Feeling that Little Nine Tails was gradually getting irritable, Luo Bing hurriedly soothed, "The two of them are just the furnace I found.

"I also see that you are doing the work of spirit beasts and the work of the furnace, and I am afraid that you will be exhausted."

"That's why I brought them in to help you share it."

Little Nine Tails was unappreciative, and snorted, "No need, don't you just dislike me for having a big appetite, afraid that I will drink your banana milk to the end

!" "Tell you, I can't control others! You just look for more furnaces, and you are not allowed to deduct my share!" The

corner of Luo Bing's mouth twitched, and he smiled and said, "Xiao Jiu, you misunderstood, I don't want to withhold your public grain."

"Isn't it better!" the little nine-tails snorted coldly, and stopped talking angrily.

Coaxing the little fox, Luo Bing recalled the memories of the ten elders and made complex handprints.

Then he said coldly, "Holy Spring Space, Solution!" The

words fell, and in the pitch-black space, a void door opened out of thin air.

This Void Gate is the gateway to the Holy Spring Space.

"Let's go, your senior sister will be detained there.

Luo Bing looked at the two women and urged, and then took the lead in entering the Void Gate.

It was Si Yao and Ling Yao who looked at each other and immediately followed.


Holy Spring Space.

Unlike the ordinary space where the furnace is kept, a hot spring pool has been developed here for nourishing excellent materials.

The steaming hot springs in the pool are also rare things that only some star fields produce, Wanchuan manna.

In order to collect the manna of ten thousand rivers that count the grains, this sacred spring space is cast.

The Tianyin Sect even slaughtered several low-level star domains, emptying all the Wanchuan manna on these star domains.

This is the luxury of using Manchuan manna as a hot spring.


Jun Xunai, Tang Xuanyu, Sunayun, and Queen Mother of the West, their eyes were hollow in the blue hot spring.

The fairy skirt, which was already a translucent material, was soaked in the hot springs and became more delicate and transparent.

The mist that permeates the hot springs acts as a holy light very intimately, covering their wet and delicate bodies.

At this time, the Holy Spring Space opened a void.

Luo Bing, Si Yao, and Ling Yao walked out of it, and at a glance, they noticed several people soaking in the Wanchuan Holy Spring.

"Senior sister, we have come to rescue you!" Si

Yao jumped down from the hot spring pool with an anxious look, wanting to fish out the soaked Queen Mother of the West.

Ling Yao also jumped down without hesitation.

Suddenly, the two women's light gauze fairy skirts were wet, and their delicate skin was vividly revealed through the light material.

When they swam to the Queen Mother of the West, they found that although her breath was still alive, she was like a vegetative person, and her eyes were blank.

No matter how the two shouted, she did not react in the slightest.

Seeing the appearance of the Queen Mother of the West, the two women suddenly cried.

Luo Bing smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, they are just restricted by the secret techniques of the Tianyin Sect.

"I'll lift the chains on them." Saying

that, he urged the powerful pitch-black spiritual sense in his body to immediately enter their spiritual knowledge sea, erasing the spiritual imprint that the ten elders had punched into it.

Then, the women in the holy spring pool suddenly regained their spirited expressions.

After waking up, Jun Xunai was immediately pleasantly surprised when she saw Luo Bing in front of her, "Junior Brother, did you save us?" Tang

Xuanyu also recovered his expression, and when he saw Luo Bing here, he squeezed out an ugly smile.

"Thank you so much for saving the beauty of your heroes, my dear Xiao Luo!" Originally

, she was still waiting for the Tianyin Sect to start refining, and she broke away from the human body and slipped away.


the Queen Mother of the West woke up, she found that the two junior sisters were holding her firmly and crying silently.

She immediately wondered, "Si Yao, Ling Yao, why are you with Elder

Xiao Luo?" Seeing that Senior Sister returned to her usual appearance, the two women wiped their tears and explained the ins and outs after meeting Xiao Luo without reservation.

"What! You have actually been refined into a furnace, and now you have lost the ability to protect the beast!" Knowing

what happened, the Queen Mother of the West was stunned in place as if she had suffered a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Si Yao's face was ashamed, and she lowered her head and whispered, "But please don't worry, Senior Sister, Elder Xiao Luo has already agreed to accept our sister as a furnace." Ling

Yao's pretty face flashed a hint of shyness, "Yes, Senior Sister, I have no regrets in my life to be able to be the furnace of Elder Xiao Luo."

"You guys are Elder Xiao Luo's cauldron!" Hearing this, the Queen Mother of the West seemed to have suffered a thunderbolt on a double sunny day, and her brain was blank.

Didn't they still look at each other badly

with Xiao Luo before, but now they are so deferential in front

of Xiao Luo! Could it be that Xiao Luo really persuaded them with his own excellence?

Si Yao nodded solemnly, "That's right, in the future, we will resign from the position of Wanxian Chi and put all our thoughts on becoming the qualified master of Xiao Luo."

Ling Yao also echoed, "Bringing happiness to the master will be our lifelong goal. Seeing

the junior sisters saying such shameless words with a happy face, Queen Mother Xi wanted to say something and stopped talking, and her expression was very complicated.

Is this still her two proud junior sisters, who actually set pleasing Xiao Luo as their goal in life! Is Xiao Luo

really so popular

? Could it be that in the future, in addition to fighting with apprentices, he will also fight with his junior sisters?

Not only the Queen Mother of the West, but also Jun Xunai, Sunayun, and Tang Xuanyu were shocked to see the transformation of the two women.

Then Qi Qi stared at Luo Bing with angry eyes, and then expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart.

Jun Xunai looked kind, "Junior brother, I took the initiative to invite you to cultivate, but you pushed me three times and hindered.

"I thought you didn't like cultivation, but you turned out to be enthusiastic about finding the furnace."

"Find two in one breath!"

Luo Binggan smiled and quibbled, "Senior sister, don't think too much, I also see them as pitiful, give them a home." Jun

Xunai snorted coldly, raised his jade finger domineeringly, picked Luo Bing's chin, and said in a condensed voice, "I don't care how many furnaces you look for outside."

"But dare to use this as an excuse, just reduce the amount of cultivation with me, and I will make you look good." Tang

Xuanyu on the side also wanted to cry without tears.

Before coming to the secret realm, he made a calculation, and the result was that Senior Sister Heisi got Xiao Luo first.

Now it is another wave of calculations, which gives Xiao Luo an excuse to find the furnace.


grand demon marshal has not tasted Xiao Luo, so she can't let her eat the leftovers of the Ding Furnace!

The two annoying uncles have become the cauldron of their own male gods.

This relationship is really cut and messy.

However, she is only Xiao Luo's exclusive secretary, even if she has an opinion, it should also be Lord Shiya to speak.

No matter how bad it is, it should be Sona who opposes.

The relationship between himself and Xiao Luo is not clear, and it is not good to say much.

Being stared at by many resentful eyes, Luo Bing coughed lightly and pulled away from the topic, "We are still in the territory of the Tianyin Sect now.

"Let me send you back first." "

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