Looking at Luo Bing, who spoke earnestly, Jun Xunai sighed lightly, "Even if my thoughts are impure and I think of you in a bad way."

After that, she opened the mouth of the sleeping bag and invited, "Junior, I believe you are not that kind of person, come in."

"But don't hug me, I'm not your little fox!" Luo

Bing nodded happily, "Thank you for your trust, Senior Sister, you are so good, I will not mess around."

Then he eagerly slipped into his sleeping bag.

Looking at the well-behaved and obedient Luo Bing next to him, Jun Xunai also looked comfortable.

And just like that, the night passed.

Jun Xunai, who woke up, glanced angrily at Luo Bing.


if feeling Jun Xunai's killing intent, Luo Bing was suddenly awakened.

Seeing Jun Xunai staring at him with a resentful face, his sleepy mind was frightened and sobered.

An agitator slipped out of the sleeping bag.

"Senior sister, did I accidentally bump into you when I was asleep, or did I say something bad

?" asked Luo Bing cautiously.

Jun Xunai still glanced at him with resentment, "No, you are very well-behaved."

"Nothing happened except after falling asleep and hugging me behind me all night.

"That's good. Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away the cold sweat that spilled from his forehead.

What happens after falling asleep is not something he can control.

And just hold it all the time, and you won't get pregnant.

Senior sister has always been knife-mouthed tofu heart, should not be so stingy.

Who knew that Jun Xunai snorted coldly, "What's the matter, is it that I am not attractive, you really didn't do anything! Hearing

this, Luo Bing looked dazed, "It's not Senior Sister you said, I am not allowed to think about you, so I respect each other."

Jun Xunai glanced at him angrily, "You just listen to me like that?" "

Let you not have ideas, you really fall asleep honestly!" Looking

at Jun Xunai who was full of fire, Luo Bing smiled slightly, "Since I disappointed you, senior sister, then make up for you with banana milk for breakfast."

Last night was your last chance! You don't want to touch me in your life!" Jun

Xunai's cold face radiated a chill, and she pressed one hand against the rock wall.

Luo Bing was weakly forced to the edge of the rock wall like this, watching the distance between them gradually approach, and his heart throbbed.

He was actually knocked by Senior Sister!

"Since Senior Sister you don't want it, then I will drink it alone." Feeling

Jun Xunai's soft snort, Luo Bing was a little shy, so he had to take out a carton of banana milk from the storage space, plug in a straw and drink it.

It is used to hide the shyness of the heart.

"It really turned out to be banana milk!" Looking

at Luo Bing, who was enjoying the milk, Jun Xunai looked stunned, and then scratched his head a little embarrassed.

All along, it was his own impure thinking, and he would actually misunderstand the meaning of the junior brother! Yes, the

pure junior brother did not do anything excessive with such a good opportunity last night.

How could he make such an incongruous joke about himself, a senior sister who he particularly respected.

After thinking about everything clearly, Jun Xunai took the jade hand pressed on the rock wall and looked at Luo Bing with a guilty face.

"I'm sorry, junior, it's me dirty.

Luo Bing smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

"For a girl as good as Senior Sister, it is normal to be a little astringent. "

Where do I have!" Jun Xunai frowned, and then continued in a soothing tone, "Can you give me a box?"

"But if I don't eat anything in the morning, I'm still not used to it."

Luo Bing gave her a helpless look, "Then what did you say just now, you don't need my sympathy, such inexplicable words."

"I thought you had some prejudice against banana milk."

Saying that, he casually took out another carton of banana milk from the storage space and handed it to Jun Xunai.

Watching her slam into the straw, as if she was inflicting some alternative punishment on banana milk, Luo Bing smiled with relief.

"Senior sister, don't be in a hurry, drink slowly, it's not enough for me to have here."

"After drinking, we are going to clean up Wang Zizi's minions, this is a big project, and we can't do it without replenishing our physical strength." "


In the middle of the barren rock island, a small lake.

A handsome young man wearing a white Taoist robe and a shawl sat cross-legged.

Behind him were ten king-third-order powerhouses, bowing their heads respectfully.

One of them was reporting something to the young man in white.

That handsome young man was none other than Wang Zizi.

Hearing this, Wang Zizi's brows tightened, "Why, Wang Meng's group hasn't been found yet?" In

the crowd, some people speculated, "Maybe Wang Meng received a large number of survival points distributed by the island owner, so he fled with the money."

Wang Zizi smiled and said, "No, remember the life-saving prohibition I imposed on you?"

"Then I'll be aware too." Hearing

this, everyone changed color.

Made: Doesn't it mean that this is a self-protection ban? It is

a self-detonation ban

! It's so insidious!

Fortunately, they are all loyal and honest, and there are not many bad intentions.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to end his short life in minutes

, but in the future, he would be completely a minions of the king, saddle the horse before and after.

Thinking of this, everyone sighed secretly.

Sensing their fear, Wang smiled proudly, "You don't need to worry.

"As long as those low-level slaves hollow out the entire island, I will lead you to Mysterious Island and make peace with the sect elders."

"At that time, naturally your benefits will be indispensable." Hearing

Wang Zizi's promise, everyone was slightly relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zizi's face sank, "That Wang Meng must have been killed, perhaps by a powerful beast hidden on the island."

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is man-made, perhaps those survivors who are hiding in the shadows."

"They avoided our sight and were ready to move."

Someone wondered, "Man-made, the entire Barren Stone Island is already your private territory, who dares to do anything to your people?" Wang

Zizi shook his head, "It's hard to say, Tianbao Secret Realm Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"I can't guarantee that on this barren stone island, there are other masters hidden, even another middle king."

"These situations have to be taken into account."

Then his gaze turned cold as he looked at the lake, "You immediately send a large number of men to search the entire barren rock island.

"Arrest all those who are hiding in the corners."

"According to the rules, the men are divided into three classes to draw over, and the women are brought to see me, and I have other arrangements."

With that, he waved his hand, "Go down and do it." The

words fell, and everyone left in unison.

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