Just when Huang Ming thought he was in control.

Luo Bing's footwork was light, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the spirit group.

However, this is exactly what Huang Ming wants.

"Give up the distance advantage and instead engage in hand-to-hand combat with fifteen spirit bodies.

Huang Ming looked surprised.

Due to Luo Bing's pupil technique, most of the attack-type spiritual skills were restrained.

The best way to counter is not to use spiritual skills, relying on the advantage of strength to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Luo Bing.

He was worried that Luo Bing's body was ethereal, and his spirit body was clumsy, unable to facilitate the situation of hand-to-hand combat.

This Luo Bing made a mistake and sent it to the spirit body's face.

It's a joy from heaven.


The audience held their breath and watched the moment of truth nervously and quietly.

I'm afraid I'll miss any details.

However, Luo Bing's commotion instantly broke the silence, causing the audience to explode.

"No, why should the Ice Emperor put his face on the output

!" "Bad brother cute! The Ice Emperor wants to send it wildly

!" "Classic Hudi Xi flesh to open the group!" "

I have mortgaged a suite and pressed the Ice Emperor to win! If he dares to fake the match, I will immediately kill him!"

The trainees who were celebrating with champagne were immediately frightened by this suffocating operation.

Even Ye Wuji, who had always been light and breezy, quickly changed his pants.

The Shangjing trainees, who were still dead and gray just now, were resurrected with blood and danced wildly.

Someone else snatched the champagne from the hands of the imperial scholars.

Shake for a moment and then a blast!

Niu Hui also stood up with an excited expression, "As long as Huang Ming can advance, he can definitely win the championship."

"And Didu University lost Luo Bing, and it will definitely not be able to break through the quarterfinals." Just

when everyone thought Luo Bing was going to send it wildly.

The spirit body waved its claws, wrapped in strong wind pressure, and roared.

Luo Bing was unhurried, his big hand was raised, and his pupils surged wildly.

The spirit body that touched instantly liquefied and was pumped into Luo Bing's body.

Seeing this scene, Huang Ming was obviously stunned, and then reacted, "What about my fifth-order spirit body?" "What about a fifth-order spirit

body that I was so big just now?"

"Referee, I'm going to pause, the system has a bug, and my spirit body has disappeared inexplicably. "

Not for a while.

Huang Ming's voice sounded in his ears, "We have confirmed, there is no problem with the system, your spirit body has been absorbed by Luo Bing."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Ming was shocked.

"Even spirit bodies can absorb them, what exactly can't he suck?" While

Huang Ming was stunned, Luo Bing walked idly and had already absorbed all fifteen spirit bodies.

Then he patted his belly, and said hesitantly, "Is there anything else?" Seeing

his hole card, he was easily dissolved by Luo Bing, and even made his wedding dress, Huang Ming was so angry that he spit out another blood arrow.


that his greatest reliance was confiscated, when he was desperate, Huang Ming took out a bloody sword that was raging.

was about to fight Luo Bing to the death.

That is the Yang Residual Yang-level legendary spirit weapon, the Spirit Sword, and the Star Eclipse are also applicable.

One of the famous artifacts of the Imperial Spirit Gate.

If it was in peacetime, if Huang Ming was blessed by the Spirit Sword and cooperated with the unique technique of the Imperial Spirit Gate, he might not be able to deal with Luo Bing.

But at this time, Huang Ming's mood had already plummeted, breaking the defense, Shi Lezhi.

The ten layers of strength cannot play one layer.

As soon as Luo Bing raised his foot slightly, the Spirit Sword was kicked away.

The blade of the decapitation knife was against Huang Ming's neck.

"You lose. Luo Bing said indifferently.

"Don't kill me, I can give you money, as well as spirit beast advanced materials!" Faced

with the consequences of failing to advance, Huang Ming was actually provoked.

After all, in this world competition, the Imperial Spirit Gate invested a lot in him and placed a lot of high hopes.

If you are eliminated like this, you will not even get a ranking.

His position as the Holy Son is afraid that he will not be directly swept to the end.

Transformed into a handyman disciple cleaning toilets.

Then it would not be a shame.


this time, don't say that he begged Luo Bing for mercy and lost money to settle the matter.

Even if it is a chrysanthemum, it should be offered.

Luo Bing smiled in his heart, he didn't lack both of these things now.

At this moment, Cheng Shiya, who was watching the battle, came over.

Luo Bingling moved, grabbed Cheng Shiya's graceful waist, and looked at Huang Ming, "Dare to dig someone in front of me?"

"Aren't you trying to prove that you are better than me?

Xiao Luo finally admitted that I was his person!

Huang Ming's eyes were red and swollen and stared at Luo Bing's salty pig hand, but on the surface he was flattering, and he did not dare to snub at all.

"No, Shiya is a good match with you.

When he said this, Huang Ming couldn't wait to give himself a big mouth.

But for a bright future, he still forced a smile.

I don't see the arrogance I once had.

Luo Bing looked happy, indicating that Huang Ming blew him very comfortably, and then slashed down with a knife.

"You will regret it!" Huang

Ming gritted his teeth and let out his last cruel words, and then the data disappeared.

Luo Bing looked at Huang Ming's disappearing figure, but he was not very happy.


He remembered that he was in simulated space.

Those spirit bodies that were absorbed could not be used in reality at all.

I had the feeling of picking up five million in a dream, and when I woke up, I felt that I lost five million in blood.


With Huang Ming's elimination, the audience suddenly boiled.

"I know that the Ice Emperor has a trick, otherwise how dare I start a group in the flesh?" "

I'm super! Bing! This wave is finally right! The pockets are full! I announce, Luo Bing is my father!"

"Laughing to death, this gang of Shangjing University has only one little girl who has not been eliminated, this still depends on Luo Bing's face." "

Ice Emperor! Who can advance and who can't, my Ice Emperor snorted garlic!"

"Before the Shangjing competition, I still vowed to win the championship, and now I really laughed." "

The Shangjing University side is silent, which is a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere of the scene.

Many people even left the table angrily.

Seeing that Luo Bing had a thrilling elimination of the favorite to win the championship in Shangjing, the emperor university members who had been swallowing their voices for a long time hugged each other and cried.

They all shouted, "Luo Bing, forever dripping God!" Even

Ye Wuji, who was the principal, put down the shelf and sang and danced.

After being ridiculed by Niu Hui for so many years, this time the students of their own school personally sent them away!

Converted all the qi that had not been crappy for many years into yin and yang strange qi, and vomited wildly at him.

The scene was very fragrant for a while.

The eliminated Huang Ming left the martial arts rooftop like a chicken.

Special guest seats in the front row.

A kind old man wearing a white imperial beast robe with white hair blocked his way.

"Xiaoming, don't be discouraged. The road to the imperial beast is endless, and if you lose, you can fight again next year. "

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