Spiritual awakening ceremony.

The young girls went in and out of the awakening cabin one after another.

Some rejoiced because they had gained powerful psionic energy.

Some sighed for a long time, obviously they did not awaken spiritual energy, and had to face the fate of entering the factory to work.

When the announcer notified Cheng Shiya to take the stage, she smiled at Luo Bingguan'er, "Xiao Luo, can I make a bet?"

He now desperately needs money to unlock the ability of the eye of reincarnation, so he has an interest.

"I know you've been living on a tight budget lately, and you can't even pay the rent, and you won't agree to let you live with me." "

If I awaken a talent that is higher than yours this time, will you live in my big villa with me?"

Cheng Shiya blinked her beautiful eyes and her attitude was extremely sincere.

It caused all the students to be envious, jealous and hateful.

Everyone knows that the quality of talent is closely related to the transmission of generations to generation.

Luo Bing, a mud-legged man without origin, how can he be comparable to Cheng Shiya.

Colonel Cheng's meaning is almost equivalent to confessing to Luo Bing, this kid.

Start the cohabitation life of the villa with the gentle and lovely school flowers, this is not eating soft rice.

It's exciting to think about.

Woo hoo, they don't want to work hard either.

"Forget it, I'm afraid you're plotting against me. The old rule, if you lose, call dad.

Luo Bing chuckled and politely refused.

He is an ambitious man who now only wants to strengthen the eye of reincarnation with krypton gold.

Hearing Luo Bingyi's righteous rejection, the surrounding classmates vomited three liters of blood.

I can't wait to promise him in minutes.

Okay, I'll wait for you to call Daddy. Cheng

Shiya pouted happily, and stepped into the test cabin under everyone's gaze.

After the test chamber runs for a while.

"Cheng Shiya, awakening A-level guardian spirit beast, ice sword spirit. "

A-Grade Spirit


With the result, it immediately attracted a burst of amazement.

"Envy, even if the family lineage is good, you can even awaken the A-grade guardian spirit beast. Instantly become the top wave of people!"

"This Cheng family is the four great spiritual energy families with a long history in the imperial capital, and it is not surprising that through the spiritual energy bloodline passed down from generation to generation, it is not surprising that they have such proud achievements.

"Dragon gives birth to dragon, phoenix gives birth to phoenix, the words of the ancients still have some truth.

"Alas, it's a pity, if only my ancestor had worked hard, maybe I could awaken the S-class guardian spirit beast. "


Seeing Cheng Shiya's outstanding results, the Qingteng Principal at the special table couldn't help but smile.

He grinned and muttered, "This kid is worthy of being the descendant of that adult, and he is really talented." "

After all, it is the talents cultivated by their school, and the more such top students, the more confident they will be to ask for funds from their superiors at that time."

After stepping off the stage, Cheng Shiya raised her chin to Luo Bing proudly, "What do you say?

Seeing that Cheng Shiya got a little carried away, Luo Bing pursed her lips and smiled, "Get a preventive shot with you in advance." At that time, I will awaken the S-level talent and press you underneath, don't have any psychological pressure. Hearing

this, Cheng Shiya pouted disdainfully, "If you have half a hard mouth there, I will say whatever you want." Seeing

that the two skillfully abused dogs, Huang Tengfei soured.

Shiya, if you want people to call your father, I can't shout every day.

Student number 10086, Huang Tengfei took the stage. The

proctor shouted in a timely manner.

Hearing that he should play, a sinister smile flashed in Huang Tengfei's eyes, "Luo Bing, I must let you know who is truly worthy of Shiya."

Then, Huang Tengfei pretended to be demeanor and stepped into the test cabin with great enthusiasm.

After a while, a report came from the test cabin, "Huang Tengfei, awaken the B-level guardian spirit beast, devour the giant worm." A

huge black shadow appeared on the big screen, apparently the silhouette of a devouring giant worm.

It immediately caused a commotion among everyone.

"What kind of guardian spirit beast is this, why is it not in the textbooks?"

"It seems to be an extremely rare breed, and no information about it has been entered in the ordinary guidebook."

"Niu Bu, Huang Shao, is worthy of being from a spiritual family, and our unreachable guardian spirit beast can be easily awakened.

Principal Qingteng at the special table sipped his tea and tasted it again:

"Unlike those ordinary spirit beasts that only evolve by eating specific materials, devouring giant insects have an extremely wide range of food and have strong growth.

As long as it takes time and cultivates carefully, it can even reach the strength of a quasi-S-level spirit beast in the later stage. Hearing

such a high evaluation from the principal, Huang Tengfei's depression in his heart was swept away.

Walking down the steps, he said to Luo Bing's yin and yang strange qi, "It's all because I don't work hard, how can I awaken a B-grade spiritual energy." Unlike Luo Dagenius, who usually exercises strictly, he will definitely achieve good results today. "

Huang Tengfei!" Cheng Shiya raised her willow eyebrows and glared at him angrily.

Huang Tengfei was unhurried, and looked at Cheng Shiya with a chuckle, "Shiya, uncles and aunts will not agree to be together, so consider trying it with me."

"Xiao Luo and I are just ordinary friends, don't talk nonsense. I reject you, it has nothing to do with him. Please don't implicate him. Halfway

through, Cheng Shiya, who showed a look of displeasure, suddenly flushed her cheeks.

Luo Bing, who remained silent on the side, launched a counterattack and naturally brushed Cheng Shiya's shawl hair.

"Shiya, why do you always attract fleas, I'll help you pick them up." "

Ah, is there any?" Cheng Shiya looked dumbfounded, obviously not knowing Luo Bing's intentions.

Huang Tengfei was angry and corrupted, his eyes were red with anger, "Let go, Shiya is also something you can touch!" Luo

Bing glanced at him fearlessly, and put his arm around Cheng Shiya's crisp shoulders, "I'm playing with my good brother, does it have anything to do with you?" Cheng Shiya's

whole person was stunned in place, and her little heart was pounding.

"You!" Huang

Tengfei was angry, and suddenly heard Luo Bing on the stage shouting for testing, and couldn't help but sneer at each other, "Go, Luo Da Genius, let's see what kind of talent you can awaken as a civilian."

Luo Bing smiled slightly and walked towards the test cabin without care.

On the way, others showed mocking eyes.

"This is not a big celebrity in our school, who wants to rely on hard work to get rid of the fate of migrant workers."

"Go for his daydreams." Every year he has a scholarship, I have already seen that he is not happy!"

"This world is the law of the jungle, and the nobles who control most of the social resources should enjoy life, which is very fair."

"Commoners were born to work for the aristocratic class, how can it be reasonable that they dare to be dissatisfied with this set of rules!" "

It's really whimsical, this world has developed for nearly 10,000 years, it's always been like this, isn't it?

"The good days of the genius of Luo will end here." Walking

into the test cabin, Luo Bing listened to everyone's words and shook his head helplessly.

Blood pressure came up.

Noble children with vested interests can just mumble a few words from their own standpoint.

Some students from civilian backgrounds also forced Lai Lai, which really gave him a whole thing.

It stands to reason that today's world has developed nearly a thousand years longer than its own world line.

How is it that the more science and technology develop, the more backward and pinched the thinking?

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