Unlimited Upgrades for My House of Horror

Chapter 117: Dug out the bones, he smiled

In this picture, there is an old man with his back crouched. The old man is hanging from a beam!

This scene is just as if Ye Xiaotian saw the introduction of the Liuba Village incident on the post bar.

The old man hanged himself at home and was only discovered a week later.


This painting surprised Ye Xiaotian, and it wasn't here.

Instead, there was a man standing beside him with a messy beard.

The man's mouth was painted big by Huahua, and the corners of the mouth on both sides were raised upwards.

And, the most important thing is.

A knife was drawn on the man's hand!

But this knife was hit with a big fork.

It seems that when Huahua was painting this picture, she wanted to express that the man killed the old man, so she turned a knife.

Maybe Hua Huali thought that the knife would be misunderstood, so I put a fork on it to show that the old man was not stabbed to death by the knife.

These are all information that Ye Xiaotian judged when he saw the painting at the first glance.

Although the paintings are naive, the meaning they want to express is obvious.

Just one point-the old man did not commit suicide and hang himself! It's a man who killed the old man!

"The old man was killed and then faked to commit suicide?"

"Huahua saw this scene?"

Ye Xiaotian wanted to understand this, but he still didn't know one thing.

Who is the man in the painting?

Why did he kill the old man?

Ye Xiaotian frowned, and suddenly thought of someone—that fool!

"Where is the fool's motive for killing?"

"To spend money?"

"What is his relationship with Huahua?"

"Why does he care about Huahua so much that he remembers to make money even when he is dead, and buy a schoolbag for Huahua?"

Ye Xiaotian couldn't understand, he had received too little useful information.

He couldn't even figure out who the child with a slingshot was in the first picture he saw.

Once again, his thoughts were chaotic.

It's like a mess, cut continuously, and the rationale is still chaotic.

He sat down on the ground and stared at the stars in a daze.

All the pictures after coming to Liuba Village kept appearing in my mind, bit by bit, without letting go of any clues.

When Ye Xiaotian's mind began to show images of unearthed houses.

He thought of a very crucial message.

That is a message that has been ignored by him!


Portrait of the old man!

He vaguely remembered that in that black and white photo, the old man's eyes were disappointed and unwilling!

Under normal circumstances, the portraits of the dead were taken in advance and carefully selected when the elderly reached a certain age.

So there can be no such kind of loss and reluctance.

This can only mean that the photo was taken temporarily!

The old man's expression showed that she probably knew something at that time, and it filled her with reluctance.

Combine the grievances of the elderly.

Ye Xiaotian thinks that Granny Wang's reluctance is probably because he can't rest assured of his granddaughter!

"Did she know she was going to die at that time?"

"Also know that my granddaughter is missing?"

"No, no! Why do idiots enshrine the old man's picture? Why do I keep forgetting this question!"

Ye Xiaotian finally remembered such important information!

Then, his whole body was shocked.

He thought of a possibility—a fool, the son of Granny Wang!

"Why did he call Granny Wang Granny Wang?"

Ye Xiaotian fell into a mess again.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and decided to open Jiangcheng Supernaturally again.

After opening the post bar.

I quickly turned to the piece titled "Liuba Village Left-behind Old Man Hanged in the Home of the Left-behind Elderly. The three-year-old girl was lost. Seven years ago, she has not been found! "s post.

Scroll down quickly.

Finally, when he turned to the last page, he saw some information he hadn't seen before.

"Grandma is really a good person, so she committed suicide. It's a pity. May grandma be happy in heaven!"

"Yes, Grandma Wang doesn't have a queen, neither is her granddaughter."

"Not a granddaughter? Doesn't the old man have a son and daughter-in-law? His son has no children?"

"Grandma Wang's son has intermittent mental illness. How can I find a wife? When his son was normal, his poor mother was lonely and hugged a granddaughter. Who knows what happened to him later, he asked a wife, and I heard I was pregnant with a boy. The son quarreled with the old man for a long time about this. He wanted to send the adopted daughter to the orphanage. The old man refused. The mother and the son quarreled many times over this matter."

This information came from an insider who explained the matter very thoroughly.

And the whole person replied to himself under his own comment, but it was a year later--"This woman is not a good thing either. I should have found out that the old man’s house is going to be demolished and the marriage is cheated! The pregnancy is fake, she was early I swindled all the fool’s money, and the house was lied to her name. I heard that the house demolition funds have just been taken away in the past few days..."

Seeing this, Ye Xiaotian turned off his cell phone.

Everything could not be clearer.

Because the wife has a son, and the wife may have repeatedly talked about the adopted daughter, the fool had a conflict with Granny Wang.

It may be that he committed an intermittent mental illness and killed his mother.

And all this was seen by the little girl.

The old man's reluctance was because he was worried that his granddaughter would be left alone after he left.

The chief culprit of all this is the woman who knows that the fool has intermittent mental illness and wants to marry him just to defraud the property.

The bones in the sweet potato cellar can basically be confirmed to be spent.

She saw her father killed her grandmother himself, and she hid in the sweet potato cellar because she was afraid?

At the age of three, it was easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

"Poor Huahua, she should have starved to death."

Ye Xiaotian couldn't help sighing, sighing the injustice of this world, and the terrible hearts of people.

At this moment, he was full of passion, and he really wanted to catch the woman who cheated on the marriage, cut her a thousand swords, and slowly tortured to death.

Ye Xiaotian had this impulse.

But reason told him that this kind of thing cannot be done.

"It's fine if you have a cigarette, and they all say that smoking can relieve their worries."

He sighed.

Then, suddenly thinking of something, he frowned: "By the way, how did the fool himself die?"

"Tree! He has been watering that tree since he died, why?"

"Maybe there is something under the tree?"

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaotian had a faint guess in his heart.

He quickly ran to the big willow tree.

Unable to find the shovel, he could only pick up the scissors and poke them into the dirt one by one.

One scissors, another scissors.

Only a little bit of dirt can be stirred up at a time.

But Ye Xiaotian believed in the guess in his heart, still poking happily.

I don't know how long it has passed before the sky is about to dawn.

After several hours of digging, Ye Xiaotian, panting heavily, sat on the pile of dirt, looking at the deep hole in front of him.

In this pit, Ye Xiaotian saw a 1.5-meter-long bone.

Next to the bone, there is a sealed plastic bag.

In the plastic bag, you can vaguely see a B-ultrasound from the Women's and Children's Hospital.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaotian smiled.

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