Even the Star Eclipse powerhouse may not be able to do it!" Seeing

the overwhelming spiritual energy offensive, it turned into a shadow under the defense of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

Wu Cheng was stunned, and panic rose in his heart.

Seeing this scene, others also set off a thousand waves in their hearts.

Among them, the emphasis on long-range spiritual skills was uneven, and some of them were extremely good at it.

Therefore, when the momentum is ready to go, it will be full of confidence.

I thought that these demon pupil girls would display ghostly bodies and cleverly avoid them.

Therefore, when they perform spiritual skills, they try to ensure that there are no dead angles in 360 degrees.

I never expected that a demon pupil girl would not dodge or dodge, and hold up a barrier.

The spiritual technique that they had high hopes for hit the barrier, and just paused and disappeared out of thin air!

While everyone was stunned, the man in the hands of the Hell Dao spoke in a trance, "I have always respected the young pavilion master, and I don't think he is nt. The

voice fell.

The man's eyes were glazed, and thick strips appeared in his mouth.

It was the crystallization of his lying.

Seeing the crystal, King Yan Luo's huge mouth stretched out a slender red tongue like a small hand, pulled out the crystal plug and chewed it in his mouth.

"Haw, haw!" Losing

his crystal, the man's head tilted, his eyes turned black, and he fell asleep.

Hell Dao gripped the black rod and directly gave him a thorough coolness.

Develop good knife repair habits.

The Heavenly Dao behind him controlled gravity and sent the broken Beast Dao into King Yan Luo's mouth.

After chewing for a while.

A living animal was spit out, and she stretched out a black rod from her long sleeve and stared calmly at the opposite side like water.

"Resurrected! This is still a fart! Young Hall Master, let's retreat quickly

!" "Even the dead can be resurrected! Are these demon pupils not immortals?"

"I can see that each of these people has different abilities, and each of them is extremely buggy!" Many

disciples of the Extreme Dao Martial Arts Hall really retreated.

After all, seeing the person who had just been killed jumping alive again, this scene was too shocking.

Wu Cheng Tie Qing looked at the Paynes.

Before leaving, my father entrusted a treasure to himself for safekeeping, and hid it in the Na Ring.

Now retreat.

If I let my father know that the treasure has been taken, I am afraid that I will not be broken three legs.

However, looking at the many purple-eyed girls who gradually forced up, as well as the purple-eyed beasts, Wu Cheng also decided to retreat first.

At this time, among the members of the martial arts hall, a short man stood up, "Actually, we have been using the wrong tactics. Luo

Bing, who shared his hearing with Payne, listened and panicked yuppies

! Could it be that there was a reconnaissance-type talent among them and discovered the existence of his body!

Thus, the optimal solution is obtained.

"Tell me more!"

Wu Cheng excitedly held the short man's hand, seeing him as the last straw.

If I can't beat it, I really don't want to give up the treasure and retreat.

The short man yin laughed and said unhurriedly, "According to my observations, that defensive demon girl just now did not use defense, but absorbed spiritual energy.

"As long as we abandon long-range psionic attacks and use our numerical superiority to engage in hand-to-hand combat with them, these demon girls will definitely be captured alive." Hearing

this, Luo Bing in the distance pouted disdainfully.

Although under the battle of the same level, if you can gain the upper hand in physical skills, basically the six abilities other than the Heavenly Dao will be reduced in influence.

Of course, the exception is the Asura Dao that has not been unlocked, and the ability is output-type.

But if you can't win by physical skills, Payne's enemies will be killed by fancy torture.

Listening to the short man's words, Wu Cheng regained his confidence and pointed sharply at the Paynes in the distance, "Don't use offensive psionic energy, fight with them hand-to-hand!"

Tiandao raised a hand, and Wu Cheng was shocked in his heart! and

suddenly his body flew towards Tiandao uncontrollably.

"Ah!" a

scream resounded through the forest.

In the blink of an eye, the confident Wu Cheng's limbs were nailed to the tree by black rods.

Tiandao looked at Wu Cheng, who was close to tears, and said coldly, "If I hadn't had something to ask you, you would have been wasted."

After speaking, the five Payne flew into the pile like a tiger into a flock.

Under Payne's superb physical skills, all of them are not enemies.

Most people are pierced by black rods in the face.

The human road shuttles through the crowd, and when he raises his hand to touch it, he will pull out a person's soul, and the action will flow through the clouds.

After losing their souls, those people lost their vitality and fell to the ground with a bang.

People below the third order of Hui Jin didn't even have time to react.

Hell Dao, as a nanny, frantically preys on people, pinching his neck and asking unspeakable questions.

"What's your crush

?" "Have you ever thought about being some girl's dog?"


As long as you lie, you will be pumped away and crystallized, and a stick of vinegar will slip to death."

If you answer truthfully, it will be a reward for chocolate bars! If

any Payne is injured, hurry up and go to the mouth of King Yan Luo.

The Beast Dao took the opportunity to control some spirit beasts with black rods.

Make it live forever and work hard for Luo Bing.

The Evil Ghost Dao selects some opponents who are good at spiritual skills, and drains their spiritual energy when the physical technique crushes the opposite side for use by the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao is even more efficient, running directly to the place where the enemy is dense, a Shinra Heavenly Sign.

A large group of people were Zhenfei

! Directly the internal organs were shattered, blood spilled, and they died on the spot

! The five Payne spat fragrant fragrance while clearing the soldiers, "Sister flowers, right! Celebration banquet! Let's play a wave with many of you today!" The

people who were crushed by the combat power had long lost their morale, and their faces showed masks of pain.

I thought that these five sisters with purple eyes were just an improv show tonight, but I didn't expect them to be like killing gods.

Everywhere he went, he caused a ghost cry and howl, and

he wanted to escape, but he was instantly surrounded by a large number of purple-eyed beasts.

Within a few minutes, the disciples of the Extreme Dao Martial Arts Hall were killed and injured.

Those who are seriously injured and not yet dead will also be forced to sacrifice spirit beasts, squeeze out the surplus value, and be overtaken by a mercy soul stick.

Hiding in the grass, Hua Dai, who was injured in her calf, witnessed this bloody scene with her own eyes, and Hua Dai was frightened and shivered.

If she knew that these purple-eyed girls were so capable of fighting, she would not dare to provoke them even if she died.

The same door was slaughtered.

But fortunately, if you hide yourself, you should be able to avoid a disaster.

As soon as she felt a little lucky, Hua Dai's trembling delicate body floated to the side of the Heavenly Dao on her own.

"Don't you want my Gu Bird?"

there was a chill in Tiandao's tone.

When Hua Dai heard this, she quickly waved her hand, her face flattering, "No, no, such a good-looking spirit beast as a bird is still more worthy of a heavenly immortal like my sister."

Tiandao said coldly, "Less nonsense, hurry up and summon your remaining spirit beasts!"

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