"Aren't your name Luo Bing? Lying is not a good boy. Luo

Bing's little trick was instantly perfectly recognized by the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit.

"Since you don't like it, then I'll call you Xiao Luo."

"Okay. Luo Bing nodded slightly, reluctantly agreeing, "Then I'll go down to find that demon sword first." "

Presumably, the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit wants to devour the Demon Sword like it devours the Spirit Sword.

This advances the progress of unlocking the Sword Spirit.

This kind of thing, Luo Bing must strongly support.

At this time, the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit stopped in a voice, "Don't be yet, I see that little girl also has something delicious on her."

"You go and bring me to her." Hearing

this, Luo Bing was overjoyed in his heart.

Could it be that the Tai Void Sword Heart could also absorb it? The strength of the Tai Void Sword

Heart was still vividly remembered.

If he hadn't unlocked the Celestial Barrier Shocking Star, he would most likely have planted it on it.

If it can be absorbed, it will definitely greatly promote the unlock speed of the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit.

Thinking about it, Luo Bing took out the petrified Nine Heavens Xuan Sword and came to Han Ruyue, who was arrested by the Seagod guard.

"If you do this to me, Sword Forging Mountain will not let you go!" Han

Ruyue stared viciously at Luo Bing with a pair of beautiful eyes.

If it weren't for the Seagod guards blocking him, it would be very likely to reach out and scratch him.

Luo Bing shook his head, "It's all that Xuan Tie Elder who got used to you, poison Shiya, are you still reasonable?" "

I don't have time to listen to you coquettish now, I'm here to take something." Saying

that, he immediately swept the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword across it.

The blood-colored sword intent in Han Ruyue's body gushed out, flowing into the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword like a stream.

Luo Bing, what did you do! My Tai Void Sword Heart was taken away by you!" Feeling

the sword heart that accompanied her half of her life in her body, Han Ruyue burst into tears.

"Please, don't, you can do whatever you want me to do, as long as you don't take away the Tai Void Sword Heart." She

couldn't bear to see her pride taken away, so she had to resign and beg Luo Bing.

However, Luo Bing was also helpless, and now the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword was absorbed.

Where is the reason to interrupt?"

"Ding! Absorb the Tai Void Sword Heart, and the progress of the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword Essence Sword Spirit has increased significantly. After

absorbing the last trace of blood-colored sword intent, the system automatically prompted.


Bing curiously clicked on the detailed data panel of the Nine Heavens Xuanjian.

Next, focus on the experience column.

[Experience required for upgrade]: 11/100

originally only had 1 experience, but after absorbing the Tai Void Sword Heart, it was increased by 10 points!

Luo Bing was overjoyed, and then saluted the Seagod guard, "Excuse me."

Then he descended non-stop to a forest below.

Take advantage of the one-hour offseason to find the magic sword.

After the Seagod guard returned the salute to Luo Bing, he also escorted Han Ruyue away.

Due to the destruction of the Martial Arts Rooftop, the venue for the final was decided after temporary deliberation among the top management.

The final was simply held on the rock mass summoned by Luo Bing.

On the contrary, the venue is several times larger.

Therefore, the yellow-robed Venerable drove the arm drilled out of the teleportation array to push the viewing roof back.

Surround yourself above the huge rock mass and watch the battle.

Immediately afterwards, the Yellow-robed Venerable announced that the final would be played in an hour's time.

The audience should go to the toilet and eat when they should eat.

"This Xiao Luo, where did you go to wave again?" Cheng Shiya saw that Luo Bing had not returned, and pouted dissatisfiedly.

Li Nian, on the other hand, saw that Han Ruyue was taken away by the Seagod guards and wanted to ask the federal high-level for an explanation, so he left angrily.


The forest near where the magic sword landed.

The stone sword floated ahead to lead the way, and Luo Bing followed behind.

After a while, he complained, "It's so big here, it's strange to find the magic sword." Seeing

this, the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit spoke out to comfort, "It doesn't matter, that demon sword will take the initiative to find me."

Luo Bing was puzzled, "Why?"

the Nine Heavens Sword Spirit made a voice similar to a chuckle and continued, "Auntie, I am inside the sword, but I am a goddess-level existence.

"Of course the other swords can't help but woo me.

Luo Bing heard a little pride from her tone.

Then, he couldn't help but complain, "Then this is too much of a sword!"


the words fell, the one-eyed demon sword with an evil shape galloped forward.

Honestly stopped in front of the Nine Heavens Xuanjian.

"I'm super super, there are also licking dogs in the sword!" Luo

Bing suddenly felt that his three views were reshaped.

Then, he looked aimlessly at the magic sword.

"It seems a little familiar.

Luo Bing touched his chin and thought.


Luo Bing's face was shocked as if he had suddenly woken up.

"Isn't this horse a magic sword in the tainted milk powder, Apophis?"

"This shape is so classic, I didn't even recognize it just now!" Immediately,

Luo Bing immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Han Ruyue actually has an artifact in the poisonous milk powder world, it seems that she has already contacted the cosmic demon.

At present, as far as Luo Bing knew, there were only the Cosmic Demon Faction and himself.

It has the ability to visualize the products of the fantasy of the world in a past life.

Of course, the possibility of other crossers is not excluded.

Anyway, the cosmic demons have been plotting something.

There is no doubt about that.

Oguri's army of white worms, as well as his current strongest combat power, the Golem of the Outer Path, must be ready.

The final was about to begin, and Luo Bing was very suspicious of these cosmic demons and wanted to give him a big wave! So, Luo Bing

contacted Xiaoli, who was far away in the Hidden Forest, through psychic communication.

"Master!" Receiving Luo Bing's induction, Oguri, who was busy with production, immediately looked overjoyed.

"You finally remembered me, and I heard that Sister Fox has obtained the master? Luo

Bing had a black line.

How did he feel that Xiao Li's tone was mixed with a trace of resentment

, and Xiao Jiu was too, this kind of thing was showing off with other spirit beasts everywhere.

Thinking about it

, Luo Bing quickly changed the topic, "In other words, how is the production of the white worm army?"

Oguri lay on the grass and playfully kicked Bai Si's thigh, "Blood Tree Mountain is full of them now."

"There are so many and difficult to entangle that other imperial beast masters don't come to Blood Tree Mountain to explore." "

It even affected tourism in the Hidden Forest."

"Sister Hua and I don't know how to deal with it, it's really annoying." Seeing

that Oguri was troubled by the number of white worms, Luo Bing was overjoyed.

"It's a coincidence, there is likely to be a fierce war recently, just in time to help you deal with a batch."

Great!" Oguri applauded happily.

"In short, you get ready first. Saying

that, Luo Bing cut off contact after a moment's pleasantries.

As soon as he came back to his senses, he immediately noticed that the demon sword that had been sucked dry of essence had become a piece of scrap copper and rotten iron at this moment.

The experience bar also pops up in due course.

[Experience required for leveling]: 16/100

It seems that the magic sword contributed 5 experience.

"It was sucked dry so quickly... Good villains are your suitors, really can be done.

Luo Bing looked at the miserable demon sword Apophis, and sighed with emotion for a while.

"It's his honor to be sucked by me, and I won't do it when many swords beg me." The

Nine Heavens Sword Spirit replied very ruthlessly.

Luo Bing listened for a while and was afraid, what a green tea sword!

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