After speaking, the corner of Ye Wuji's mouth raised a smile.

He said this before, just to motivate Luo Bing to fight against himself.

Even though the source stone veins are abundant, the raw materials of unquenched source stone are different from the treated source stone.

It takes a lot of time to absorb.

You can't absorb much spiritual charm in a day.

To reward his students, he can still afford it.

"Then thank you Headmaster.

Luo Bing smiled slightly.

He originally thought that Ye Wuji was very critical, and this time he gave up the source stone vein, which impressed him.

Ye Wuji said generously, "It's just a little gift, if you become stronger because of this, you can better win the championship for the school."

"That's something we'd all love to see."

Luo Bing nodded in agreement.

"Absorb more spiritual charm and strive to advance to the first level, so as to increase the odds of victory in the competition."

Ye Wuji said with a kind face.

Luo Bing smiled and said, "I'll just absorb half of it too much."

Ye Wuji was amused when he heard this, "As long as you can do it, it doesn't matter if you absorb it all."

He knew that Luo Bing couldn't do it, so he was generous for a while.

Luo Bing nodded, and then jumped into the deep pit.

Around the pit, it is made up of blue crystals that emit shimmering light.

As soon as Luo Bing entered the cave, he immediately clearly felt the incomparably mellow spiritual charm.

There were several minecarts nearby, frantically spinning the large drill bits mounted, turning these shimmering source stone crystals into pieces.

It is then recycled into the reserve bin at the bottom of the cart.

The noise of minecart work is deafening.

Luo Bing walked to a quiet area and sat cross-legged, guiding Lingyun into his body.


Luo Bing found that these source stone raw materials were much more difficult to absorb than the finished product.

It is very difficult to extract not only all the spiritual charm contained in the crystal.

Moreover, these spiritual charms carry a lot of impurities, and after being absorbed into the body, it takes time to refine.

Only then can it be completely integrated as part of cultivation.

However, fortunately, Luo Bing opened all the spirit caves.

The impurities of these spiritual charms are insignificant under the operation of a large number of spirit caves.

It is filtered almost instantaneously and then discharged with the pores.

After absorbing for a while, Luo Bing felt that this was too slow, and he couldn't hollow out the entire source stone vein in one night.


The red reincarnation eye emerged, and the surrounding spiritual charm converged towards Luo Bing under the guidance of spiritual energy devouring.

"Ding! The host absorbs the raw materials of the source stone, and the upgrade progress of Lv.4 Reincarnation Eye is increased by 0.02%. The

host absorbs the raw materials of the source stone, and the upgrade progress of the Lv.4 reincarnation eye is increased by 0.03%. Soon

, the surrounding source stone crystal......s

became dull and dull, becoming waste materials that did not possess spiritual charm.

Then Luo Bing got up, looked around, and found that the crystals in the nearby area had lost their spiritual charm.

So he clicked on the upgrade progress bar.

[Lv.4 Reincarnation Eye Upgrade Progress]: 1%

saw that it was only increased by 1%, and the corners of Luo Bing's mouth twitched suddenly.

All the spiritual charm of such a large area added up, only increased by 1%!

Thinking about it, Luo Bing walked to another area full of spiritual charm and used spiritual energy to devour again.


Distant interstellar, inside a demon main ship.

Several demonic shadows, around the magnificent long table, discussed something.

A fairy silhouette sat in the position of the manager in the middle.

That Qianying eyes narrowed, elegantly supporting her chin with the back of her hand, and her two slender thighs overlapped.

The corners of his smiling mouth tugged at a hint of teasing.

They are not entities, but holographic projections of cosmic demons.

In the seat, a dwarf-like shadow exclaimed, "Quiet, everyone. "

This royal council will be attended by Lord Edwood, the Demon Generalissimo, on behalf of His Majesty the King. The

words fell, and the shadows on the seat brushed together to look at the silhouette of the manager's position.

She is Edwood.

"Then let's get started.

Edwood's cold voice came.

A tall dragon-shaped shadow said in a deep voice, "I heard that Lord Edwood has found a character in the Blue Land Star's eyeliner who is likely to pose a threat to our path of conquest.

The dwarf's shadow added, "It's just the future, and now he's still growing."

"Give me a human body, and I'll clear this hidden danger." The

tone of the dragon-shaped shadow seemed to be irrefutable.

"Sirius still needs you to go to the town, and the rebels there have been rampant lately. Many demons lost their lives at his hands. "

A sea serpent shadow reminds the dragon shadow.

Edwood's folded thighs switched places, and then she said coldly, "He's my prey."

"Once the time is ripe, I will naturally join forces with the Alien Beast Army. Hearing

this, the dwarf shadow smiled and said, "Lord Edwood personally took action, and this time Lanlu Xing is miserable."

Serpentine nodded, "No wonder Lord Edwood has been descending on the human body of Blue Land Star frequently lately.

"Sure enough, forethought. "



Luo Bing's side has already absorbed the entire whole.

This absorption has increased by 30% of the Lv.4 Reincarnation Eye upgrade progress. "

Absorbed the last trace of spirit.

Luo Bing's body has undergone qualitative changes.

The cultivation climbed abruptly, and the pupil power of the eye of reincarnation skyrocketed.

The function of the spirit cave has also been improved to a certain extent.

The Royal Beast Master level blatantly came to the third order of the Star Eclipse.

Watching the shimmering light shining on the source stone veins disappear one by one, the deep pit fell into darkness.

The safety system of the mine automatically turns on the emergency lights.

Ye Wuji was about to check it out, when it happened that Luo Bing flew up.

"Luo Bing, you came just in time, tell me quickly, what happened to the source stone vein

?" "How is it dark?"

Ye Wuji was anxious.

Luo Bing patted him on the shoulder to make him relax.

"It's okay, it's just that I absorbed all the spiritual charm of this vein. "

The source stone raw material lost its luster, and the entire vein naturally blackened. When

Ye Wuji heard this, his expression instantly froze.

"Xiao Luo, don't be kidding, my heart is not good.

Luo Bing scratched his head, very helpless, "What I said is true, child liar!" Ye

Wuji saw Luo Bing's swearing, his face changed greatly, "It's impossible, it's only been an hour, you can suck the spiritual charm of the entire vein dry?" Luo

Bing explained lightly, "This is one of my spiritual energy talents." When

Ye Wuji heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched terribly, "It's a pity that you don't rob this ability." Luo

Bing saw that Ye Wuji's face was wrong, and immediately spoke, "Principal, but what you said, it doesn't matter if you suck the entire vein dry."

"You can't regret it!" Hearing

this, Ye Wuji's face became even more ugly.

"This kid, you're too real. "

He is polite, who let you really suck dry, and don't even leave him soup."

This is good, the veins that were bought at a large price are all made for this kid as a wedding dress.

Helplessly, Ye Wuji forced a smile and said, "Am I the kind of person who feels distressed for a little benefit?"

"I'm going to cry here for a while, oh no, I'm going to stay for a while." "

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