang Xu are full of admiration and admiration.

As for the owner of the funeral palace, the expression is a little complicated.

One reason is that Yang Xu had destroyed the holy place of the burial moon that she worked so hard to build.

However, Yang Xu did not destroy the Holy Land, and the Master of the Burial Moon Palace had no chance to be selected by the Temple of Burial.

Another reason is that Yang Xu is now generously giving away blood.

Completed her apprentice.

This made the owner of the funeral palace somewhat grateful and contradictory.

I didn't know how to face Yang Xu for a while.

Where would she know that the reason why Yang Xu gave God's blood to the Son of Funeral Moon?

It is well thought out.

On the one hand, Yang Xu has blood.

It doesn't matter if the trumpet's eight-door **** blood or the main number's ten-yang samsara.

All are extremely powerful.

Re-integrating other blood, it will be counterproductive if it is not done properly.

On the other hand, it is because Yang Xu took a fancy to the potential of the Sunburial Temple.

These two masters and apprentices can get a special rescue from the temple at all costs.

Explanation is very important to the funeral temple.

Now take the opportunity to resolve the grievances, maybe you can use them to take the power of the temple and obtain the intelligence of the blue man.

not to mention.

Yang Xu had long been expected to bury the pride of Moon Son.

It is impossible to take advantage of yourself.



Before the funeral of the Son of the Moon, he said solemnly to Yang Xu:

"I won't take your things in vain, and after blending the blood of the gods, I will compensate you according to the strength I got!"

"Okay, whatever you want."

Yang Xu smiled.


Burial Moon Son swallowed that drop of divine blood.


The energy of his body skyrocketed.


There was a blue thunder rune on the body of Saint Moon.

Behind him is a void, a bright and bright moon rises.

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