On the shore of Poseidon Island, the calm waves suddenly became turbulent.

Under the continuous violent ripples, the sea surface was split in two.

The demon of light, dressed in the armor of light, revealed his exquisite figure.

I saw her jade standing on an S-class sixth-order tentacle sea beast, majestic.

With a wave of his big hand, the teleportation array that had already been arranged around Seagod Island showed strong fluctuations.

Not for a while.

Countless armies of exotic beasts swarmed like a tide.

In an instant, it occupied all the ports where humans went to sea.

Seeing the sudden surprise attack of the army of exotic beasts menacing, the people who were still immersed in joy instantly sobered up.

Then, like a headless fly, it aimlessly fled near the coast.

However, the army of alien beasts did not rush to hunt down those humans who were powerless to resist, but set their sights on transportation.

Countless ships, as well as flying vehicles, were destroyed by the alien army.

People lost the means to escape from Poseidon Island, so they had to wait for the Federation to send other legions to support.

However, before that, they must find a way to spend the night with the army of alien beasts.

Poseidon Island Military Headquarters.

A middle-aged man wearing a military uniform with some heroism between his eyebrows was standing on the command platform at this time.

Military forces stationed on Poseidon Island are deployed.

Below are heavily armed Seagod guards, and dozens of small detachments composed of Imperial Beast Masters above Hui Jin.

This heroic man is Guo Xing, the deputy commander of the Seagod Legion.

At the same time, he is also a royal beast master of the first order of the king.

Martial Dao Tiantai was shocked by the cosmic demon, and the legion commander received the news and immediately personally led the army to carry out the arrest operation.

The burden of commanding the whole army fell on him, the temporary commander-in-chief.

As a result, the army of alien beasts also arrived from the coast.

"The emergency teleportation device on the coast has been destroyed, and it will take half a day for the Tianlion Legion and the Ice Wolf Legion to arrive by air.

"Before that, we must do everything in our power to fight the incoming alien army and protect innocent people from taking refuge."

"The life and death of everyone on the island is entrusted to us

!" "Please, go all out!"

As he spoke, Guo Xing saluted the many resolute warriors in the audience.

Seeing this, the soldiers returned the salute one after another.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" a

solemn atmosphere spread in the air.

Subsequently, according to the arrangement, the soldiers divided into squads and walked out of the dangerous headquarters gate to rescue the people and resist the alien beasts.

They could have held out inside the headquarters, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack with its fierce firepower defense system.

But in order to protect their compatriots from harm, they did not hesitate and willingly risked their lives.

At the same time, several Ultimate Hell Cannons in the headquarters have also been charged and are ready to go.

These giant cannons are all sharp weapons to clean up the army of alien beasts, and a quantum bombardment can turn a large area of alien beasts into cannon fodder.

However, because it is used, it needs to be issued by the federal high-level authority.

Otherwise, even the Sea Dragon King and Li Zhennan could not be used.

Soon, after reporting the situation, the Federation immediately delegated the right to use the Ultimate Hell Cannon.

Inside the giant cannon operation room.

With Guo Xing's order, several ultimate hells began to bombard repeatedly, and their abilities were instantly poured out.

The alien beast, which was waiting for orders on the coast, immediately came under heavy bombardment.

In many dense places, under the baptism of a pillar of light, the flesh of dozens of exotic beasts instantly turned into ashes.

In the Kamen Rider-style gold helmet, the demon of light has a livid face.

"Come a few cadres of the Alien Beast Army, lead your subordinates to follow me and take the headquarters of Seagod Island.

With that, she turned into a ray of light and left.

Several powerful sixth-order alien beasts raised their heads to the sky with a long roar, and then followed her towards the headquarters of Seagod Island.

Behind him, countless armies of exotic beasts followed.


Luo Bing, who found the opportunity to grease the soles of his feet, left the scene.

I was immediately stunned by the scene in front of me.

Today's Poseidon Island is still a tourist attraction, it is simply a bloody battlefield.

Unarmed ordinary people flee everywhere.

The Seagod Guard organized survivors to take refuge at the headquarters of Seagod Island while forming a defensive line.

Fight to the death with alien beasts and resist the fierce alien beasts.

So as not to kill ordinary people.

At the same time, he called on the Royal Beast Masters of the Hui Jin Realm and above to jointly resist the invasion of alien beasts.

Luo Bing saw that the black pressure on the opposite side was overwhelming the boundless group of alien beasts, constantly impacting the defense line formed by the Seagod guards.

Suddenly, Luo Bing couldn't help but say and act.


upgrading the Lv.5 Reincarnation Eye, the black-hearted system has actually increased the upgrade ticket to 50 million points!

I can't wait to transfer everyone out and face the attack of the alien beasts alone.

With a thought, the psychic technique was released.

White worms appeared all over the mountains, and the surrounding area suddenly turned into a sea of bugs.

Seeing this with the surrounding warriors and beast masters, he was immediately dumbfounded.

They were already reluctant to block the army of alien beasts.

From the back, so many white-flowered insect

beasts appeared, and it seems that all of them have fourth-order strength

! Wtmdnmd!

Seeing that everyone was angrily looking at the white worms, the crowd was excited, wanting to annihilate them as alien beasts.

Luo Bing immediately transmitted his spiritual energy, "Everyone, these insects are my spirit beasts, and they are here to fight side by side with everyone.

"Please don't discriminate against bugs, bugs are actually cute too." When

the words fell, everyone was visibly stunned.

I couldn't believe it, but when I saw that it was Luo Bing who spoke, I was immediately relieved.

"This is not this champion Luo Bing.

"Yes, the six-tailed slugs next to him are the encouragement of this champion."

"If Luo Bing said this, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

"Indeed, I didn't even have the desire to ask him how he could contract so many spirit beasts.

"After all, it's not surprising that it's a person who smashes the Martial Dao Tiantai without saying a word.

Seeing everyone's accustomed looks, the six-tailed rhinoceros looked at Luo Bing dumbfounded, "What have you done in this competition!"

It had not witnessed the competition before, so it didn't know anything about what Luo Bing did.

Luo Bing wrote lightly, "I used the ability of these eyes to hit my opponent with stones several times.

Saying that, he rolled his purple reincarnation eyes.

And when Rokuo saw those incomparably familiar eyes, he suddenly became wet again!

Constantly secreting acid, and flowed on the spot.

"This is!" Although

the six tails were mollusks, Luo Bing could not see its expression, but it could be seen from its trembling body.

Feel a strong sense of intimidation.

"Isn't that throwing stones..."

Rokuo immediately associated the stone with the eye of reincarnation, and his soft and delicate body trembled, and another corrosive liquid flowed.

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