Unlimited Upgrade System

Chapter 998: Beheaded!

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Chapter 998 Decapitation!

Yang Xu's words made Mei Yuan, the deputy waste master, look ugly.

He did not expect that Yang Xu would not give a face.

"This kid, he still put his nose on his face, right?"

Mei Yuan stared at Yang Xu faintly.

Clay figurines still have a tertiary nature, not to mention the desolate landlord of Zhongzhou under his one person and over 10,000 people.


Mei Yuan snorted and said in a deep voice:

"Your name is Yang Xu, I advise you to be honest. It's better to be honest, which delays the matter of Lord Lord. I'm afraid you will not be responsible..."

The word "qi" has not been finished yet.

Mei Yuan felt that a surging flame of energy on his side suddenly exploded.


A clear chirp sounded.

Yang Xu's fingertips, palm-sized sun golden black, golden brilliance, divine enthusiasm.

Instantly rushed in the direction of the first and second **** trees.


Among them, the Lord of the Second God Tree was directly blasted away by the flame energy of the sun.

The Lord of the First Divine Tree even glared his eyes wide.

It didn't seem to happen that Yang Xu actually said to fight.

"Yang Xu is simply too good! This is the start!"

"I haven't put the words of the deputy waste master in my eyes at all!"

"It's okay not to give Mei Yuan a face, he dare to interrupt even the Lord's things..."

The crowd marveled and talked.

"A thing about the desolate Lord? Ha ha."

A trace of contempt flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

The reason why he has to shoot.

There are two reasons:

The first point is, if the matter of the wastelander is really so urgent.

Mei Yuan definitely didn't have so much idle time to accompany them.

The second point, the master of the first and second **** trees, has a reason to be removed.

The two of them had already shown their attitude before, and Yang Xu did not obey them, they would cooperate with the deputy waste master.

And Mei Yuan is a sinister and patient person.

Such a guy, once united with the two strong.

It is tantamount to being a dangerous viper, always watching in secret.

Yang Xu has no time to always beware of such things.

Simply killed together, and got rid of the trouble.

Yang Xu shot suddenly and decisively.

Sun Jinwu opened the road and flashed in front of the Lord of the Second God Tree in an instant.

Seeing that the Lord of the Second God Tree was directly blasted out.

The Lord of the First God Tree is busy to rescue:

"Thunderbolt, bombard!"


The purple thunder burst suddenly, burning into a purple flash of fire, and spilled over to Yangxu.

A drop of purple sparks fell on the ground and listened to boom!

The purple fire burst and burst into a ten-meter-square scary pothole.

"What a terrifying power!"

"Is this the fighting power of the Purple Thunder Totem? Worthy of being the Lord of the First Divine Tree!"

The crowd looked at the Lord of the First Divine Tree, full of wonder.

Mei Yuan, not far away, flashed a trace of crumbs under her eyes.

Seeing the endless purple flash of fire, it will fall on Yang Xu.

Lvxu step!

Yang Xu's eyes flashed, and his eyes instantly locked on the Lord of the Second God Tree.


The void where he is, and the void where the Lord of the Second God Tree is, instantly exchanged.

The Lord of the Second God Tree appeared under the endless fire.


The purple flowing fire, containing horror energy, flows into the body of the second **** tree.


The Lord of the Second God Tree wailed screamingly!

A silver totem gleamed overhead, and countless silver sky swords flew.

Want to isolate all purple flash fires.



The purple flame burst instantly.

Rao is the main defensive force of the Second God Tree.

Can not help but was seriously injured.

"Damn! Yang Xu is too cunning!"

There was a touch of hatred in the eyes of the Lord of the First God Tree.

at this time.

His pupil shrank suddenly:

"not good!"

Yang Xu did not know when, flashed in front of the Lord of the Second God Tree.

In his hand, Lei Jidao appeared.


There was a crisp voice of drawing a knife.

Thunder's sharp blade flashed from the mysterious scabbard.

A lightning flashed across the back of the Lord of the Second God Tree.


Thunder Silent Knife is sheathed.

The Lord of the Second God Tree, there was a stalemate.

The Lord of the First Divine Tree suddenly shuddered in his heart:

"No way?"


A bright red mark appeared on the neck of the Lord of the Second God Tree.


The head of the second **** tree fell to the ground.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the player, kill the reincarnation of 9 times, and reward the experience value +89 million! True power +8.9 million! Points + 890,000! Mana + 89000 points! Crazy value +89 points! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the Taoist: Silver Snow Knife x1! Do you wear it? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the sword: "Xuemantianxia" x1! Do you want to learn? 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the water totem fragment x32! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the best water crystal core x631! 】

[Congratulations to the player, get the top grade spirit stone x182! 】

Yang Xu's ear sounded the system prompt.

The onlookers froze.

The Lord of the First God Tree widened his eyes.

Deputy Yuan Meiyuan was dumbfounded.

Several other **** trees' masters looked horrified.

The three masters of the funeral palace breathed a sigh of relief.


Until the headless body fell to the ground, there was a muffled noise.

The stunned people were awakened.



The crowd exploded at once:

"What just happened? Did any of you see it?"

"The knife repair, which knife repair can see what knife Yang Xu used in that moment?"

"A flash of electricity flashed over, the magic sword returned to the sheath, the enemy returned to the west, a quick killing knife!"

The onlookers were all amazed by Yang Xu's lightning bolt.

The faces of the first **** tree and Mei Yuan were as ugly as eating dead pork.

Especially the Lord of the First God Tree.

The one thing he was most afraid of was still happening:

Yang Xu is not only powerful in defense.

Its combat effectiveness has reached an astonishing point.

As much as.

Even his two bitter seas are not sure enough to take Yang Xu's sword!

"It turns out that he is a knife repairer, and he is such a superb knife repairer!"

The Lord of the First Divine Tree, a look of panic.

He flashed fast, staring at Yang Xu.


"Hey, Mei Yuan! Did you see it! He killed in front of you, he wouldn't give you the face of a barren master!"

"Do you remember what the master asked you to do? Quickly kill Yang Xu and get rid of this trouble!"

The Lord of the First God Tree, flashed in front of Mei Yuan, grabbing his clothes and shouting.


Mei Yuan threw him away, his face cold, his eyes contemptuous:

"Pay attention to your identity!"

"You are just a vassal. What qualifications do you have to ask me, do you really consider yourself the Lord of the Tree of God?"

This remark came out.

The face of the Lord of the First Divine Tree suddenly changed greatly.

The people around them all have their eyes wide open:


"Isn't he the true Lord of the God Tree? Just a vassal?"

"I rely on it, really fake! What about the real God Tree Lord?"

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