Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 966: Sword Demon Divine Prestige!

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Chapter 966 Sword Demon Divine Prestige!

"Hahaha, is this a military killing? You are too bad."

"I thought he had any tricks...hahaha, this kid is funny."

the other side.

With the help of a special array, look at the scene in front of Lan Dongchen.

Can't help crying at the moment:

"What kind of stuff is this?"

"Jiao tribe is still stunned, while this kid is making trouble, kill him!"

Lan Dongchen thought that Yang Xu summoned the Solitary Sword Demon, which was a mistake in operation.

Aoyue here.

"Something wrong! With my knowledge of Yang Xu, he would never make such a low-level mistake. This war is probably not so simple."

Aoyue said in a deep voice.

"Ah? How exaggerated! I think it's just an ordinary person. There is no breath of the strongest in the body. Didn't you laugh when you saw the Jiaolong tribe."

Honghua Tiandao with white hair.

He glanced at Zuo Ren next to his eyes.

But he was surprised to find that Zuo Ren was full of dignity.

Sharp eyes stared at Yang Xu.

"Zuo Ren, what did you find? Say it quickly."

Yang Xu's side.

The lonely sword demon who was originally squatting on the ground suddenly raised his eyebrows:

"Huh, an interesting sword spirit, in that direction..."

He stood up and glanced in the direction of Zuo Ren.

Zuo Ren, several kilometers apart, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A glance at Du Gu Jian Mo made him breathe for a moment.


He gasped:

"Master! This person is a master of Kendo!"

Unstoppable, a look of excitement and fear appeared on Zuoren's face:

"I haven't met such a strong Kendo master in a long time, I am not alone in Kendo!"

Zuo Ren's remarks were equivalent to admitting Ao Yue's judgment.

Aoyue glanced triumphantly at those who refuted him:

"I'll say it, how can the soldiers summoned by Yang Xu be simple! He..."

"The stronger he is, the more we lose. You are so happy!"

Someone scolded.

Aoyue also understood that his proud face could not be swept away, and he was depressed again.

It was the moment when Dugu Jianmo noticed Zuo Ren and stood up.

The breath on him suddenly changed.

It used to feel like an idle man who was waiting to die.


But turned into a supreme swordsman with a sharp eye.

His seemingly careless movements brought strong psychological pressure to the Jiaolong tribe.

An invisible momentum slowly condenses around the sword demon.

"Have you no one?"

Du Gu Jianmo glanced at Yang Xu and asked casually.

That tone was the same as pointing at a pile of eggs and asking if they would break all.

"A group of stubborn guys, no one needs to stay."

Yang Xu said lightly:

"Senior Sword Demon Senior."

The murder in his eyes made no secret.

"Bullshit talk! I want to see how many pounds you have!"

A blond jiao clan finally couldn't bear the invisible pressure, bang!

He strode out in a stride, and a golden totem shone throughout his body.

Strong defense, wrapped him all over.

The strong dragons of the Jiaolong tribe could not help shaking their brows:

"Jin's second child can't help but shoot!"

"Great, this guy is notoriously physically tough, and his golden totem is even more famous for his defensive perversion!"

"Let him try the strength of this sword repair soldier..."


The blond jiao tribe stomped on the ground like a divine dragon flying into the sky.

"Lie down!"

He was in midair, condescending.

Punched hard and hit the Dugu Sword Demon fiercely.

at the same time.

Several other Jiao people quietly locked Yang Xu.

Ready to shoot at any time, beheading Yang Xu.

It was in this moment.

Dugu Sword Demon stood there, his hands folded.

The look on his face was plain.

Facing the violent punch of the blond jiao clan, there was no slight change in expression.

On his side, Yang Xu also looked faint.

I don't seem to worry about it at all.

Time seems to be stagnant at this moment.

The picture at this moment quietly freezes.



Just like the second hand of a clock, it moved.

Freeze the picture, one step forward:

Puff puff puff puff puff...

In the picture, the Jinjiao tribe flew out without warning.

On the body, even dense marks appeared.

There are countless bright red blood flowers blooming from the back of the Jinjiao tribe.

Thousands of sword spirits appeared out of thin air.

Then there is no stagnation, and the blonde jiao clan, who is famous for his physical strength and amazing defense, directly pierces into a sieve.

As simple as piercing a piece of tofu!

The picture in front of me is for all the practitioners present, Jiao tribe.

Even the prying eyes of the distant blue winter morning, Aoyue.

All left an indelible impression.

So much so.

The twisted and complicated expression on their faces was so deadlocked for three seconds.


The corpse of the blond Jiao clan, which was already like a rotten flesh, fell heavily on the ground.

The practitioners, who were almost astonished by surprise, woke up suddenly.

All the strong people of the Jiao clan are also covered with a spirit.

Looking at the eyes of Dugu Sword Demon, there is no longer any slight contempt, ridicule, or ridicule.

When the frail sheep saw the little lamb that they had mocked before, they suddenly tore off the sheepskin disguised on their bodies and became the most dangerous wolf king.

It's like the lava that's rolling down, encountering a white snow.


The psychological defense line of all Jiao tribes collapsed without any delay.

"It's too strong! I couldn't even breathe one in a thousand, so I killed the second child!"

"Golden second child is the strongest and most defensive!"

"Not only did he kill him directly, but even more terrifying, we didn't even see how he shot!"


In addition to breathing coolly.

The Jiaolong looked at the dully sword demon, who always looked indifferent, but he didn't know what to do.

Run away?

Can their speed be as fast as their swords?

Until now.

These dragons suddenly remembered:

What did Yang Xu call this person just now?

Seems like...sword demon?

It’s not a title.

But the violent terror of Du Gu Jian Mo, coupled with the title of "Sword Demon".

But the dragons who were present could no longer raise any resistance.


This sword demon seems to be too busy.

In the desperate eyes of all dragons.

In the amazed and fanatical eyes of all human cultivators

Dugu Sword Demon Chaoyang Xu smiled:

"I was inspired a while ago to come up with a new move. How about practicing with them?"

Yang Xu shrugged indifferently:

"Anyway, in my eyes, they are all dead...no, dead dragons."

"Then I'm here."

Lone Sword Demon looked at the poor dragons with a smile.


Around them, a lot of soil energy swept up.

Then, turned into a giant yellow sword.

Like a wall, surround them layer by layer.

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