What a thing

! Talk to Senior Sister

! If you really let Shiya talk nonsense, won't her image in Senior Sister Xuna's heart be completely finished!

Hearing this, Luo Bing was about to take the mobile phone back from Cheng Shiya's hands.

"Shiya, I have ample alibi!" "

What proof?" Cheng Shiya rubbed her red and swollen eyes with a look of anticipation.

She also didn't want Xiao Luo to be that kind of person.

Seeing Cheng Shiyaken listening to his explanation, Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief, "I went to the auction house to auction a few items.

"Tomorrow the shooting starts, you come with me, and you will see when the time comes."

"So it is. Seeing that Luo Bing was full of confidence, not like a fried beard, Cheng Shiya breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then she looked happy, "I know Xiao Luo, you are not this kind of person.


Lan, who was hiding in the bedroom and eavesdropping, poked his head out and said in a disappointed tone, "I thought you were going to help my brother explore the way, it turned out that you really went to a serious store."

"Of course, Xiao Luo is different from ordinary men like you.

Cheng Shiya proudly straightened her green chest.

Luo Bing glanced at Feng Lan with disdain, "Dirty, am I that kind of person? "

Seduction resistance is inherently inadequate.

After that, Luo Bing returned to the master bedroom and collapsed on the soft bed, "It's really exhausting to be misunderstood by you after a busy day."

Cheng Shiya immediately followed.

I saw her come to the bed with a guilty look and whispered softly, "Xiao Luo, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

"It's been a busy day, I'm tired." I'll press it for you.

Luo Bing glanced at her, "Are you serious?" "

Look what you said, I'm your brother, can I think differently about you?

After that, Cheng Shiya put her little white hand on Luo Bing's shoulder and gently squeezed it for him.

Feeling Cheng Shiya's service, Luo Bing hummed comfortably, "Not bad, the little hand can be pressed." Seeing

that Luo Bing was completely under her charm, and even praised her for the first time, Cheng Shiya smiled lightly.

"Comfortable, my mom often presses my dad like this."

However, this warm picture did not last long, and Cheng Shiya noticed something strange.

"Xiao Luo, why is there a fragrance around you?" Hearing

this, Luo Bing, who was falling into enjoyment, instantly sobered up.


of this, he explained in a weak heart, "I've always been like this." Cheng

Shiyaxiu's eyebrows tightened, "No, I often secretly smell the smell on your clothes, don't try to lie to me

!" "I'll go, you actually have this hobby!" Luo

Bing was startled, and quickly got up and hid in the corner of the bed.

And secretly decided in his heart that the clothes he changed in the future must be optimistic, otherwise he is likely to be targeted by Shiya.

"The source of the aroma seems to be on the face!" Cheng

Shiya tensed her pretty face, pressed step by step, and then took off Luo Bing's mask.

Sure enough, he also had that handsome face that made his spring heart ripple.

Sadly, two shallow lip prints are printed on each cheek.


know, Xiao Luo was forced, right, it was that woman who forced you." Cheng

Shiya held her pink and clear face hard, and tears kept rolling in the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, the soft momentum that erupted from her body, overcoming rigidity with softness, and even overwhelming a king-level powerhouse.

"It's okay, just say it, I won't mind." We are brothers, you have a new love, I bless you before it is too late.

Cheng Shiya forced a smile with a crying voice, and that gesture made Luo Bing very worried.

Seeing her like this, Luo Bing was even more unlikely to tell the truth.

He was afraid that he would wake up tomorrow and find a bloody head under the covers.

Think about it, and you have the taste of godfather.

"If you don't confess, I'll tell Master and Senior Sister!" Seeing

Luo Bing bowing his head and silent, Cheng Shiya was in tears and made the last move.

Luo Bing felt bad, and it seemed that he had to tell Shiya about that pure friendship.

After realizing it in his heart, Luo Bing was about to confess, only to hear a voice like heaven.

"That, ah, I printed it on the way to the Hidden Forest while Brother Luo was sleeping, it was just a prank.

"Sister Shiya, don't take it seriously.

Luo Bing and Cheng Shiya looked at the bedroom door together.

I saw Feng Lan holding the door frame with one hand and explaining with a dashing face.

Luo Bing was suddenly enthusiastic, really a good brother!

At the critical moment, turn the tide and help the building.

You are the best in the audience today!

"Is this really the case?" Cheng

Shiya looked at Feng Lan with questioning eyes.

Feng Lan was unhurried, took out a lipstick and handed it to Cheng Shiya, "I used this lipstick to commit the crime, and the color number and model brand are exactly the same."

"If you don't believe it, you can check it out.

Cheng Shiya took the lipstick and looked at it for a moment under the light.

Sure enough, there was no flaw, both the color and the smell were exactly the same as the lip prints on Luo Bing's face.

"My brotherhood with Xiao Luo for many years was almost destroyed by you

!" "The tools of the crime were confiscated!" Cheng

Shiya snorted and stuffed her lipstick into the ring.

Feng Lan saw that his heart was dripping blood, and this lipstick was a native product that he bought for his little girlfriend when he was shopping just now.

It is exactly the same as the lip print model on Luo Ge's face.

He thought of helping Luo Ge relieve the siege, but he didn't expect to put on a lipstick for nothing.

At this time, Luo Bing suddenly burst out and looked at Feng Lan angrily, "I knew you did it!"

After that, Luo Bing couldn't help but say, pulling Feng Lan to the second bedroom.

After locking the door, he looked at Feng Lan with a smile, "Good brother! "

What's the situation with the lip prints on your face?"

said Feng Lan with a frown.

Luo Bing is a person he regards as a brother-in-law, and if there is any style problem, he can't push it to his sister.

Although his sister bullied him since he was a child, he was a family after all.

I have always been broad-minded and do not think about her.

This time naturally will not pit sister.

Luo Bing saw that Feng Lan was very serious, so he said the matter.

"This is also too fake, I forcibly kissed you as soon as I met, why didn't I meet this kind of person?" After

thinking for a moment, Feng Lan stretched her brows, "Because it's too fake, it's real."

"After all, I live with my sister, as well as Sister Sina and Sister Shiya, the three goddesses, if you are really that kind of person, they would have been taken down long ago."

Luo Bing's eyebrows smiled, "Good analysis, reasonable, convincing, I am such a pure love little boy who is not close to women." Feng

Lan was anxious when she heard this, "It's not okay not to be close to a woman, you have to quickly take my sister down, lest she torture me every day."

Luo Bing shook his head firmly, "That's not okay, I'm still on a mission to save the world, how can I immerse myself in personal feelings." "

Sister Shiya, return the lipstick to me, that has nothing to do with me!" Seeing

that Luo Bing did not agree, Feng Lan pretended to rebel.

Luo Bing quickly covered his mouth, "Okay, okay, I promise you to go to Senior Sister, don't blame me if you don't succeed." Feng

Lan grinned, "It won't be unsuccessful, my sister is also LSP, I like to be handsome, Brother Luo, you can definitely win it."

Luo Bing sneered in his heart, when the time comes, he will not be able to rely on him.

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