Seeing Luo Bing beating the crows, the audience in front of the screen was watching happily.

The stool was not yet hot, and when they saw the Heavenly Crow under the power of the scepter, their temperament changed abruptly.

Suddenly, he stood up nervously.

After seeing that the live broadcast AI robot was detected, it was identified that the current cultivation level of the Heavenly Crow was reached, and their scalps immediately became numb.

"I saw the Ice Emperor's various transpositions, and I thought he had a hanging, good fellow, it turns out that there is a hanging opposite ah!"

"This is the sixth order of the king! It is estimated that only the big guys of the three holy lands can fight with one."

"Luo Bing should always run away now, I really can't beat it!" "

Escape in front of the opponent of the sixth order of the king?

Even I can see that as long as the Heavenly Crow does not continue to put long-range skills for nothing, the Ice Emperor will not be able to break the defense on the opposite side. "

It's broken, this time the Ice Emperor is really going to fall (crying)!"

Everwinterfell, above the central square.

The two powerhouses are facing off, and the tense atmosphere has frozen to the extreme.

Looking at Luo Bing's still light expression, Tiancrow scoffed, "Let's see how long you can pretend." He

didn't believe that anyone could be so calm in the face of death without showing a trace of fear.

With that, he then waved his scepter.

A huge and incomparable feathered black blade condensed, slashing away as if opening the heavens and earth.

Seeing this, the audience was pleasantly surprised.

The Heavenly Crow actually put the long-range skill for nothing!

Next, as long as the Ice Emperor can repeat the old skill...

However, things did not go as they had hoped.

The moment the feathered black blade swung out, the figure of the Heavenly Crow turned into countless black feathers and dispersed.

Only a mocking voice echoed in the sky, "Luo Bing, I have seen through your little trick.

"Any gorgeous showmanship is illusory in the face of the power of God. Seeing

that the Heavenly Crow was wary, Luo Bing had to retreat, and the Six Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye activated his pupil power.

The next instant.

The feathered black blade passed through Luo Bing's position, and a red-eyed giant crow turned into two neat halves and fell to the ground.

"It turns out that there is such a hand, but I was negligent. The

voice of the Heavenly Crow resounded in the sky again, countless black feathers fell from the air, and the figure of the Heavenly Crow appeared in it.

"In that case..." the crow snapped his fingers dashingly.

All the red-eyed giant crows nearby suddenly swelled irregularly.

It then exploded and turned into several blood mist in the air.

This is in their body, the self-detonation ban set in advance is in play

"without these guys who get in the way as a jump point, the next move will solve you." The

Heavenly Crow raised his jade finger and pointed at Luo Bing.

When the words fell, his temperament changed abruptly, and his evil eyes were suddenly empty, as if he was possessed by something.

High in the clouds, the surrounding space is full of pitch-black fluctuations.

Then, from the fluctuations, countless feathered black blades formed, and Qi brushed towards Luo Bing's direction.

The crow disappeared again without a trace.

"Master, if not, change me. The golden nine-tailed in the distance was anxious and shouted at Luo Bingjiao.

Luo Bing smiled at her, and the eyes of the six jade reincarnation suddenly shocked.

Luo Bing actually disappeared again, and in his place was the black feather left after the Heavenly Crow left.

"Even feathers can be replaced! Interesting ability, but juggling ends here. This

time, the Heavenly Crow was even more cautious, only hearing its voice and not seeing its people, hiding in the layers of clouds.

The feathered black blade once again attacked from all directions, apparently blocking all of Luo Bing's escape routes.

"Seeing that even if you have that ability this time, you must have nothing to do.

"Tremble under the sanction of God!" came

a cold rebuke full of majesty, faintly mixed with the chest of the heavenly crow.

Looking at the countless black blades that were surging and approaching, Luo Bing shook his index finger lightly, "You are wrong, the person who is really seen through is you." The

words fell, and tens of thousands of feathered black blades collided together.

Above the haze, countless energies exploded.

Explosions rang out one after another.

The central square was suddenly illuminated like a fireworks party.

Looking at the brilliant sky, the golden nine-tails teary-eyed, "Master... Don't leave me behind

!" "Xiao Jiu wants to be with the master forever and spend the rest of his life happily!" At

this time, Luo Bing's small figure appeared on her forehead, smiling playfully, "It turns out that you are so reluctant to me."

"Master, it turns out that you are not dead!" Seeing

the familiar figure, the golden nine-tails were excited, arrogantly curled the corners of his mouth, and raised his face, "Who can't bear you."

"I just can't bear your ham sausage."

Luo Bing didn't poke either, but just scratched his head helplessly.

This little fox is really not honest.

At this time, the Heavenly Crow appeared from the clouds with a stunned expression, "How did you avoid the attack of the Heaven and Earth Net

!" "Could it be that you can swap places with the dust in the air!" Luo

Bing said lightly, "You can really think of it, in fact, I switched positions with the last feather blade." Hearing

this, Tiancrow gasped, "Your ability can actually act on the feathered black blade!" "

Where did you get these strange abilities?

"So it is, it's the outer god of Si Palm Manga.

He nodded, and then Tiancrow breathed a long sigh of relief, "If I exchange skills with you, I will also have to bear the consumption of faith."

"In this way, I can only conquer you with the flesh of the sixth order of the king.

"As long as you don't use skills and use your physical body to exhaust your spiritual energy, presumably you won't be able to use this difficult trick." Saying

that, the Heavenly Crow turned into a breeze with a sinister smile and swung his fist towards Luo Bing.

This is the all-out blow of the sixth order of the king, even if it is completely physical, it may not be able to resist a few blows.

Moreover, the speed was so fast that Luo Bing could not dodge, and could only consume huge spiritual energy and activate the Heavenly Hand Power to dodge.

After a few times, Luo Bing's spiritual energy must be exhausted, and he will not be able to use the Heavenly Hand Power again.

He can easily capture Luo Bing without much effort.

After capturing Luo Bing, he must be tortured and forced to find out the whereabouts of the comic god.

Then apostatized the past, obtained Luo Bing's incomprehensible abilities!

Silently thinking, the fist-shaking Heavenly Crow couldn't help but show a happy smile.

Seeing this, Luo Bing smiled slightly, "It's all said, the person who is really seen through is you!"

Luo Bing first switched positions with the Heavenly Crow and dodged the furious punch.

Next, he took out a ball of used toilet paper from the storage space.

It was one night when he was pushing butter all night and put it in after using it.

At this time, Luo Bing said with a straight face, "Now you, I can defeat it with just a piece of toilet paper!" The

words fell, and the power of the heavenly hand was released again.

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