After searching again, Luo Bing's attention was attracted by the tall statue of the sea god in the center of the hall of the main hall.

"That's probably the only thing this palace has value."

Because he was busy for a long time, and found nothing, Luo Bing muttered.

Elizabeth and Little Ninetails nodded in agreement.

Walk near the statue of Poseidon

After experiencing the influence of the Dream Master, Luo Bing, who had a super sensitivity to prohibition, immediately felt the fluctuations of the nearby forbidden node.

These are skills that ordinary people, even many people who are proficient in prohibition, have never mastered.

"There is a situation!" Sensing

the clue, Luo Bing immediately drove the pitch-black spiritual sense away.

The intricately carved statue of the sea god was immediately stripped under Luo Bing's spiritual exploration, so that he couldn't even keep his leggings.

"There is indeed a mystery hidden in the statue.

Luo Bing showed joy.

Under the exploration of pitch-black spiritual sense, he found a ghost Smurfs with the appearance of ginseng essence hidden inside the statue.

Luo Bing recognized that it was probably the spirit of the island.

After all, he had come into contact with the Secret Realm Spirit of the Hidden Forest.

The appearance of the two is not much different.

Around the island spirits lingered densely packed forbidden nodes.

With the help of profound forbidden knowledge, Luo Bing drove the pitch-black spiritual sense to pry open the nodes and disassemble the underlying principles one by one.

Soon, the purpose of these nodes was figured out by Luo Bing.

Watching Luo Bing toss the Seagod statue, Elizabeth was a little puzzled, "Is there any treasure hidden in this?" Luo Bing

nodded slightly, "The owner of this palace has covered the camouflage prohibition in the palace.

"Hide most of the stuff so we get nothing."

"And the area covered by this camouflage prohibition is very difficult to detect."

"Because this prohibition uses the method of spatial displacement, it will require hidden space and alien space transformation."

"This kind of profound prohibition requires huge energy to sit in the eyes before it can be driven."

"And this disguised forbidden array is the spirit of the island hidden in the statue of the sea god."

After speaking, Luo Bing secretly sighed in his heart again.

Can master this kind of profound prohibition, it seems that the person who sets the prohibition is also a worldly master.

Elizabeth's brows furrowed slightly, "Isn't that hard to crack?"

Luo Bing chuckled, "That's not it, my forbidden technique is not a joke."

"In addition, my spiritual sense is very special, and it is extremely efficient to crack.

With that, Luo Bing looked at Elizabeth and Little Ninetails and ordered, "It may take a little longer, you guys protect me for the Dharma."

Then he sat cross-legged, and the dark spiritual sense continued to pour into the Seagod statue, gradually beginning the process of dismantling the prohibition.

The two spirit beasts wide-eyed and sat quietly next to Luo Bing.

The sky-swallowing whales outside the palace patrolled the surroundings vigilantly.

As soon as there was any wind outside, Elizabeth and Little Ninetails would know immediately.

Luo Bing can be regarded as encountering an opponent this time.

He did not break the ban in a period of time, as usual.

Instead, slowly disassemble the forbidden inscriptions that make up the nodes.

Time passed quickly.

Ten hours later.

The last inscription was finally slowly broken under the offensive of pitch-black spiritual knowledge.


lost the support of prohibition.

The shimmering statue of the god of the sea cracks and makes a crisp sound.

Cracks then spread over every inch of the statue.

Then, the thin gaps in the crack bloomed with dazzling light.

The statue of the sea god, which has supported for an unknown number of years, turned into powder and drifted into the distance with the current.

The spirit of the island in the form of ginseng essence showed its true body in this way.

"Wow, that's cute!"

Elizabeth reached out in surprise, wanting to touch the spirit of the island.

The spirit of the island flashed and avoided it very spiritually.

Luo Bing chuckled and looked at Elizabeth, "You can't even catch a bird like this, so take advantage of his lack of attention..."

Before the words fell, he immediately used his fastest speed to probe his hand towards the spirit of the island.

That's what he said, take advantage of it, attack its point.

However, the spirit of the island is a small clever ghost, who has long been on guard, and a sideways hand passes by Luo Bing's palm.

After avoiding Luo Bing's sneak attack, the island spirit grimaced at Luo Bing, and his expression was very provocative.

It is clear that it is very confident in its agile body.

Luo Bingqi didn't fight anywhere, "Xiao Jiu, don't mess around, get up and work." "

This little bit is simply full of mocking skills, but there is no benefit, and Luo Bing does not intend to let him go.

After that, Little Ninetails also joined the ranks of arresting the spirit of the island.

However, the spirit of the island is like a ghost, flashing left and right, and is as flexible as a loach.

Even the addition of Little Nine Tails could not help it.


As if they had experienced a hearty battle, the three of them were exhausted, exhausted and panting, and collapsed on the floor.

Before I could exert any force, you fell. The

spirit of the island crossed his hands at his waist and looked at the people below who were tired enough to vomit blood.

Thousands of years ago, he was caught in a human trap and imprisoned for thousands of years.

After some teasing this time, he finally let out a bad breath.

"How did you get arrested before?" Luo

Bing's eyes flashed a trace of essence, and then began to speak.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you, it was before I didn't know anything about the world, I was deceived by humans, and I actively jumped into a trap.

"Or you humans will have a chance to catch me?"

said the island spirit generously.


Luo Bing's brain flashed.

Wind and dust didn't catch the spirit of the secret realm.

Why not ask the head for experience?

Psychic magic is instantaneous.

Xiao Bai was summoned.

Tell you how many people you come. The

spirit of the island looked disdainful.

Luo Bing ignored his provocation and ordered Xiao Bai to go to the Hidden Forest to ask the head for advice.

"What, I was reading the book just in time to see the climax, and you interrupted me.

Xiao Bai complained, but still activated Kamui and left.

The corners of Luo Bing's mouth twitched, you also call reading?

The sea ripples and fluctuates.

Xiao Bai walked out of it, holding a gorgeously shaped technology gun in his hand.

Luo Bing nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that this gun was studied by wind and dust and used as a tool to target these regional spirits.

Next, Xiao Bai set it up on the projection interface of the technology gun.

Super aim has been deployed. The

technology gun AI prompt voice sounded, and Xiao Bai raised the gun to point at the spirit of the island.

The spirit of the island still looked disdainful, "You haven't given up yet, then I'll play with you."

"This kid really talks a lot." "

Xiaobai, who is also a small man, pulls the trigger.

In a flash.

A laser shot out like lightning.

The island spirit turned sideways and just dodged.

Next time, at least don't make jokes. The

island spirit mocked and did not even let himself go.

And just when he was proud, the laser shot out killed a horse gun.

From behind the spirit of the island.

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