After defeating the giant Buddha, a secret door opened in the Buddhist hall.

Luo Bing continued deeper along the narrow tunnel behind the trap door.

He knew the destination was ahead.

En route.

Because Luo Bing was too hot, he let Xiaobai release his possession and return to normal.

Soon, the two saw the tunnel exit shining brightly.

Luo Bing couldn't wait to get out of the tunnel.

He was shocked by the scene that came into view.

This is a laboratory, but it is actually an endless assembly line factory.

The whole process does not require human involvement, and various intelligent machines will arrange everything in an orderly manner.

In the center of the laboratory stands a large twisted mass of white meat.

It's shaped like a human brain.

This lump of meat is soaked in a large Petri dish.

"Come here, successor. A

magnificent broadcast came.

Although there was no evidence, Luo Bing's intuition told him that this was the meaning of the lump of meat.

So, Luo Bing stepped in front of the white brain.

He asked tentatively, "Are you talking?" "

I am an intelligent creature created by Mr. Wind Dust using the white corpse gene, you can call me the head."

"It's also the backbone here."

"I also have me to direct the operation of the entire secret realm. "

A series of bubbles bubble came out of the nutrient solution in the Petri dish.

Then the radio started again.

After confirming that it was correct, Luo Bing smiled and nodded, "Great, Chief, save me from rummaging through boxes and cabinets everywhere."

"It's big, and it's not easy to find something. "

It seems that this head is a highly intelligent creature equivalent to a human.

He had to marvel at Dust's talent in the field of science.

To create this creature is that there are some problems with the aesthetics of this medicine god.

The appearance of the head is also too cooking.

Successor, I can help you.

"I know everything here.

Luo Bing asked suspiciously, "Slowly, you say successor?" He

decided to ask everything first, and then go to find the spirit of the secret realm.

"Yes, in view of your outstanding performance in the secret territory, I have decided to transfer all power here to you.

"Finding a suitable successor is also Mr. Dust's last wish." "

Last wish, are you saying that the Wind and Dust Senior he..." Although

Luo Bing had long been suspicious of the various things in the secret realm, he was still a little surprised after the head himself said it.

"I think you've learned something from the diary.

"For example, Mr. Wind and Dust learned about the spirit of the secret realm from the mouth of a mysterious person.

Luo Bing immediately had a bold conjecture, "Could it be that the mysterious figure got the way?" "

That's right, he is a human traitor who defected to the cosmic demon."

"The reason why the news of the Secret Realm Spirit was revealed was to gain Mr. Dust's trust.

"It is good to get rid of this giant who has made outstanding contributions to Blue Land for the cosmic devil." "

Just take everything here for yourself." When

Luo Bing heard this, his eyes grew cold, "Where is that person now?"

Many drugs for ordinary human health have also been developed.

The increase in the average life expectancy of all mankind is inextricably linked to him.

At the same time, he is also a determined fighter.

Soldiers who had fought against exotic beasts for the rescue of several times were deeply involved in the battlefield.

Such a noble man now ends up in this way.

"After he took advantage of Mr. Dust's unpreparedness and killed him, I immediately mobilized the autonomous defense system to severely damage him.

"It's a pity that he escaped with the Escape Stone."

"That's why I found my husband's former friend, Master Dreams, and asked him to help perfect the defensive prohibition." "

Set up a prohibition to isolate the power of time and space.

Luo Bing looked at the head and said in a deep voice, "Does that person have any characteristics?"


leader spoke up to reassure, "Don't worry, his injuries are serious, even if he doesn't die, he is destined to spend the rest of his life in bed."

"It's more brutal than killing him outright."

"That's good. Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he considered whether to tell Feng Chen and Senior Sister Feng Xue about the death of Feng Chen's senior.

After all, this is the ancestor of their family.

After thinking about it again, Luo Bing decided to hide it first.

After a few years, when they are mature enough, they will tell the cruel truth.

Then, Luo Bing looked at the assembly lines, "What are those machines making?" Since

everything here now belongs to him, then he has to find out everything here.

The leader said slowly, "Produce white beasts, in order to ensure that a certain number of white beasts guard here."

"These production processes haven't been started for a long time.

"However, recently the Royal Beast Master invaded, and many white beasts were wiped out as a result.

"So I had to start the production process and replenish the garrison."

Saying that, the head added, "These people can really kill on horseback, especially the fourth-order white beasts!

Needless to say, he definitely contributed a lot of results here.

And he specializes in killing fourth-order white beasts.

"Isn't the current technology, white corpse cells can't proliferate indefinitely?"

He wants to fulfill Feng Chen's last wish and create an army of white beasts to fight against the army of alien beasts.

In this way, not only can you expand the human territory, but you can also earn a lot of points.

After all, the system's point reward mechanism is particularly conscientious.

The alien beasts killed by the army he commanded should also be rewarded with points.

The head replied, "At present, only limited multiplication can be achieved."

"So I have to go to the top of Blood Tree Mountain and collect some white corpse raw materials."

"As long as it takes a little bit, it can produce thousands of troops."

Luo Bing rolled his eyes speechlessly, "It seems that this task can only be my responsibility." The

leader saw Luo Bing's intention to create an army.

He immediately added, "If you want to create an army of white beasts, this place needs to be expanded.

"So that there is a place to accommodate a large number of white beasts." Hearing

this, Luo Bing was full of energy, "Money is not a problem!" He

now has the medicine god's pharmaceutical notes, casually restoring some exclusive potions.

You can sell for a lot of money.

The efficiency is higher than printing money directly.

"After a while, I will make a few small earnings, and I will bring people to expand here.

"Then trouble you, successor.

Luo Bing was shouted awkwardly, and ordered, "Just call me Luo Bing."

"Yes, Lord Luo Bing. "

The head is still very respectful.

Like a ruthless machine, the program is executed with no error.

"I remember you said, what are you looking for?" fortunately

, the leader reminded in time, otherwise Luo Bing would have forgotten the purpose of this visit.

Obtain the Spirit of the Secret Realm, lift the seal of the Golem of the Outer Path, and re-incubate Oguri.

She hadn't seen Oguri for a long time, and Luo Bing missed her a little.

Not for the long legs in her boots, of course.

I just wanted to see her sweet smile.

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