Ignoring the nameless jealousy in the eyes of the two women, Luo Bing shouted to Modo and the crystalline phoenix in the sky, "Come down quickly! When

the words fell, two huge figures instantly landed, and Sunayun also jumped down from the body of the crystalline phoenix.

Due to the lifting of the crisis, Xiaobai had to reluctantly strip off from Sunayun's delicate body and return to the normal one-eyed mode.

The queen daughter seemed to be afraid of strangers, and coquettishly hid behind Luo Bing, tightly hugging his reassuring body with her delicate jade arms.

But the people who relaxed their vigilance still keenly noticed her, and then showed a terrified look.

Seeing this, Luo Bing immediately smiled slightly and explained, "Don't be nervous, after that white-haired boy was killed, I have re-concluded a contract with her.

"She's in my shape now." When

the words fell, Tang Xuanyu gave Luo Bing a gentle punch in the chest, "Don't make such jokes about this child!"


the others heard this, they all looked at Luo Bing with surprised eyes.

Because it was Moduo, who had seen the power of the queen many times, he looked even more incredulous, "Not only defeated this witch, but even submitted her!"

"I have survived for thousands of years, this is the first time I have seen such an outrageous thing!"

Sunayun also nodded in agreement, "Seeing that this child and Luo Bing are so close, it is almost like a father and daughter, I can't believe my eyes."

"Is this really that invincible little devil?" Luo

Bing stroked the little head of the queen girl dotingly, "Go and save those frozen lives."

After bowing his head slightly, Anastasia waved his hand, and countless frost dragons, as well as the imperial beast master who walked with Oguri, broke through the ice.


happened?" "I dreamed that I slept for a year, whose phone has power! Show me the time!" "

What happened to Everwinterfell, where is our female emperor

?" "What happened to the South African Lord and our king?"

"Could it be that the little witch gave it..." Looking

at the noisy people who woke up, Mordo shouted to them, Guys, it was Lord Luo Bing who saved us and defeated the minions of the cosmic devil.

"And subdued the Ice Witch!" the

words fell, and the other Frost Dragons present were stunned.

"What? is this kid

?" "Really fake? This kid seems to only have the eighth order of the residual yang, which is the level of the fifth-order spirit beast, is it hiding his cultivation?"

"Is there a possibility that Old Modo is joking with everyone, and the real person who turns the tide is someone else." Looking

at Luo Bing, who had fine skin and tender flesh, the frost dragons showed suspicious eyes.

But when they saw the little girl leaning in Luo Bing's arms, a little cowardly.

Suddenly cold sweat broke out.

Isn't this the Ice Witch who will wipe out the Frost Dragon family as soon as she makes a move

! Such a powerful demon actually behaves so well-behaved and cute in front of that kid named Luo Bing!

And those imperial beast masters who had long regarded Luo Bing as a spiritual sustenance were even more excited to cheer.

"Ice Emperor! I drop Superman

!""Once again, the Ice Emperor turned the tide!" "I didn't expect that the Ice Emperor could actually come to save us! Moving

!"Bad brother cute! I now look at the Ice Emperor and feel clear, I shouldn't be bent!" "

I don't understand the gold content of the Ice Emperor!" The

man in the suit who used to disdain Luo Bing was directly kneeling in front of Luo Bing at this moment, "I'm super! Dad! Why are you here?"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Xuanyu and Su Nayun on the side almost scared out of internal injuries.

Could it be that Luo Bing was already married to a woman, and

his sons were so old

, so what should they do?

But seeing that the other party was obviously older than Luo Bing, the two women slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Bing is so stupid in terms of feelings, even they have not won such an initiative, how can there be children.

Dragging away the man in the suit who was happy and filial, the small-eyed uncle looked at Luo Bing and smiled kindly, "Thank you, Luo Bing." Once again, you saved it.

"Whatever, it's just a show of hands." Luo Bing scratched his head shyly, like a sunny little boy.

I also tell the truth.

It was indeed to save Oguri that he saved them.

At this time, the uncle looked around, and then asked suspiciously, "Lord City Lord and King of the Northern Realm, how are they now?"

Luo Bing patted his head in embarrassment, "Look I forgot about business."

Saying that, he passed a look to Xiao Bai beside him.

Xiaobai, who had a tacit understanding with Luo Bing, immediately understood.

The huge kaleidoscope one-eyed immediately caused violent spiral ripples in the space.

The king of the South African heaven and the northern realm, frozen together, appeared from the torn space.

Then it landed on the snow.

Looking at the Dragon King who led the clan, appeared in front of him, all the frost dragons shouted Luo Bing's name in unison.

"Luo Bing! Luo Bing!" "

Rabindranath Tagore of the Northern Realm is the Dragon King who has won the trust of all the Frost Dragons, and saving him is tantamount to saving the entire family.

It's no wonder that the Frost Dragons react like this.

At this moment, Luo Bing's image in their minds is simply self-evident.

It can even be said to subvert the image of human weakness in their minds.

"Now are we going to bring the two adults back to the human city to accept?" Mordo

was not as excited as the other frost dragons, but looked worriedly at the South African sky in the ice.

Knowledgeable, he naturally knew that the black handprint behind the South African sky was the soul calming palm personally applied by the dry bone old man.

As soon as this palm comes out, it is either dead or injured.

The seven souls and six spirits of the South African sky at this time are afraid that under the pain of ten thousand insects, they have long been destroyed.

Ordinary medical treatment will definitely not work.

Luo Bing smiled slightly, "Right here, I will treat it with my own hands."

As soon as these words came out, not only Modo, but even others were stunned.

Mo Feiluo Bing is still an all-rounder, even in terms of medical skills?

Even with current high-tech medical methods, it is not easy to give a treatment plan in a short time.

It is necessary to carefully observe for a period of time and understand the source of the injury.

Luo Bing clapped directly with confidence, is this a bit rash?

Looking at everyone's doubtful eyes, Luo Bing smiled inwardly.

He had already seen that the South African heaven was a soul palm.

When he was in the Hidden Forest and confronted the Dementor Elder, he had used god-level understanding to analyze the Soul Calming Palm.

The understanding of this trick can be said to be even deeper than that of its founder.

Coupled with the medical ninjutsu assistance of a body, it is natural to deal with it with certainty.

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