"No need.

Bai Lang huffed and left.

This woman doesn't know how many junior brothers she has harmed, so he won't be fooled.


The next day.

Luo Bing got up early at six o'clock.

Take the little nine-tails to wander around the school.

According to the mobile phone map, it didn't take long to come to the tall building in the cultivation area.

The inside is divided into practice rooms and ranking rooms.

The practice room is like a training mode in a game.

You can simulate various enemies and clearly record damage values.

Luo Bing came to a qualifying room.

Inside is filled with simulation pods shaped like awakening pods, flashing lights to alert others that someone is using them inside.

The room was full of students attending ranking matches.

Luo Bing sighed sincerely, "Early in the morning, it seems that the students of the famous school are positive."

A student union member in charge of reception at the front desk gave him a blank look, "Nonsense, every semester you have to eliminate 10% of the students who rank low, can you not be positive?"

Luo Bing listened and nodded, "No wonder, it turned out to be the final elimination system, how come I haven't heard of it."

Little Ninetails leaned over his shoulder and whispered, "Sister Yiyi is a witch of the forest, can you be eliminated?

Luo Bing gave her a blank look, saying the same as if he was being raised.

At this time, the receptionist looked at Luo Bing, "Classmate, look at your appearance, you are new."

"I advise you, newcomers don't come up and play ranking. Those old birds have heavy hands.

"Some people also like to insult, abuse the loser, and use extremely cruel methods. "

People with a bad mentality may have to close themselves for days in a game. Knowing

that the other party was also kind, Luo Bing replied with a chuckle, "It's okay, my hands are quite heavy." Then

, open the phone to scan the simulation cabin, and the hatch opens.

Luo Bing jumped directly into it, and the matching system started.

Seeing this, the receptionist shook his head helplessly, "Another iron-headed one." Be prepared to contact an on-campus psychologist. At

this time, someone recognized Luo Bing, a big celebrity.

"Eh, isn't that the scumbag who tricked Senior Sister Nao?" As

soon as these words came out, everyone in the room took out their mobile phones to watch the battle mode.

Upon seeing the image of Luo Bing who entered the simulation space, everyone nodded frequently.

"It's really, exactly the same.

"Someone has already hacked into the school terminal and picked him out, his name is Luo Bing, and he is the same as Senior Sister Nao. Some

girls were full of idiots, "The face is beautiful and the figure is good, I really envy the senior sister to have such an excellent junior brother scumbag her."

"Hehe, I also want to give birth to monkeys for juniors. "

So handsome! Ahhhhhhhhhh

"Isn't it good looking? superficial!" "

This little white face must be strong outside, and when he is humiliated by the senior class, everyone records his embarrassed appearance, and sends it to the forum as black history, and the senior sister will definitely turn black on him."

"Yes, everyone record Luo Bing's defeat CG and let him die, maybe it can force him to quit school." "

Some people even sent Luo Bing's room number to the school forum.

And it comes with a catchy title.

[World premiere!The moment when the scumbag Luo Bing was humiliated! Live broadcast!] The

post was followed by the room number of the viewing room.

As soon as it was issued, this shocking title alone instantly made the post click more than 10,000.

Everyone who admired Jun Xunai left messages below.

"Is it the scumbag who made the senior sister big belly?

"Lanzhou baked cake, that's just a rumor, in fact, it's just Luo Bing using the simplicity of senior sister to coax into his hands to communicate."

How could the goddess get pregnant!" Everyone

forwarded the post so that the scumbag would be ugly.

"The layout is small, and I have already gone to the ranking room to prepare for squatting and sniping." and so will give the brothers a live broadcast of the scumbag. "

The floor that said it was going to snipe was instantly topped.

"Brother Meng, let's go to match together, we will definitely be able to rank

him!" "Haha, leave him to me, I'm going to make a name for myself!"

At the same time, the cultivation building was instantly swarmed by the crowd.

All the simulation pods are occupied, but instead of starting to match, they pinch to watch Luo Bing's game.

In order to line up to him.

"Don't squeeze, come one by one. Looking

at the crowded scene, the receptionist at the front desk looked bitter to maintain order.

The large TV in the ranking room played a wonderful replay, and at everyone's request, the battle on Luo Bing's side was also broadcast live.

The surroundings were crowded with people watching.

All waiting to see Luo Bing's good show.


At this time, within the virtual space.

Luo Bing opened his eyes and glanced around.

There are towering green bamboos everywhere, which has the artistic conception of the martial arts world.

It turned out that I randomly went to the bamboo forest map.

A line of text suddenly appeared in front of him.


in the void, a crack was cut.

A figure flashed.

That line of words suddenly became [First-grade Li Xing ranking: 52130]

Luo Bing understood that because it was the first qualifying match, he could only match with a junior opponent.

Looking at the other party's confused look, it must be the first time.

Before Li Xing could react to summon the spirit beast, Luo Bing was silent and kicked him in the chest.

No need for bells and whistles of ninjutsu, just the physical fitness of the fifth order of Yaoyin.

Directly let Li Xing fly out upside down and be killed on the spot.

Of course, in reality, he is still alive and well, but being killed in seconds is a little unpleasant to him.

[Winner Luo Bing! Ranking rises to 49522] Luo

Bing instantly surpassed many freshmen who didn't even win a single victory.

"Ding! The host defeats the Mountain Bronze Fifth Order Royal Beast Master and gets a reward of 5 points.

Looking at the shabby points, Luo Bing cursed, "Only 5 points?

"If this continues, when will I be able to advance to the little nine-tails!"

[Match again]

Outside the simulated cabin, the trainees waiting to watch the good show complained one after another.

"This newcomer is really a dish, and without even summoning the spirit beast, he was kicked to death, speechless.

"Let him win, let him win, and when he matches us as a senior year, let him know what cruelty is."

"It's okay, it's just starting school, there are almost no new students ranking, and it won't be long before the system will be upward compatible."

"Yes, let those freshmen not match first, and surprise this kid." Everyone

was in front of the screen, and they couldn't wait to see Luo Bing face a strong enemy and pee his pants in fear.

"Here it comes, this kid is starting to match!"

the senior who occupied the simulation cabin immediately followed.

In the bamboo forest space, Luo Bing waited for a long three minutes, and he couldn't wait for a suitable opponent.

"It seems that there are too few newborns, just because the fly legs are too thin, and I want complete flies." The

words fell, and another void crack opened.

Before the arrogant voice arrived, the arrogant voice sounded first, "Finally let me match you, Luo Bing, see if I don't teach you a good lesson for Senior Sister!"

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