The next day.

The students who needed to participate in the audition were gathered in Poseidon Square by their respective principals early in the morning.

Luo Bing and the others are naturally no exception.

Twenty contestants from Didu University appeared in Seagod Square in a neat arrangement.

Ye Wuji stood in front of him intently and announced loudly, "There are a total of twenty duel venues in the audition at the same time.

"If it's fast, it will last a week, and if it's slow, it will take half a month."

Luo Bing understood very well.

After all, there are so many universities around the world, and each university has twenty places.

Then the number of people participating in the audition can be increased.

A few more duel arenas will be much more efficient.

After screening the top players into the main event, the next step is the main play.

After a pause, Ye Wuji continued to speak, "Next, please pay attention to your competition account on your mobile phone.

"It will prompt you when to go to which duel arena to compete."

"In order to ensure the viewing of the main competition, students from the top ranked schools will try to avoid meeting each other in advance."

"Lest the strong players get unlucky and be eliminated at the audition stage."

Looking at the pair of sharp eyes in front of him, Ye Wuji nodded with satisfaction, "The rules of the audition are very simple. "

If you keep winning, you'll be in the main draw." Lose a game and eliminate directly. When

the words fell, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Lose one and be eliminated!

Although the opponents of the audition are not very strong, most of them are only in the Yaoyin Realm, and the quality of the spirit beasts is not high.

But if you accidentally roll over, you will be completely reduced to a laughing stock!

The top ranked elite school players can't even enter the main competition.

Just thinking about it, they have all seen the scene of the show full and the barrage shoot explosion.

Ye Wuji saw that the army's heart was a little shaken, and added, "So don't eat outside indiscriminately these days."

"If anyone abandons the game because of a bad stomach, see how I will clean you up when I go back!"


The words fell, and everyone dispersed instantly.

Some people did not compete today, so they went to the local practice room to practice diligently.

The trainees who had the competition also followed the prompts on their mobile phones and went to their respective duel arenas.

Luo Bing would be in the No. 5 duel this morning, so he hurried there.

"Xiao Luo, wait for me! I'll cheer you on for my afternoon game.

Cheng Shiya stepped forward quickly and intimately held Luo Bing's arm.

Not to be outdone, Jun Xunai held Luo Bing's other arm, "My game is tomorrow, so I'll watch Xiao Luo today."

"Lest he be abducted by the strange big sister."

Then the two women looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at Luo Bing, their eyes full of expectation.

Faced with the eyes of the two beauties, Luo Bing nodded and had to be forced to accept.

The three of them walked side by side.

There are not as many people who go to watch the game on the road as expected.

Luo Bing guessed that this was because the audition was far less exciting than the main competition.

Many people must think that instead of going to the audition, it is better to stay in a hotel with your partner and have no shame for a day and a night.

Just when Luo Bing thought so.

Someone howled, "Look! The Ice Emperor is here! The

words fell, and the eyes of the crowd were focused on Luo Bing.

"Could it be that he came to participate in the auditions?"

"Jimei, Lord Ice Emperor is going to participate in the audition! Protect him! Luo

Bing and the others were exposed to everyone's eyes, and the crowd instantly crowded over.

Click, click, click!

People immediately took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Luo Bing.

Luo Bing smiled bitterly, "Is this the treatment of international superstars? "

He really didn't expect that he was so popular outside.

Then, some die-hard female fans noticed Shiya and Senior Sister Sina on both sides of Luo Bing.

The female fans suddenly burst into anger.

"Who are those two women! Damn it! Why can they be so close to the Ice Emperor! I eat lemons! "

Aaaaah! Although it is very sour, the appearance of the Ice Emperor hugging left and right is also charming! No work Jimei!

"How dare they eat the tofu of the Ice Emperor like this! Lord Ice Emperor clearly belongs to me! The

mouth vaguely expressed love, and the female fans rushed to Luo Bing with a sick look.

Luo Bing saw that he was about to be eaten and wiped clean by the out-of-control crowd, and he immediately put his arm around the two women's small man's waist.

"Hold me tight!"

Then with blushing cheeks, Cheng Shiya and Jun Xunai, Yukong came to the fifth duel arena.

And this scene was filmed by countless mobile phones and posted on the Internet.

For a while, the news that Luo Bing participated in the audition in the No. 5 duel arena instantly rushed to the top of the hot search.

In the fifth duel arena of the audition, the live broadcast room that originally had only 300,000 popularity, instantly soared to 10 million.

The previously loose barrage is now also densely packed and spread throughout the screen.

[I'm super! Ice! 】

【Why hasn't it been the turn of the Ice Emperor yet?】 Whet your appetite, right? 】

【I can't see the beauty of the Ice Emperor's brother, I can't sleep! 】 【

Nope! 】 I can't see Lord Ice, I feel like there are ants crawling all over my body! 】


Because the No. 5 Duel Arena is an audition venue, it will not put too much money here.

So it is only one-third of the imperial capital arena.

However, looking at the design with a sense of technology around it, it can also withstand the tosses of the players.

The outside of the venue is surrounded by a transparent technological barrier, so that the audience seats are not affected by the aftermath of the battle.

The outer auditorium has a stepped design, and it is not a problem to accommodate 100,000 people.

Jun Xunai and Cheng Shiya were sitting in the audience, listening to the host's words on stage.

As a contestant, Luo Bing was spared from it.

Subsequently, a draw of lots begins to determine the opponent.

Two dignified hostesses each held a transparent box on the stage.

It can be seen through the transparent material.

One is filled with red balls and one is filled with blue balls.

The host took the microphone and continued to explain the rules of the draw, "Inside the two-color ball, there is a contestant's name.

"I randomly match balls of different colors."

"Decide who will play against whom according to the name in the ball."

After a series of tedious processes, the sphere is finally matched.

The moderator opens them and announces the answers one by one.

"The first game, Xiao Fan vs. Wang Tao!"

"The second game, Luo Bing vs. Tang Siqi!"

"The third scene..."

was read out to Luo Bing.

In the backstage lounge, a beautiful girl who looked eighty trembled and was ecstatic.

She is Luo Bing's opponent Tang Shiqi.

If others heard that they were facing Luo Bing, they would definitely abstain with an ugly face.

After all, she is a first-order Hui Jin, although she is already a top existence in her own university.

But she had seen Luo Bing's strength and knew that she had no hope of making the cut.

But she is Luo Bing's little fangirl!

To be able to compete on the same stage with the male god, she couldn't ask for it.

And if you work hard, you may be able to eat male god tofu, which is more attractive than the promotion competition.

Just as she was dreaming.

A slim shadow appeared in front of her.

Before Tang Shiqi could react, a shadow pointed at her forehead.

A distorted insect crept into her forehead along the shadows.

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