Seeing that the two who were still sisters just now were about to have a crisis of trust, Yang Yiyi, as their master, could only come forward.

I saw her say with an embarrassed look, "Actually, Xiao Luo's technique was practiced from me, the master.

Unexpectedly, everyone present did not believe it at all.

Cheng Shiya looked at Yang Yiyi's eyes, full of sympathy, "Master, don't lie, we all know that you have no status in Xiao Luo's heart."

"It must be for me and Senior Sister Sona to get along harmoniously, so I took this black pot on my head."

"Don't worry, Senior Sister and I were joking just now, how could our friendship be because of Xiao Luo's relationship." Saying

that, she sat next to Jun Xunai, and took Jun Xunai's arm delicately, showing intimacy.

At this time, Feng Xue was also on the side to mend the knife, "Even Shiya knows that you have no status in front of your junior brother.

"It's pretty much the same that you learned technology from your junior brother." Seeing

that even Feng Xue dared to underestimate herself, Yang Yiyi's face turned cold, and she asked sharply, "What do you say!" The

words fell, and Feng Xue was immediately intimidated by Yang Yiyi's majesty, and beat her back with a flattering face.

"Master forgives sin, I joked too much, and some of my mouth was unobtrusive.

"Of course I believe that you are the person my junior brother respects the most."

"Now that he has become so well-behaved in front of us, it must be the credit of the master."

Even Cheng Shiya and Jun Xunai were shocked by Yang Yiyi's burst of courage, and involuntarily got up and said in unison, "Master, we are wrong!" Looking

at the three people who begged for mercy, Yang Yiyi snorted in her heart.

Can't cure Xiao Luo, can't cure you?

After a while.

Luo Bing washed the dishes and chopsticks and walked out of the kitchen.

Looking at everyone's satisfied expressions, he felt that the time was ripe and asked cautiously, "What do you think of my performance tonight?"

"If you treat Senior Sister like this again, Senior Sister, I will fall in love with you!" Yang

Yiyi pretended to be indifferent, "What's the matter, you haven't always been so disciplined in front of me."

After that, she carefully observed Luo Bing's face with the afterlight.

She was afraid that Luo Bing would get angry because of her tough attitude or expose herself.

Then she, who is a master, will lose face in front of the other three female disciples.

Seeing that Luo Bing did not express anything about her wayward words, Yang Yiyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

Compared with Feng Xue and Yang Yiyi, Cheng Shiya and Jun Xunai know Luo Bing very well.

If you have nothing to offer, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Cheng Shiya frowned and asked implicitly, "Xiao Luo, do you have something to tell us?" Jun

Xunai was even more blunt, "You won't bring the woman back outside again!"

"If you come here, I'm a little sorry for Shiya, this good girl."

Cheng Shiya smiled bitterly, "I don't mind a few more sisters, maybe after Xiao Luo advances to the King Realm, he will have a lot of physical strength."

"We women can't satisfy him."

"If I let him hold back, I don't feel good in my heart." "

It's just that three days and two heads do this, and it's true..." Hearing this

, Jun Xunai's eyebrows tightened, "You are his real girlfriend, how can you say that you don't

mind!" Then, she said with a strong attitude, "No! You must mind!" Looking

at Jun Xunai's eager look, Cheng Shiya was also helpless.

"I think it's Senior Sister, you're in a hurry

!" Hearing this, Jun Xunai's cheeks flushed shyly, and she was so nervous that she couldn't speak coherently, "What are you kidding!" "

I really haven't made progress with him, it's only the relationship between my brother and sister at present."

"It's really anxious, and that's worrying for you." Knowing

the conjecture of the two women, Yang Yiyi frowned slightly and looked at Luo Bing, "Xiao Luo, are you really like they said, you want to bring the woman back again?"

She is also Xiao Luo's master, nominally having the duty of disciplining him.

If Xiao Luo really did something excessive, she would definitely shoulder the responsibility of educating him.

Seeing that everyone's speculation about the facts had caused some deviations, Luo Bing hurriedly clarified, "Things are not what you think.

"I recently burst into a sense of justice and raided an underground black market.

"It turned out they were trafficking small animals illegally."

"The little animals that passed through their hands were unclothed and hungry all day, and they were brutally abused inhumanly.

"So I had some overflowing sympathy and wanted to give them a warm home."

"That's why I wanted to ask for your opinion." Listening

to Luo Bing's tear-jerking explanation, the women breathed a sigh of relief.

"So that's it!" "Isn't

it about adopting small animals?"

As long as it is not the adoption of ignorant girls.

Then, when they remembered that such a good act had been misunderstood, they were ashamed to see it.

Cheng Shiya took the lead in setting an example and looked at Luo Bing with a guilty face, "I'm sorry, it's my impure thinking that I think about you in that aspect."

Yang Yiyi patted Luo Bing's shoulder with relief as if nothing had happened.

"It is worthy of being an apprentice taught by my Forest Witch, who has a deep affection for flowers, plants, small animals and other things.

Jun Xunai hung her head guiltily, and kneaded the corners of her skirt with her hands cramped, "I'm sorry, junior." I just said such an excessive thing to you.

"And think of you in that direction." Saying

that, Jun Xunai's eyes turned red.

Luo Bing shook his head generously, "For the sake of Senior Sister who likes to wear black silk, I will forgive you."

Then, he smiled with satisfaction, "It seems that everyone is very supportive of my adoption of small animals."

"I thought you would strongly disagree."

"After all, there are indeed a lot of them, and it is reasonable for you to object." Jun

Xunai shook his head firmly, "How can you object, this is a good deed, naturally the more the merrier."

"I'll raise them with you in the future, so that they can forget the tragic experience before

" Cheng Shiya also nodded with a smile, "Me too, I like kittens and puppies the most!"

Yang Yiyi smiled and came up, "I booked the position of animal keeper first."

"Anyway, after I break through to the Middle King Realm, it will definitely be rotten for a while.

"Just enough to pass the time by feeding the animals." Feng

Xue complained in time, "Master Venerable will definitely lie in bed every day and directly starve all the small animals to death."

As a result, Yang Yiyi glared at her dissatisfied, which immediately made her tremble.

Seeing that everyone was very supportive of his decision, Luo Bing proposed in laughter.

"Since everyone likes it, then I'll bring them over and show them to you." "

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