Four o'clock in the afternoon.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone through the window into the office of the president of the student union of Teidos University.

At this time, Jun Xunai was sitting dignified on the swivel chair approving documents with a pretty face.


The door was rudely opened.

Jun Xunai looked up.

I saw a young girl with purple and short ear hair covering her left eye, with a white coat worn by experimenters, trotting in in a panic.

"Xiaoxu, it's not good!" She

is the vice president of the student union, Ye Butterfly, who is not only Jun Xunai's right hand in work, but also a good mentor and friend.

Seeing that the visitor was Ye Butterfly, Jun Xunai smiled helplessly, "Senior sister, it's not like you who is so hairy." Ye

Dieyi is a senior student, and although the two have a close relationship, she is her direct boss.

But he has always respected her as a senior in his heart.

"It shouldn't be the confession of the boy." Looking

at the appearance of the night butterfly, Jun Xunai couldn't help but purse her lips and laugh.


Butterfly's hands were firmly propped on the desk, her eyes staring at Jun Xunai's beautiful face, and the corners of her lips were proud.

"I still want to make fun of me and show you the good deeds your dear junior brother has done."

Saying that, she took out her mobile phone and showed Jun Xunai the titles of the top hot searches on the Internet.

#为争夺帝大校花, freshmen fought dozens of seniors.

#揭秘! What is the charm of the red-faced misfortune Jun Xunai, which has attracted countless Tianjiao to be obsessed with love.

#震撼! The emperor was shocked by the mysterious new birth, hung the top five hundred, and released a bold statement to take the goddess Sina into a forbidden place.


#悲报! The goddess of high cold in front of people has been reduced to ...

Looking at these exaggerated and explicit titles, Jun Xunai's blood pressure instantly rose.

The waves on his face disappeared, replaced by endless anger.

"Grass! These title parties. "

The cold Jun Xunai, even regardless of the image of the goddess, burst out, which shows how angry he is.

Night Butterfly looked at her with a smile, "Although the title is a little exaggerated, the content is more exciting." Saying

that, she clicked on a video and showed it to Jun Xunai.

Seeing the handsome figure on the screen, Jun Xunai couldn't help but speak, "Hey, isn't this Senior Brother Luo Bing?

Then she nodded approvingly, "That's pretty much it, I didn't neglect to practice because of my talent."

Then looking at Luo Bing on the screen killing those senior students one after another, Jun Xunai was even more proud, and her beautiful eyes frequently glowed peach.

"It turned out that those strange spiritual techniques easily solved the battle.

"I'm also worried that he will become dependent after possessing the divine beast, and his lack of training will not be conducive to his later growth in the long run." It seems that I overthought it.

"It's worthy of being a fancy person, junior brother is so handsome!" Seeing

Luo Bing filled with electricity with one hand, turning into thunder and missing it from the other party, Jun Xunai couldn't help but blurt out.

Seeing her uncharacteristically, Ye Butterfly Yi had a playful smile on her face, and she was curious in her heart.


that Ye Butterfly was watching her joke, Jun Xunai quickly tightened her delicate face and frowned and changed

, "So-so, if he didn't have a brilliant performance, how could I choose him as my junior."

"You know, Master is very strict in choosing students' qualifications. Watching

Jun Xunai stiffly make up for herself, the night butterfly robe did not poke, "Keep watching." "

Next, there was a famous scene that sublimated the entire video and really made Luo Binghuo the whole network.

"Jun Xunai will become my forbidden body. Luo

Bing's pleasant voice came into his earlobes.

"This junior brother is too carried away!" Jun

Xunai clenched his silver teeth and hammered the table angrily, a wonderful expression appeared on his face, three points of annoyance.

Feeling that her reaction was very funny, Ye Butterfly covered her mouth and smiled, "Xiao Xu, Senior Sister translated the meaning of this word for you."

"Forbidden means forbidden, exclusive meaning, meaning not to be allowed to be touched by others."

Then, Ye Butterfly walked behind Jun Xunai, hugged her white jade neck, brought her red lips to her earlobe and whispered, "To get such a handsome and capable junior brother so evaluated, many girls are jealous."

"It's all superficial women, what's good about Senior Brother Luo Bing." Jun

Xunai said coldly, his expression extremely disdainful.

Then whispered in her heart, isn't it a little good-looking, and treats girls stinky and shameless?

She remembered that Luo Bing did not regard her as a goddess like others, but bravely bandaged her.

He also boldly wanted to rub her feet.

This kind of behavior of treating her as a friend makes her and her junior brother have no sense of alienation between ordinary people.

This is what makes junior brothers excellent, and those superficial girls don't understand it at all.

Thinking of this, Jun Xunai became red from the base of his ears to his neck.

Next, the video comes to an end.

Hearing that Luo Bing was going to face off with those top students who stepped into Hui Jin tomorrow, the two looked at each other.

Jun Xunai hurriedly shot up, "No, they are all excellent candidates for the Campus World Series, and there is still half a month to start, they should actively prepare."

"This matter is related to the honor of the imperial university, and the honor of the school cannot be hindered because of the junior." Ye

Butterfly looked at her with some surprise, "Are you feeling sorry for your junior brother?" From

Yaoyin to Hui Jin is an insurmountable gap, and most people can't touch the threshold of Hui Jin in their entire lives.

Being able to enter Huikin at a young age, the talent of those top students naturally needs no need to be mentioned.

As long as the talent is high enough, the school will do its best to cultivate it.

In addition, the top students often perform campus missions outside and fight to the death with other beast masters or exotic beasts.

The depth of combat consciousness and experience is definitely not something that Yaoyin in school can touch.

Killing Luo Bing of the ninth order of Yaoyin in seconds, but being killed by the first order of Hui Jin, is only a sparse and ordinary result.

It is not surprising that Jun Xunai would have such worries.

"Don't look at the joke, who would feel sorry for that kind of person." Jun

Xunai turned his head awkwardly, and in order to hide his shame, he angrily raised Hei Changzhi.

She was still worried about Luo Bing's thigh hugging.

Although it was only to bandage her, there was no evil thought to speak of.

At the same time, Jun Xunai did not understand why he did not refuse at that time and let him do nothing.

Seeing through Jun Xunai's rich psychological activities, Ye Butterfly's expression suddenly became solemn, "Xiao Xu, hasn't your family already decided to promise you to that person?"

Hearing this, Jun Xunai instantly returned to her usual coldness, and her expression was faintly gloomy.

That person referred to Lu Wenying, who had always occupied the top of the Emperor Ranking, the most talented imperial beast master in the history of the Imperial University.

He began to learn imperial beasts at the age of three, grew up to the Yaoyin Realm at the age of ten, and has now grown to the seventh order of Hui Jin.

You know, once you step into the Hui Jin Realm, the gap between each step after that is even greater than that of Yaoyin and Hui Jin.

The Lu family and the Jun family behind him are the four major families in the imperial capital, although the Jun family is the head of the four families.

However, in order to consolidate his position, he chose to unite with the Lu family and saw the potential of Lu Wenying.

A few days ago, the Jun family decided to marry the Lu family and give Jun Xunai to Lv Wenying.

Obviously that's not something to be happy about.

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